rcw stalking protection order

(c) Under no circumstances shall the court deny the petitioner the type of protection order sought in the petition on the grounds that the court finds that a different type of protection order would have a less severe impact on the respondent. (1) The department of social and health services, in its discretion, may file a petition for a vulnerable adult protection order or a domestic violence protection order on behalf of, and with the consent of, any vulnerable adult. Individuals with disabilities; black and indigenous communities; and lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and other individuals experience a higher rate of sexual violence. (d) Acts of unlawful harassment, in cases involving antiharassment protection orders. Check only one! (5) In determining whether there has been a substantial change in circumstances, the court may not base its determination on the fact that time has passed without a violation of the order. At the time of the appearance, the court shall determine the necessity of imposing a no-contact order or other conditions of pretrial release in accordance with RCW, (6) A defendant who is charged by citation, complaint, or information with violating any antiharassment protection order issued under this chapter and not arrested shall appear in court for arraignment in accordance with RCW. Sections. (1) All court clerks' offices shall make available the standardized forms, instructions, and informational brochures required by this chapter, and shall keep current specific program names and telephone numbers for community resources, including civil legal aid and volunteer lawyer programs. This notice may be provided at the time the parent, guardian, or conservator of the respondent appears in court or may be served along with a copy of the order, whichever occurs first. This limitation is not applicable to protection orders issued under chapter, (b) If the petitioner has petitioned for relief on behalf of the respondent's minor children, the court shall advise the petitioner that if the petitioner wants to continue protection for a period beyond one year, the petitioner may either petition for renewal pursuant to the provisions of this chapter or may seek relief pursuant to the provisions of chapter. This occurs when an accused enters a store or business (f) Update the instructions, brochures, standard petition and order for protection forms, and court staff handbook when changes in the law make an update necessary. The court may issue a temporary protection order in accordance with this chapter until the victim is able to prepare a petition for a protection order in accordance with this chapter. (6) A petitioner may not obtain an ex parte temporary antiharassment protection order against a respondent if the petitioner has previously obtained two such ex parte orders against the same respondent, but has failed to obtain the issuance of a civil antiharassment protection order, unless good cause for such failure can be shown. The court shall not require more than two attempts at obtaining service before permitting service by other means authorized in this chapter unless the moving party requests additional time to attempt service. Notification may be provided by text messaging or email, and should provide reminders of court appearances and alert the petitioner when the following occur: (i) The petition has been processed and is under review by a judicial officer; (ii) the order has been signed; (iii) the order has been transmitted to law enforcement for entry into the Washington crime information center system; (iv) proof of service upon the respondent has been filed with the court or clerk; (v) a receipt for the surrender of firearms has been filed with the court or clerk; and (vi) the respondent has filed a motion for the release of surrendered firearms. (ii) Shall impose a fine of $15, in addition to any penalty or fine imposed, for a violation of a domestic violence protection order issued under this chapter. (2) Any order issued under this section must contain the date, time of issuance, and expiration date. When a petition and supporting documents for a protection order are submitted to the clerk after business hours, they must be processed as soon as possible on the next judicial day. Grant of order, denial of order, and improper grounds. The court shall also explain from the bench: (a) That the petitioner may refile a petition for a protection order at any time if the petitioner has new evidence to present that would support the issuance of a protection order; (b) The parties' rights to seek revision, reconsideration, or appeal of the order; and. (3) To promote judicial economy and reduce delays, for respondents who are able to be served electronically, the respondent, or the parent or guardian of the respondent for respondents under the age of 18 or the guardian or conservator of an adult respondent, shall be required to provide his or her electronic address or electronic account associated with an email, text messaging, social media application, or other technology by filing the confidential party information form referred to in RCW. When domestic violence victims seek to separate from their abuser, they face increased risks. (2) Upon order of a court, a law enforcement officer shall accompany the petitioner and assist in placing the petitioner in possession of all items listed in the order and to otherwise assist in the execution of the order. Actual possession occurs when the item is in the actual physical custody of the person charged with possession. (b) The administrative office of the courts and superior and district courts shall provide the center for court research with necessary data to conduct the study, as requested by the center for court research. The court shall require a showing that the respondent has surrendered any firearms in the respondent's custody, control, or possession, and any concealed pistol license issued under RCW, (7)(a) If a court finds at the compliance review hearing, or any other hearing where compliance with the order is addressed, that there is probable cause to believe the respondent was aware of, and failed to fully comply with, the order, failed to appear at the compliance review hearing, or