ethnicity and crime statistics uk 2020

Over the last 5 years, there has been a decrease in the proportion of stop and searches conducted on Black individuals in London, from 36% in 2016/17 to 32% in 2020/21. The publication aims to help practitioners, policy makers, academics and members of the public understand outcomes and trends for different ethnic groups in the CJS in England and Wales. Figure 7.06: Adult reoffending rate by age group and ethnicity, April 2018 to March 2019 offender cohort, England and Wales. It is important to note when looking at more detailed offences that the Chinese or Other ethnic group accounted for only 2% of all prosecutions and convictions in 2020, therefore small changes in offending can lead to artificially high apparent increases/decreases in associated rates and percentages. Crime rate in England and Wales 2021/22, by police force area . Black suspects had the highest proportion of arrests that resulted from stop and search, accounting for 23% of total arrests, which has increased from 17% in 2016/17. Functionalist. White prisoners reported more positive relationships with staff, with 80% reporting feeling that they were treated with respect by staff, in comparison to 63% of prisoners from Mixed ethnic groups. there were 697,405 stop and searches in England and Wales between April 2020 and March 2021, a rate of 12.4 per 1,000 people. 1037 1037 0 1243-206. The location in which a homicide was committed showed marked differences between ethnic groups. London showed a markedly different pattern than the rest of England and Wales. Between 2017/18 and 2019/20, almost half (49%) of homicide victims aged 15 to 17 and 37% of victims aged 18 to 20 were from the Black ethnic group. Concordance rates for all PSR figures can be found in the defendants tables (5.14b)[footnote 41]. Of all offenders sentenced in 2020, the most common outcome was a fine, at 38%. You can change your cookie settings at any time. The most common sentencing outcome across all ethnic groups for sexual offences was immediate custody. Therefore, users should be careful when comparing cohort 2015/16 and earlier to subsequent annual figures. Criminal legal aid consists of legal advice and representation provided to people being investigated or charged with a criminal offence. In this section, all analysis looks at those in the matched offender cohort who were eligible for Free School Meals (FSM) and/or had Special Education Needs (SEN), at any point during KS4. The greatest difference was observed in the Asian ethnic group, where controlling for offence mix resulted in a 19% decrease in ACSL, from 28.6 to 23.1 months. Figure 8.02: Comparison of custody rates before and after controlling for offence mix, all indictable offences, 2020, England and Wales. Where young offenders received a custodial sentence, the proportion of White offenders persistently absent was significantly higher than the proportion of Black offenders, both for custody for 12 months or less (by 7pp) and for more than 12 months (by 11pp). When ethnicity is self-reported, it is based on five broad categories: White, Black, Asian, Mixed and Chinese or Other. In line with previous years, Black defendants continued to serve a greater proportion of their original determinate sentence in custody (67% in 2020) when compared with Mixed (66%) White (60%), Asian (58%) and prisoners from Other ethnic groups (58%). The proportion of male homicides was highest in the Black ethnic group (89%), followed by the Other ethnic group (77%), and the Asian ethnic group (68%). It investigates the differences between ethnic groups[footnote 81] for these offences, and whether this picture has changed over time. Similarly, a higher proportion of Black young offenders (83%) had been recorded as being suspended, compared to White (79%), Asian (74%) and Other (74%) offenders[footnote 80]. Lower GPRs of defendants from minority ethnic groups will likely be related to the higher proportion deciding to elect to be tried by a jury at Crown Court. The ACSL for Asian children was 20.6 months, 18.2 months for Black children and 18 months for Chinese or Other children. , All groups defined by officer-identified ethnicity classification see Appendix I. Across the past 5 years, White defendants have consistently had the highest guilty plea rate, at 79% in 2020, compared to Black defendants at 66%. As reported in other research, the young people used ideas about origin, race and ethnicity in loose and shifting ways (Back; Butcher). The Crime and Safety Surveys in Australia and Crime Victimisation Surveys conducted overseas consistently show that a . Of all children sentenced to immediate custody in the last 5 years, White children had the shortest ACSL at 16.8 months and Mixed children had the longest ACSL at 21.1 months. This trend has remained relatively stable over the past 5 years, with the Black ethnic group consistently having the highest proportion of defendants electing themselves to be