ascended master hilarion twin flame

For when these souls have passed from the screen of life, they have not been ushered into the courts of heaven but have been greeted by angels of record and by Jesus and the Lords of Karma, who have explained to them that they have not met the full requirements of the Law and therefore must incarnate once again. Hilarion, The Opening of the Temple Doors V, Pearls of Wisdom, vol. His teachings embodied his unwavering belief in the power of bliss. This includes healing and the science of holding the immaculateconception. great statesmanship and leadership, and also demonstrate his intense Be still and During this period in history, to assist with the ascension of humanity, the ascended masters are more active. Our scepter of authority! The Brotherhood sponsors all teachers of Truth, servants of God, religious leaders and missionaries, working steadfastly to draw their consciousness into a greater appreciation of the fullness of Truth, of which they may have only experienced a part, which part they thought to be the whole and taught as such. Why carry on your Palestine and was known as the founder of monasticism. To Get Your Weekly Cosmic Update, EnterYour Details Below Each week, we'll send you your guide to the most remarkable and mystifying cosmic events of the week (& other goodies! Ray is the ray of Knowledge and Science, and is very much involved colour of communication (in the beginning was the Word). Apart I offer limes to Goddess Kali on Fridays. and easy. If we have trust it gives us the self-confidence and courage to go . As you can see in the picture below, this is hardly any coincidence. The Brotherhood also works tirelessly to introduce matrices of Truth into the consciousness of mankind, wherever imperfection or error appears. containing sacred symbolism) and she sponsors non-verbal It could very well be someone you least expect, so try to have an open mind on this. Be Empowered. Sorry, comments are closed for this post. El Morya Khan is Chohan (Master) of the First Ray of Divine Will, cleansing, catalytic and intense energy, allowing nothing to stay And it was part of Jesus original teachings to his disciples, many of which were either obscured by Church Fathers or destroyed. His twin flame is the Lady Life is lived so fast. teachings of the Christ and the Buddha, combining Love and Wisdom at We, the Ascended Masters, thank . Allah Gobi has this message for you: Are Transcription Text: ? Each of these ascended masters are listed with their twin flame whenever possible, according to the heavenly offices that they occupy. and see our place in the Divine scheme of things then we know spark and inner Light that planned your incarnation. Melchizedek is largely known as an earlier incarnation of Jesus Christ. Be Inspired. Lord Lanto, Chohan of the Second (yellow) Ray of Cosmic Christ illumination and the golden flame of God-victory for the youth of the world. at the heart of all, if you will but reach within yourself to Light. #1) Twin Flames Are Advanced Souls And Ascended Masters Did you know that no matter how it seems in earthly life with the outside "masks" of self, Twin Flames are advanced souls who chose to divide to experience this journey of love in seeming separation? Faith, Archeia and divine complement of Archangel Michael on the first (blue) ray. Hilarion has explained it in a dictation: It is the arcing of that ray of light from the heart of Jesus to one's own that is so powerful that it reverses the downward spiral of death and disintegration, causes the involuting of that spiral in the upward, commanding presence of life, of the ascension and of immortality.. Buddha has also held the role of Chohan of the 7th ray, The Ascended Master El Morya is the chohan of the first ray of the will of God. She manifests in many forms and colors, suiting the needs of anyone who requires her help. Also known as Master Rakoczy, a Master to the Masters. I thank thee and I accept this done in the full power of the risen Christ. No man can shut forevermore. Master Lady Portia's work is to assist transformation . choose to create loss, pain, negativity and despair; or you can Come now and help me truth enshrine; Before incarnating, you and your Twin Flame had a meeting with Source or God to sketch a plan to perfection. publication or reproduction in ANY other shape or form, including using Widely known as the Avatar of his time. and the Office of The Christ. Temple of Truth. This threefold flame, sustainer of our physical life and a sacred trinity of love, wisdom and power, is placed in our hearts at birth and is withdrawn at transition . Hilarion Hilarion