major problems of agriculture in ethiopia

Ethiopia's total export earnings by value declined by 2.3% in 2017/2018 from the previous year. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. The agriculture sector is projected to grow at 6.2 percent per annum over the next ten years. If critical issues are not addressed the food price inflation creates political instability, disorder, chaos, unemployment, malnutrition, hunger, poverty, imbalance, and inefficient resource distributions among the nations which may lead to migration. Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. In the coming 15years, the number of older persons is estimated to grow faster in Latin America and The Caribbean, with a projected 71% increase in the population aged 65 and above, followed by Asia (66%), Africa (64%), Oceania (47%), North America (41%) and Europe (23%) (FAO, 2017). These still indicated very little transformation in the utilization of technologies in production. It enhanced the integration of researchers affiliated on the crop improvements, conservation agriculture, agroecology, agroforestry, and the development of crop varieties that are more tolerant to pests, diseases, drought, waterlogging, and salinity (FAO, 2013). What characteristics allow plants to survive in the desert? Not only will there be more mouths to feed, but as incomes grow in emerging and . Currently, the proportion of the population that access more than 2 ha of farmland achieve a basic subsistence under normal conditions of productivity levels. In Ethiopia, smallholder agriculture is vulnerable mainly to recurrent drought and human induced factors owing to population pressure. Land use and household holding by region, 19971998, Table 2. More than 85% of the Ethiopian land is degraded to various degrees (Gebreselassie et al., 2016). The amount of river-based water in Ethiopia could be 124.4 billion cubic meters (Berhanu et al., 2014). Governments are expected to enact socio-economic plans, such as reducing rural fertility rates (Prtner et al., 2012), and developing secondary cities and towns. Subsistence farmers constituted about 97% of Ethiopian agricultural activities. FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations). Abstract. Furthermore, mitigating the variability of climate change helps the most vulnerable group of the society to stabilize farmers income during drought and poor output (Shekuru et al., 2020). Livestock population with estimated 30-35 million. Statistical development series no.12, 2000 world census of agriculture, FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations). It improves the drastic cuts in economy-wide and agricultural fossil fuel use by addressing climate change, prevent emerging transboundary agricultural threats like pests and natural hazards, which affects all ecosystems and every aspect of human life through International collaboration (FAO, 2017). Do you need underlay for laminate flooring on concrete? The challenges and prospects of Ethiopia .,,,,,,,, http://localhost:80/xmlui/handle/123456789/4924,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Medicine, Dentistry, Nursing & Allied Health, Uniform rainfall distribution/low concentration, High concentration/irregular rainfall distribution, Very high concentration/irregular rainfall distribution, Cosmopolitan and most important in Southern parts of Ethiopia. Economical irrigation potential by river basin of Ethiopia. The rapidly increasing populations, depletion of soil fertility, landlessness, climate change, deforestation, and degradation of natural resources are serious problems of developing nations that need urgent actions. In Ethiopia, it is characterized by high-input and resource-intensive farming systems that harmoniously caused losses of important microorganisms, massive deforestation, freshwater scarcities, soil nutrient depletion, and high levels of greenhouse gas emissions and then hindered agricultural outputs (FAO, 2017). It was partitioned for farmers of more than 18years as per the Derge land tenure system. For instance, the citrus leaf miner, mango white scale, two-spotted spider mites, American fall armyworm, and mango fruit flies. 2 The main contributions, potentials, characteristics and problems of Ethiopian agriculture. Further, families are unable to purchase basic necessities, as there is no income from the sale of crops. Cultivating effective. Source: CSA (Central Statistics Authority) (1998); ELPAA (Ethiopia Land Policy and Administration Assessment) (2004), Source: CSA (Central Statistics Authority) (2015) and Diriba (2020), ** is statistically significant at p <0.05. ), grain moths (Sitotroga cerealella), and bean bruchids (Acanthoscelides obtectus, Bruchus pisorum, and Zabrotes subfasciatus)], aphids, thrips, two-spotted spider mites (Tetranchus urticae), white mango scale insects (Aulacaspis tubercularis), etc. Nevertheless, arable land is an indispensable resource for Ethiopians to secure food and food self-sufficiency. We use cookies to improve your website experience. Generally, the landless farmers become at risk in Ethiopia at this moment than the previous feudal systems or before the Derge regime. It is also complicated by unequal distribution among the householders. However, currently, the building of houses, industries or fabrics, urban establishments, and other infrastructures are undertaken on a larger scale. Following climate change, the small-scale, and landless farmers migrate to the urban to seek other employment opportunities, especially male members of rural households, which is leading, in turn, to the feminization of farming in many parts of the world (FAO, 2017). But there is a critical lack of comprehensive study on the extent of landlessness, its effects, and coping mechanisms in the country (Adugna, 2019). As FAO (2010) report indicated, the soil erosion hazard, aluminum toxicity, soil shallowness, and hydromorphone are constraining 1316% of the global arable land areas. Lack of sustained