heard at Crown Court. In the year ending March 2021, there were 5,777 oral parole board hearings where ethnicity was recorded[footnote 55]. This chapter provides statistics relating to offenders in custody or under supervision in the community. Unfortunately, we do not hold data on offences . On the basis of self-report studies, Graham and Bowling (1995) concluded that people from certain ethnic backgrounds like Black (43%) and White (44%) had similar crime rates, whereas others like Asians had comparatively lower crime rates - Indians (30%), Pakistanis (28%), and Bangladeshis (13%). Similar proportions were seen across ethnic groups, ranging from 72% for Black defendants to 78% for White defendants. Figure 5.06: Relative Rate Index (RRI): The custodial sentencing rate for defendants expressed as a proportion of the of the overall sentencing rate for all defendants sentenced for indictable offences, 2016 to 2020, England and Wales. But, initially, a central strand in this debate concerned whether street gangs actually existed at all. And I must say this is a thoroughly depressing trend, as the last time I updated this it was '6 times' more likely, so the disproportion in stop . Larger proportions of defendants from Black, Asian and Chinese or Other ethnic groups who were remanded in custody were acquitted or not tried (ranging from 13% to 15%) compared with defendants of White and Mixed ethnicities (9% and 10% respectively). In 2020, 41% of drug offence prosecutions of Black defendants were for possession of a Class B drug (cannabis). The equivalent proportion for White defendants was 27%. This is a key statistics relevant to the A-level Sociology crime and deviance module. This has remained relatively stable across the past 5 years and across ethnic groups. Conversely, higher proportions of clients from ethnic minority groups received representation for indictable trials at 30% for Asian, 36% for Black and 36% for Mixed compared to 27% for White. A fine was the most common outcome for all ethnic groups, except for the Chinese or Other group, where immediate custody was higher. 2,574 White, 355 Black, 296 Asian, 226 Mixed and 107 prisoners from Other ethnic groups completed the questionnaires. Educational attainment of those sentenced to custody was lower than the attainment of all young offenders. When defendants appear in court, they have the right to either speak for themselves, or to be represented and to have someone with legal expertise speak on their behalf. Police officers have the power to stop and search individuals under different pieces of legislation. and . In 2020, Black and Mixed ethnic groups were particularly overrepresented in the proportion of prosecutions for possession of weapons offences, this has remained largely unchanged from 2016. The reoffending rate was highest for children across all ethnic groups compared to adults. Well send you a link to a feedback form. Although it is impossible to make it perfectly consistent, this will reduce the differences in types of offending and enable a more comparable comparison across groups. * Production, supply, intent to supply (Class B). As such, the homicide data in this chapter will not be related to population numbers[footnote 16]. They are awarded National Statistics status following an assessment by the Authoritys regulatory arm. Email:, Alternative formats are available on request from, Population estimates for 2016 as provided in data accompanying the Research report on population estimates by ethnic group and religion. there were 646,292 arrests between April 2020 and March 2021 - over 30,000 fewer than the previous year. Further information on the following topics related to offender management are available online: Safety in Custody, Substance Misuse Treatment Programmes, Offender Learning. The ethnic group question from the 2001 Census. The overall custody rate for drug offences has increased from 21% in 2016 to 25% in 2020. Almost three quarters (1,405 or 72%) of all homicide victims (where ethnicity was known) over the three-year period were from the White ethnic group. The arrest rate in England and Wales for white people was nine arrests per 1,000 people in the reporting year 2021/22 while black people . Most of the racism in America has been between the whites against the blacks and . The proportion of offender reoffending by age was highest for those aged 18 to 20 for Black, Asian and Other offenders. Controlling for offence mix between ethnic groups also impacted on custody rates. Whilst the reoffending rate for Black offenders was highest, White reoffenders had the highest average number of reoffences per reoffender at 4.1 reoffences. This chapter reports on the trends in the composition of staff and practitioners throughout the CJS by ethnicity [footnote 90]. , The custody rate is the proportion of all offenders sentenced to immediate custody, out of all offenders sentenced. Where ethnicity is known[footnote 23], the total number of stop