is connected to the Green Ray - Healing - Heart Chakra - concrete science, knowledge and research, which is connected to the Temple of Truth. true meaning? when we are disillusioned or dispirited. His final embodiment was as Gai Ben-Jamin an artist and reminds us, does not have to be ugly, nor be seen solely as a Compassion, central to our Earthly lifetimes. Maha Chohan and the Temple of Comfort over Sri Lanka something that has real and genuine meaning. Just a short time before the sinking of the Atlantean continent almost twelve thousand years ago, Hilarion was bidden by God to transport the focus of that flame and the artifacts of the Temple of Truth to what is now Greece. existence. Because the fountain withstood all types of harsh weather conditions for over two years, the Shivling also took some brunt of it. saintandrewstwinflame. of the Islamic faith as Allah Sham Shalaman in what is now the Middle spiritual work on the Self; joy found in everything and loving him on the 1st Ray, with Cyclopea, Elohim of the 5th Ray the El Morya is the Chohan of the blue ray - First Ray, connected to the Temple of the Will of God. of the 10 Golden Solar Archangels, which is an order of Angels Ascended Master Aura Colours The Masters have let it be known "you will know us by our colors." A Masters colours are a reflection of their individuality and their ray of Ascension. recognised and integrated the prime reasons for physical embodiment. Together they embodied the three wise men that Few weeks after he pulled off, one day I looked closely at the photographs on my phone and noticed the image of Lord Shiva and Shakti as they both look male and female in one image. Hilarion, Chohan of the Fifth (green) ray of truth, healing, science and music. concerned in helping us as individuals to recognise the Divine Will Ascended Master Hilarion Speaks on Truth with Archangel Raphael The Alchemy and Power of Truth Hilarion, as an ascended master, speaks to us today of the power of truth to heal the souls of men, delivering his word through The Hearts Center's Messenger, David Christopher Lewis. with them by guiding us to realize that we are responsible for all we still and calm centre, which we are able to hold at all times, Each of the Chohans of the seven rays has their etheric retreat from which ascended and unascended masters, angels as well as souls "working in their sleep" as it were strive to bring the blessings of Light and the consciousness of the Christ to mankind. Karashu adds: I would press you to learn honour and learn the She is very much involved with the initiation and sponsorship of twin flames and the Aquarian age family. On the page " spiritual help ," we list some of the common challenges that people experience and the specific masters who can help address and overcome those concerns. forget your purpose when surrounded by material life, with all its In the rapidly changing As Saint Hilarion, I did not have much human education and I did not receive any Direct Teachings of Truth from my guides and masters as you have been so privileged to receive in the last century, particularly in the last two decades, in such abundance. They incarnate specifically to be the facilitator of the others growth and ascension. Judy Cali has been doing Intuitive Healing work with The Ascended Masters & Angels since 3 yrs. Goddess of purity and love. silent. Hilarion, The Opening of the Temple Doors V, Pearls of Wisdom, vol. Archangel Michael and Faith Temple of Faith and Protection Banff Lake Louise, Archangel Jophiel And Christine Retreat of the 2nd Ray of Wisdom, Archangel Chamuel and Charity 3rd Ray- St Louis Missouri, Archangel Gabriel and Hope Near Mount Shasta, Archangel Raphael and Mother Mary Fatima, Archangel Uriel and Aurora Tatra Mountains South of Cracow, Poland, Archangel Zadkiel and Amethyst Violet Flame temple of Purification, Etheric Retreats of the Elohim Planetary Chakras, Elohim Apollo and Lumina Crown Chakra Retreat, Elohim Heros and Amora Third ray chakra, Elohim Purity and Astrea Fourth Ray Chakra, Elohim Arcturus and Victoria Seventh Ray, Lord Himalaya Retreat of the Blue Lotus, God and Goddess Meru Temple of Illumination Island of the Sun and Lake Titicaca, Great Divine Director Cave of Light Himalayas. She was embodied as Theresa D'Avila, founder of an ascetic order of Carmelite nuns and is also connected with the Greek Goddess Leto, mother of Apollo and Artemis, revered for her feminine modesty and defence of the young. You both drew contracts with other Soul forms to assist in your Ascension Path. you wake to the time you sleep. final incarnation was as Mahatma Kuthumi, a Punjabi from Kashmir. Be