and intergenerational commitments to transform the legal or constitutional system for millennia made the country liable. See answer. By African, standard rural development programme has long history in Ethiopia. Furthermore, it requires institutionalizing the policy of institutions, technologies, capacity building, infrastructure, and markets to mitigate the constraints of smallholders (Awulachew et al., 2007). This is because the land rent becomes unavailable and the government police are also inefficient on this side. The aim of the current study was to assess the major animal health problems and their impact on beef cattle production in Doba district of West Harerghe Zone, Ethiopia. World Journal of Agricultural sciences 6(4):412-418. The country is home to about 49 million heads of cattle, 22 million heads of goats, 17 million heads of sheep and 38 million chickens. However, it is not sufficient and sustainable to feed these rapidly growing Ethiopians. Major destinations for Ethiopia's exports in 2017/2018 were: Asia 39.8% (of which China accounted for 22.3%), Europe 28.7% and Africa 20.9%. . Globally, it was forecasted that in the coming decades, the world is likely to be not only more populous and urban but also demographically older (FAO, 2017). Therefore, this paper is devoted to reviewing the existing agricultural challenges and future prospects in the country. The uses of improved drought-tolerant crop varieties are also helpful in saving water. Hence, integration of all the concerned bodies including market channels, and reviewing the poor and weakest strategic development may partly solve the productivity and agricultural production problems. The increased population and landlessness of the subsequent farming generations led to unwise use of natural resources in general and forest in particular. avoids the problem of heteroskedasticity and endogeneity, reduces the problem of multi . The author received no direct funding for this research. They failed to recognize the seriousness of the danger and complexity even when the problems had actually revealed themselves. THE MAJOR AGRICULTURAL SYSTEMS The highland mixed farming system The dominant farming system in Ethiopia is peasant farming where intensive multiple crop production is integrated with livestock production. In some places high salinity and sodicity/alkalinity levels coupled with poor drainage of the soils are at present resulting in quite a large area of productive lands being abandoned from cultivation. Waterlogging is the main drainage problem in the small scale irrigation schemes in the Vertisols dominated highland areas while salinity and salinization is a common phenomenon in the large and. Working and investing toward changing the behavior, attitudes, and beliefs of Ethiopians have become important in the future to boost agricultural production and productivity. 1. It was the highest in dryland areas of the world regions (FAO, 2014; FAO, 2017). Soil erosion is a serious problem in Ethiopia. Their livelihood is mainly based on tilling and herding of mammals and birds with little transformation for a long period of time in history because of religion and cultural preference (Diriba, 2020). We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. The study area was purposively selected, and a simple random sampling method was used to selected households' fatteners from each kebele and interviewed using structured questionnaires. UNDESA (United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division). Variations and fluctuations in rainfall and temperature compromise, among others, the productive performances of the agricultural sector and make rural households at risk. Twenty-four (24) % of the degraded areas are found in Africa, SouthEast Asia, and South China, Northcentral Australia, Pampas, Swaths of the Siberian and Northern American taiga; 1.5 billion people live in these areas (Bai et al., 2008). It is reported that over the last 4050years, the mean annual temperature of Ethiopia increased from 0.2C to 0.28C per decade (McSweeney et al., 2010). This is why they are unable to sustain the demand of rising rural population density as the farm sizes declined (Josephson et al., 2014). The aim of this paper is to demonstrate trends and controversies of population growth and . Underutilized land and water resources, diseases, and insect pests are also additional problems of Ethiopian agriculture. Then there's the deeper problem: a political infrastructure built almost exclusively around Ethiopia's constituent ethno-national groups. But even these 2 ha of land is not enough to produce an adequate supply of food for the average family (Lebeda et al., 2010; IFAD (International Fund for Agricultural Development), 2008; Gebreselassie, 2006). Ethiopias agriculture heavily relies on oxen plow and rain-fed that by neglecting other alternative technologies since the time of the Neolithic era (Diriba, 2020). The perception of Ethiopia projected in the media is often one of chronic poverty and hunger, but this bleak assessment does not accurately reflect most of the country today. Risk and resilience in a new era. The key agricultural problems worldwide are price volatility in agricultural markets, food insecurity, undernourishment, shortage of land and water resources used in agricultural activities. In addition, the countrys agriculture highly depends on rain-fed. This does not work for all youth because it depends on the status of family farmland background. It is projected that by 2050 the Ethiopia population will be estimated to be 171.8 million by increasing at a rate of 2.5% annually (Bekele & Lakew, 2014). The role of science, technology and innovation in ensuring food security by 2030. It has also plenty of groundwater (Ayalew, 2018). Soil is a non-renewable or finite resource and is the bank of nutrients for plant growth. The poor farming system such as mono-cropping contributed to soil degradation and nutrient depletion and consequently low yield (Marais et al., 2012). Ethiopia's economy is dependent on agriculture, which accounts for 40 percent of the GDP, 80 percent of exports, and an estimated 75 percent of the country's workforce. What is constraints of Ethiopian agriculture? Agriculture is the backbone of the Ethiopian economy. Such integration of agricultural stakeholders may improve smallholder livelihoods; shorten food supply chains and impact biodiversity through inclusive and resilient food production way. Therefore, emphasizing agriculture in Ethiopia requires the political as well as the economic commitment of all parties concerned. Your email address will not be published. The Importance Of Agriculture In Ethiopia. It is almost unbelievable that policymakers, scholars, and practitioners of the most advanced technologies failed to anticipate the problems of food security and agricultural development before they unfolded in Ethiopia (Diriba, 2020). The problems related to basic infrastructures like roads, hydroelectric generation plants, irrigation tools, and other farm equipment availability in the country and limitation of foreign currencies for importation also limited the attractiveness of the agricultural sector to private investors (Diriba, 2020). The percentage share of GDP by major economic sector in the year 2010/11 was 44.7 for agriculture, 10.5 for industry and 45.5 for the service sector but these figures changed to 38.5, 15.1 and 46.3% in the year 2014/15 in the same order of the sectors [9,10]. The deforestation rate in Ethiopia accounts for 1.25% of forest and other woodlands 1.8% annually per year (GFRA (Global Forest Resources Assessment), 2015). Ethiopia's total export earnings by value increased by 12% from the previous year. Soil erosion is a serious problem in Ethiopia and requires urgent intervention to secure the food demand of the people (Woreka, 2004). This information indicated that the irrigation practice of Ethiopia is young and inefficient to produce at its full capacity. In general, land degradation is an impediment to realizing food security in reducing hunger (FAO, 2017). To make a sustainable intensification of crop and animal production, conserving water resources, adoption of ecosystem-based approaches, such as conservation agriculture, applying environmentally safe agricultural inputs, keeping soil healthy, and use of improved genetic material and nutrient management are required to boost Ethiopian agriculture. Small-scale producers and landless households are the most vulnerable to climate change in Ethiopia. The country has also a great variety of climate and soil types that enables it to grow a diversity of horticultural crops. Illiteracy is another major reason why Ethiopia wallows in poverty. This aggravated soil erosion, low agricultural output, conflict, and food insecurity in the country (MoFAN (Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands), 2018). Whereas the temperature increased by 1.3C from 1960 to 2006 (Asaminew & Diriba, 2015). It includes production of livestock products (milk, egg, meat), beverages, leather and . Generally the adverse consequences of global changes have the most significant effects on the poorest and most vulnerable, who historically have had limited entitlements and opportunities for growth. Ethiopia encompasses a wide variety of agroecologies and peoples. But this has been used for fuel as the forest trees diminished. Want to see the full answer? Deforestation impacts agriculture through natural disturbance, including biodiversity loss (Oljirra, 2019; Bishaw, 2009), damaged habitat, aridity, adverse soil erosion, degradation of wasteland, extinction of life, and displacement of populations (Culas, 2006). In some parts, utilization of the water resources is hindered because of the undulating topography of the country. 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Monthly, seasonal and annual rainfall variability by Agro-ecological zones from 1979 to 2013, Table 5. Furthermore, it is used for utilizing the countrys agricultural productivity growth, political commitment, and scrutinize the necessity of mechanized farms at the national level. Summary of the spatial variability of surface water in Ethiopia. Agriculture and Food Security. In 2019, Ethiopia's major goods exports included coffee (28.7%), cut flowers (14.1%), oil seeds (11.5%), chat (10.9%), pulses (7.9%), gold (6.6%), leather and leather products (2.4%). Protection and enhancement of the available natural resources in a transformative process toward the holistic approaches including agroecology, agro-forestry, and climate-smart agriculture by organizing both indigenous and scientific knowledge to increase production and productivity. The annual rate of soil loss is higher than the annual rate of soil formation. Register a free Taylor & Francis Online account today to boost your research and gain these benefits: The challenges and prospects of Ethiopian agriculture, 1 College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences, School of Plant Sciences, Haramaya University, Dire Dewa, Ethiopia, The role of climateforestagriculture interface in climate resilient green economy of Ethiopia, Spatiotemporal variability and trends of rainfall and temperature in the Northeastern Highlands of Ethiopia, Landlessness, land access modalities and poverty in rural areas of Oromia national regional state, Ethiopia, Impacts of climate change on food security in Ethiopia: adaptation and mitigation options: A review, Rural population change in developing countries: Lessons for policy making, Climate change, growth, and poverty in Ethiopia, Recent changes in rainfall, temperature and number of rainy days over Northern Oromia zone, Horticultural crops research and development in Ethiopia: Review on current status, Effects of climate change and variability on rural livelihoods and responses: The case of Soro Woreda, Hadiya zone. 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major problems of agriculture in ethiopia