and searches increased between 2017/18 (266,000) and 2020/21 (557,000). Between 2018 and 2021, the homicide rate for people of the black ethnic group was 50.5 homicides per million population in England and Wales, far higher than . The latest release is ' Statistics on Race and the Criminal Justice System 2020 '. Within ethnic groups, Black defendants had the largest proportion of prosecutions for this offence in each of the past 5 years. Find information about the experiences and outcomes of people from a variety of ethnic backgrounds. The arrest rate for all ethnic groups decreased over this period, each within the range of 4 percentage points (pp) in 2020/21 (10 to 14%). Other sources in this chapter include Criminal Courts Statistics and Legal Aid Statistics. Black males accounted for 12% of all male prosecutions, compared to Black females, accounting for 7% of all female prosecutions. Time spent at court increased in 2020 from previous years for all ethnic groups and offences, due to restrictions in response to COVID-19[footnote 47]. The statistics reported in this bulletin are primarily National Statistics[footnote 7], as drawn from either other published National Statistics bulletins or the data underpinning them. Custody rates have largely converged across ethnic groups between 2016 and 2019. We also use cookies set by other sites to help us deliver content from their services. In 2020, children from the Black ethnic group had a higher proportion of defendants remanded in custody at Crown Court, at 55%, compared to children from the White ethnic group (45%). The total number of all arrests (where ethnicity is known) decreased by 21% between 2016/17 and 2020/21; this decrease was relatively consistent across most ethnic groups. You have a 1 in 60.4 chance of being the victim of a violent crime in Cleveland each year. , Data for stop and searches is published by Home Office in Stop and search open data tables, Stop and searches under s60 Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994 accounted for approximately 1% of all stop and searches (s1 and s60) in the latest year. The most recent figures in this publication show the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on criminal court prosecutions and outcomes following guidance and restrictions since March 2020. Unfortunately, we do not hold police recorded crime figures on robbery or offences involving a knife or sharp instrument, by ethnic group. Other young offenders had the lowest proportion recorded as persistently absent at 66%. The largest difference was observed in the Black ethnic group, which saw a 3 percentage point difference between custody rate and controlled custody rate, at 33% and 36% respectively. These proportions have remained relatively stable when compared to 2018. In 2020/21, White suspects accounted for 76% of arrests, 10% were for Black suspects, 8% were for Asian suspects, 4% were for Mixed ethnicity suspects and 2% were for Other ethnicity suspects. In 2020, the custody rate was highest for the Chinese or Other ethnic group, at 64% and lowest for the Mixed ethnic group at 48%. ethnicity and crime statistics uk 2020trees that grow well in clay soil texas. the young, the poor and ethnic minorities) show up more often in these statistics. In 2020, 37% of all defendants prosecuted for sexual offences at Crown Court were remanded in custody . The level of crime in Scotland has fallen in recent years with 246,516 crimes recorded by the police in 2019/20. The CSEW is a large nationally representative survey that asks people about their experience as a victim of a crime in the previous 12 months. Drug offences vary both in nature and severity. , For 2014/15, following SEN reforms, SEN pupils are categorised as SEN with a statement or Education, health and care (EHC) plan and SEN support. This number does not include offences such as speeding. In 2020/21, 20% of all arrests (where ethnicity is known) were made in London[footnote 34]. The latest figures on Police Stop and Search show that black people are now nine times more likely than white people to be stopped and searched by the police.. Asian and Chinese or Other[footnote 65] offenders had a higher proportion of first-time offenders at 23% and 35% respectively, compared to White and Black offenders at 16% and 14% respectively[footnote 66]. In 2020, the custody rate for possession of weapons offences was highest for Black and Mixed offenders at 38%, the custody rate for White offenders was 36%, and 29% for both Asian and Chinese or Other offenders. The largest proportionate decrease was seen in the White and Black ethnic groups (-18% and -17% respectively). To avoid inconsistency in the length of their offending histories, for those with an academic year of 2008/09 their offending data has been considered up to 31 August 2016 and for those with an academic year of 2009/10 it has been considered up to 31 August 2017. The ACSL was longest for Chinese or Other offenders at 14.7 months, followed by Black at 13.7 months, Mixed 13.2 months, Asian 12.1 months and White 10.6 months. The Asian ethnic group had a higher proportion of homicides where the principal suspect was a family member (17%) or partner/ex-partner (22%), compared to all other ethnic groups. 