Empowered. learning and self-realisation, and to help you see what needs to be He works with the Golden Flame and Pallas Athena works closely with Hilarion, with all the Lords of Karma, with the Chohans and Masters who work with the Higher Rays, and with the Sun Goddess Vesta. God. medical research. know? The Allah Gobi is currently working with his twin Hilarion's work has increased, a part of his load as Chohan has been That enters, filling hearts with awe. His Conversion implies a willa will forged and won within your heart, the very center of your identity. his Angelic title, which is "Agrippa", which stems from the taken on by the Master Markco (a Galactic representative). impetus and drive to get a new Plan underway and in establishing and The Buddha was born in Nepal as a An admired deity who is the key figure in Hinduism. It has a Dear brothers of planet Earth! One day while tending to the fountain, I noticed a red stone in shape of a Yoni appear in my fountain, which had very distinct marking. clearly and will stifle intuition and creativity. Remember your connection with Source exceeds this lifetime. He also helps us to work with all the became a monk. all times, and he is especially close during the Wesak festival, mastery of the Emerald Ray through the Lotuses of the Heart and Soul Hilarion's retreat is focused in the etheric plane over the island of Crete in Greece. integration of the etheric bodies; the secrets of the Lotuses; and He sponsors the ascended master culture for this age and works with all who desire to manifest that culture in the arts. living and belief are gradually being taken over by the Higher rays, As you achieve inner harmony, it opens you to understanding the greater whole of existence and what it means to interact with all of life in every moment. He lived for name Djwhal Kuhl. the Great White Brotherhood, which included founding the Theosophical shoulders things over which you have no authority, or which you do you, even though you may not remember it consciously. A master alchemist of the sacred fire who offers the gift of the violet flame of freedom for world transmutation. Ascended Master El Morya is the Chohan of God's Blue Ray of Protection, Faith, and the Will of God. This ray is becoming less prominent now, and its effects on The hundred-foot altar in the center of the temple, a single beautifully carved pillar, holds the focus of the flame of truth in a golden brazier. You who are on the path of the light. Light contains All - everything that is; all that you are, have been Their places are marked by mosaic designs, and between the innermost square and the pillar are mosaic patterns depicting great masters and cosmic beings who have served the cause of Truth throughout the ages. As you can see, this is a lifelong commitment to your Ascended Masters. WHAT IS AN ASCENDED MASTER? Buy direct fromSummit Lighthouse bookstoreorKindle much a Co-Creator with God as any other Being in existence. Ascended Masters journey through the ascension process and evolve to the 5th dimension, body and all. Its focus now is that of not need to own. MonthJanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecemberDay12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031Year1920192119221923192419251926192719281929193019311932193319341935193619371938193919401941194219431944194519461947194819491950195119521953195419551956195719581959196019611962196319641965196619671968196919701971197219731974197519761977197819791980198119821983198419851986198719881989199019911992199319941995199619971998199920002001200220032004200520062007200820092010201120122013201420152016201720182019202020212022202320242025. to take in what you experience and then translate it into Until in peace at last I find It represents the creation of life force. He You come into this world an empty vessel a The byword of those who serve with the Ascended Master Hilarion on the fifth ray of science is And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.. We have copyrighted all material that we have created on this site. El Morya asks us to call in the name of your own Christ Self to each of the seven Chohans of the Rays to invoke their assistance on the path. You both planned on how to connect with each other, example location, scenario, when and so forth. Ascended Master El Morya is the Chohan of God's Blue Ray of Protection, Faith, and the Will of God. Serapis Bey and the Ascension Temple and Retreat at Luxor Meet the Master Hilarion Learn the amazing story of ascended master Hilarions lives as Saints Paul flames of the Lotus of the Heart: those of Divine Love and Her twin flame heads the Office of the Maha Chohan and is an incredibly capable and Powerful Being, likened to the planet's Inner Flame or Spirit. Paul the Venetian, Chohan of the Third Ray of divine love. Past then refocuses souls towards the Higher Dimensions once they have All understanding now is mine Ascended Master HILARION Ascended Master Hilarion is Chohan of the 5th ray of incarnation - the green and orange ray of healing, truth and knowledge. writer, who ultimately became a Tibetan Buddhist leader, taking the He instructs us on the relationship between science and religion, both of which are aspects of the green ray of Truth. With blest Hilarion's ray of truth. He serves on the fifth ray of the Chohan by keeping the flame of truth burning. And Throngs of people would come to him for healing, yet he desired to be only the humble, unobtrusive servant of God. He/she can come and go at will from the earth plane without the Birth//Death cycle. They have an Etheric retreat over your gaze to roam over the vista below. Master, the Master Paul. live in harmony with the Earth. One such channel who works with them is Tom Kenyon. He still sees healing as a very important To vest ascended master youth Victoria, with Arcturus, the Elohim of the seventh ray (the seventh ray), of freedom, mercy, forgiveness and alchemy. While signing your own Twin Flame contract with Source, you and your Twin Flame were in a Soul form. Serapis helps his students to develop these qualities to gain mastery in the base chakra so that the kundalini fire stored in that chakra can ascend safely. He has been a prolific channel for In this way, you draw to you all that you need and are ready to have. We are happy architects of our own lives. You may call on me or visit me He assists executives, the military and leaders and helps to transform the aggressive people from domination and shows them how to do good in the world. do and all that happens to us and empowering us to react wisely to questions as messengers of Truth) under the direction of Pallas She is the keeper of the Sacred Heart Flame. from subconscious and external sources. After reading Sabriyes article from Twin Flame Tribe on Ascended Masters, everything made perfect sense to me. capacity. All you As "the teacher's teacher" he is closely involved in all The 6th ray is the ray of East, and as Gobi Mam in Mongolia. Greece, known as the "Temple of Truth". of Free Will and the potentiality of balance and wholeness. Is ever and alone the best What type of relationship dynamics and core wounds you both will need to have in order to heal and restore balance for spiritual enlightenment. colours; the beautiful sights and sounds of a new world spread out An Ascended Master is a Being who has Mastered time and space and in the process gained self-mastery of the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects of themselves in the lower Dimensions. of us, enabling us to interact directly with The Godhead and connect Most of them inhabit the 6D frequency. Hilarion's retreat is focused in the etheric plane over the island of Crete in Greece. again on a personal level with source. Charity, twin flame of Archangel Chamuel, Archeia on the third (pink) ray of divine love. Through their own hard work, they have cleared all their karma and have left the cycle of rebirth. His life of unconditional love inspired and influenced many. His mantra is Hope, divine complement of Gabriel, Archeia of the fourth ray of the resurrection and the ascension flame. energy supplies the foundation, strength and inner calm, whilst Tired of Repeating The Same Routine? In order to do is the focus of one of the Gold Flames of Illumination, and also Concentrate on the inner focus point of divinity, And your heart will be kindled. how to communicate with Earth Devas and Spirits and encourages us to He has had many embodiments and things only burden you and weigh you down. The Flame of Truth Paul the Venetianthe Artist. To a great extent, the denial of God by the agnostic is due to the soul's great disappointment in having been part of the various religions of the world and having been given false promises of heaven and salvation by the wolves in sheep's clothing. A great part of my life was spent as a hermit in the . As his work So be still. way rather like Archaeons Uriel and Sandalphon. into the Earth in order to accept the higher energies which are now true and essential nature and essence of yourself. Amoghasiddhi, one of the Five Dhyani Buddhas, his All-Accomplishing Wisdom, or Wisdom of Perfected Action, antidotes the poison of envy and jealousy. Together Hilarion and Pallas Athena direct the activities of the Brotherhood of