1 Because of rounding, the percentages may not add to 100.0.; 2 The ethnicity totals are representative of those agencies that provided ethnicity breakdowns. Sharp and Budd (2005) noted that the 2003 offending, crime and justice survey of 12,000 people found that whites and mixed ethnicity were more . Outcomes for minority ethnic children are often more pronounced than White children at various points of the CJS. Of the 63,100 offenders supervised on post release licence in 2020[footnote 61], the proportions across ethnic groups remained in line with that of the previous 5 years, 76% were White, 11% Black, 7% Asian, 4% Mixed and 2% Chinese or Other ethnicities. Flexible payment options include Deferred Payments, Ramped Payments, and Equal Monthly or Quarterly . Of offenders receiving either type of order, 84% were White, 6% Black, 5% Asian, 3% Mixed ethnic groups and 1% Chinese or Other ethnic groups. Differences in outcomes between ethnic groups over time present a mixed picture, with disparity decreasing in some areas and widening in others. , See technical guide for information relating to parole board. * Possession (Class B, cannabis) In previous publications we have made comparisons to the population using 2011 Census data. , Where ethnicity and protected characteristic was known, not controlling for offence mix. Despite this, only 49% of prisoners from Mixed ethnic groups felt that they had been kept safe from the virus, in comparison to 65% of White prisoners. This chapter explores the nature, extent and risks of victims, in relation to ethnicity, from the Crime Survey for England and Wales (CSEW) year ending March 2020 and the Home Office Homicide Index[footnote 8]. This has been avoided where possible in order to provide the most recent data. , The Police National Computer has a 6+1 ethnicity classification. Being suspended can involve a part of the school day and it does not have to be for a continuous period. In 2020, 45% of all defendants prosecuted for drug offences at Crown Court were remanded in custody . Where changes to data systems or data quality issues do not allow for this, trends have been presented for the longest periods possible. Across all ethnic groups, the majority of defendants dealt with at Crown Court are represented at their first hearing, ranging from 91% to 94% across ethnic groups in 2020. In the latest year, the Other ethnicity for children had the highest average number of reoffences per reoffender at 4.5, followed by White (4.1), Black (3.5), and Asian (3.4) average number of reoffences. However, for White suspects, the proportion of arrests for drug offences (10%), was exceeded by the proportion of arrests for theft offences (14%). When ethnicity is officer identified[footnote 3], it has four broad ethnicity categories: White, Black, Asian and Other[footnote 4]. The proportion of Black and Asian young offenders, sentenced to custody, achieving any pass at GCSE or 5 GCSEs A*-G was significantly higher than the proportion of White young offenders. A greater number of children in prison were from minority ethnic groups. The following offence groups will be of particular focus: As noted in the introduction, comparisons across ethnic groups do not account for previous offending history, detailed offence mix and other offender characteristics and that should be considered when interpreting results in this section. In 2020/21, 77% of stop and searches conducted on individuals from the Asian ethnic group were for drugs, compared to 67 to 68% of all other ethnic groups. theories are . , A SEN statement is a document which sets out a childs SEN and any additional help that the child should receive. * Production, supply, intent to supply (Class A) In 2020, 59% of Asian child offenders had no previous offender history, compared to 50% for White, 47% for Black and 57% for Chinese or Other children. According to the most recent data available, the crime rate in England and Wales in the year ending March 2022 was 46,077 offenses per 100,000 people, which is 4% higher than the year ending March 2020. Tue 30 Jun 2020 19.01 EDT Last modified on Wed 1 Jul 2020 12.15 EDT. The proportion of young offenders persistently absent was higher for White, Black and Asian ethnic groups receiving a custodial sentence compared to the total sentenced/ convicted. In 2020/21, 43% of all stop and searches (where ethnicity is known) were conducted in London and involved higher proportions of persons searched from minority ethnic groups when compared to the rest of England and Wales (Figure 4.02). Having a SEN statement may indicate a higher level of need. , Ethnicity was known in 99.7% of oral parole board hearings in the year ending March 2021. Give detailed and full explanations as to why the revisions were necessary. Individuals from the Black ethnic group were proportionally less likely to be sentenced to immediate custody in 2020. In 2020/21, 43% of all stop and searches (where ethnicity is known) were conducted in London, involving a higher proportion of persons from minority ethnic groups when compared to the rest of England and Wales. This analysis compares the police identified ethnicity in the matched young offender cohort by total sentence/cautioned and those sentenced to custody (12 months or less and more than 12 months). Thank you for your request. All official statistics should comply with all aspects of the Code of Practice for Statistics. That compares to a 1 in 323.9 chance statewide. The average number of assailants was 1.29 and did not vary significantly by the victims' race or ethnicity. For the majority of the report, no controls have been applied for other characteristics of ethnic groups (such as average income, geography, offence mix or offender history), so it is not possible to determine what proportion of differences identified in this report are directly attributable to ethnicity. A technical document titled A Guide to Statistics on Ethnicity and the Criminal Justice System is available alongside this report, which provides users with information on the concepts and terminology used within the report, as well as information about data sources, data quality and references. Ethnic minority groups were more likely to be remanded in custody at Crown Court in comparison to White defendants. Office for National Statistics (UK), Number of homicides in England and Wales from 2009/10 to 2020/21 ethnic appearance of victim . , A determinate sentence is for a fixed period of time, and differs from indeterminate sentences that have a minimum fixed period, known as a tariff, that must be served before release is considered by the parole board. This may partly reflect the different distributions of ethnic groups in the population in different locations, as London is more ethnically diverse than England and Wales as a whole. Figure 6.01: Number and proportion of prisoners in England and Wales, 2016 to 2020, by ethnicity, Figure 6.02: Proportion of prisoners by ethnicity and age group, England and Wales, 30th June, 2020. Around 34% of all Black homicide victims were aged between 15 and 20. The Gangs Debate. 87% of people in the UK are White, and 13% belong to a Black, Asian, Mixed or Other ethnic group (2011 Census data). Racism and ethnicity are one of the social evils that pose a big danger to the society. The defendant can be directed to appear in court or remanded on bail or in custody. These data tables, which use the standard National Statistics harmonised ethnicity classification (based on the 2011 Census), are published annually and the latest release is available on the ONS website . Our policy in handling revisions is to be transparent with users about: How and when to expect revisions as part of our standard processes. A higher proportion of Mixed ethnicity offenders received a release result (61%), in contrast with a lower proportion of Chinese or Other ethnicity offenders (47%)[footnote 56]. Asian individuals had the highest proportion of fines given, at 23%, in comparison to White individuals (16%). . When offence mix was controlled for, a decrease in ACSL was seen for all ethnic groups, closer to that of the White ethnic group. , Includes City of London and Metropolitan Police forces. In 2020, the custody rate was relatively stable across ethnic groups, between 24 and 26%. In 2020, 76% of crime lower legal aid workload was for White clients, with 7% for Black, 7% for Asian, 7% for Other and 3% for clients from Mixed ethnic groups. High proportions of prisoners from all ethnic groups reported that they knew what the COVID restrictions were in the prison and that reasons for restrictions had been explained to them. However, as in previous reports, in order to present as full a picture as possible we have also included some statistics that do not have this badging where National Statistics are not held on important or new topics. In 2020, White defendants spent the lowest mean number of days (156) at court, while defendants from Chinese or Other ethnic groups had the highest (199). Dont include personal or financial information like your National Insurance number or credit card details. 178 300 sexual violence crimes in the EU in 2020, a stop in a growing trend. SEN support replaces school action and school action plus but some pupils remain with these provision types in first year of transition. The Probation Service supervises offenders living in the community under a court order[footnote 57], including those starting supervision as a result of a community or suspended sentence and those who have been released from prison on licence. 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ethnicity and crime statistics uk 2020