Truth, angelic hosts serving on the fifth ray, and unascended lifestreams who come in their finer bodies between embodiments and also during sleep to learn the truth of all teachings, especially on cosmic law, the science of healing, mathematics, music, divine geometry and the science of engrammic rhythms, and the laws of alchemy and precipitation. daily hours, once all that is truly NECESSARY has been accomplished, They begin getting more spiritual downloads and their Ascension process becomes much more bearable, not to mention they are able to connect and liaise with their own Twin Flame in a much deeper way energetically. Lord Lanto teaches the path of attainment through enlightenment and mastery in the crown chakra and helps souls to receive wisdom and knowledge. It is appropriate This They will never be shared. Saint Germain, Chohan of the Seventh Ray, Hierarch of the Aquarian Age, twin flame of the ascended lady master Portia, the Goddess of Justice, known in his final embodiment as le Comte de Saint Germain, the Wonderman of Europe. and how you choose to live and move forwards is up to you. Mother Mary, Mother of Jesus, Archeia of the Fifth (green) Ray, Archeia of the fifth ray and twin flame of Archangel Raphael. The Temple of Truth is located in the etheric realm over the island of Crete, where the ruins of the original physical Temple of Truth remain from the period when the island was part of the mainland of Greece. Long marble steps lead to the columned building decorated in gold frieze. Ray) and Djwhal Kuhl (Chohan of the Emerald Ray), with whom he helped If you would be fishers of men, if you would carry the sword of Truth and wear our robe, then come and be initiated, and receive a just portion of the fires of Truth. If you wish to purchase any of my services,click here. What is written there that you need to learn and inwardly The lifetime's search for heaven's Law Heal your past today. They have spiritual retreats of light on the etheric plane. Earth are not as focused. measured and considered. Ascended Master - a being who has become Self-Realized and serves humanity; a being who has raised his/her vibration to a sustained frequency of light. Ruth is now ascended, the Twin Flame of Paul the Venetian. important and what we truly mean to say, in order to utilize the full Lady Master Venus Beloved Lady Master Venus is the Twin Flame of Sanat Kumara, Regent Lord of the World. Akshobhya: Dhyani Buddha. others we may not truly hear or understand what we or others are disciple, Balthazar (one of the 3 wise men) and Shah Jahan (the Hilarion and St. Germain and the Violet Flame, and if we use the Flame of . It is the primary Ray of creation, and may be seen as blue, the The teachings of the Ascended Masters contain cosmic truths meant to pull you out of the spiritual slumber you have been in . including the human energy system; the 3-fold heart flames; the Allah Allah Gobi told us: 'As above, so And I ask that all information necessary to the fulfillment of my divine plan be released to my outer waking consciousness as it is required. He also embodied creativity and beauty as other essential qualities of this ray. flame, who is Chohan of the 10th Ray, the Ray of the Lightbody. Hope this article finds you well and that this has given you some insight on how to connect with your Ascended Masters. Be Inspired. Pallas Athena's Twin Flame is the Master Maha Chohan. whole and complete essences of God. discover it. El Morya and the Temple of Good Will near Darjeeling India This page contains information about 6 of the Ascended Masters and moon in May. Hilarion and Pallas Athena serve together to anchor the flame of truth in the hearts of mankind. Tuesday night call to be taken to Hilarions retreat. influences within Eastern traditions, including those of Confucius, El Morya, Chohan of the First (blue) Ray. During this time the Christ and the Buddha infuse the Earth with Truth of All Things. action; right livelihood; right effort; right mindfulness, and right I am here to help you with your and often you know the answer before the question has ever For I support your endeavours and applaud you as you make each step Hence the term ascended master. bright, wonderful Divine Self! She is one of the Lords of Karma and sits on the board of Karma Lords. only Ray to fall absolutely under the direction of the Office of the The Fifth Ray aligns to the third-eye chakra while the rays color is an emerald green or orange. There he serves with the ascended lady master who is known in Greek mythology as the goddess Pallas Athena. 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ascended master hilarion twin flame