violated the order after the court entered findings of compliance, pursuant to its authority under chapter. In this action, the court may require the violator of the order to pay the costs incurred in bringing the action, including a reasonable attorney's fee. An ex parte temporary protection order shall be effective for a fixed period of time and shall be issued initially for a period not to exceed 14 days, which may be extended for good cause. The nonmoving parties to the proceeding may file opposing declarations. (5) "Consent" in the context of sexual acts means that at the time of sexual contact, there are actual words or conduct indicating freely given agreement to that sexual contact. Reissuance of temporary protection orders. (c) Other relevant information necessary to assist courts in issuing orders under this chapter as determined by the judicial information system committee. The summons must contain the date of the first publication, and shall require the respondent upon whom service by publication is desired to appear and answer the petition on the date set for the hearing. If the court has entered an order that prohibits the respondent from possessing or purchasing a firearm, the law enforcement agency shall also enter the order into the national instant criminal background check system and any other federal or state computer-based systems used by law enforcement or others to identify prohibited purchasers of firearms. (4) In proceedings where the petitioner alleges that the respondent engaged in stalking, the court may not require proof of the respondent's intentions regarding the acts alleged by the petitioner. The stalking violates a protection order that protects the victim. If the court denies the petitioner's request to include the minor children, the court shall make written findings why the children should not be included, pending the full hearing. (b) If the notice and order are not served on the respondent in time for the full hearing, the issuing court shall have concurrent jurisdiction with the superior court to extend the temporary protection order. These alternatives can help make protection order processes more accessible, effective, timely, and procedurally just, particularly in situations where there are emergent risks. These behaviors, which can include other acts or threats of violence, self-harm, or the abuse of drugs or alcohol, are warning signs that the person may soon commit an act of violence. The legislature further finds the surrender of firearms in civil protection orders is critical to public health. Commercial burglary is also charged under California Penal Code 459 PC and can be a misdemeanor or a felony. These include using approaches such as online filing of petitions, electronic service of protection orders, and video and telephonic hearings to maintain and improve access to the courts. Trainings should be provided on an ongoing basis as best practices, research on trauma, and legislation continue to evolve. (2) The court shall seal the court records from public view if there are no other active protection orders against the restrained party, there are no pending violations of the order, and there is evidence of full compliance with the surrender of firearms as ordered by the extreme risk protection order. (1) The superior and district courts (15) "Firearm" means a weapon or device from which a projectile or projectiles may be fired by an explosive such as gunpowder. A respondent who is served electronically with a protection order shall be provided a certified copy of the order free of charge upon request. The support person may be any third party of the petitioner's choosing, provided that: (a) The support person shall not provide legal representation nor interpretation services; and, (b) A support person who is not employed by, or under the direct supervision of, a law enforcement agency, a prosecutor's office, the child protective services section of the department of children, youth, and families as defined in RCW. . Nothing in this chapter shall be construed as encouraging that practice. In proceedings where the petitioner is seeking a domestic violence protection order or an antiharassment protection order, the court may realign the designation of the parties as "petitioner" and "respondent" where the court finds that the original petitioner is the abuser or harasser and the original respondent is the victim of domestic violence or unlawful harassment. He or she may also petition on behalf of a family or household member who is a minor if chosen by the minor and capable of pursuing the minor's stated interest in the action. . (33) "Sexual penetration" means any contact, however slight, between the sex organ or anus of one person by an object, the sex organ, mouth, or anus of another person, or any intrusion, however slight, of any part of the body of one person or of any animal or object into the sex organ or anus of another person including, but not limited to, cunnilingus, fellatio, or anal penetration. The procedures established under this chapter for protection order hearings supersede inconsistent civil court rules. Those who participate in the protection order process often find it difficult to navigate the statutes, which were adopted at different times and contain differing jurisdictional approaches, procedures, definitions, and types of relief offered, among other differences, all of which can create barriers and cause confusion. Out-of-state child custody jurisdictional issues. When an abusive partner has access to a gun, a domestic violence victim is 11 times more likely to be killed. In considering the request, the court should consider the rebuttable presumption against delay and the purpose of this chapter to provide victims quick and effective relief. The practice of dismissing or suspending a criminal prosecution in exchange for the issuance of a protection order undermines the purposes of this chapter. HTML PDF: 9A.46.055: Court-initiated stalking no-contact orders. (2) Any temporary orders to surrender and prohibit weapons must also be automatically reissued with the temporary protection order. The legislature finds that it is in the public interest to improve the lives of persons being victimized by the acts and dynamics of domestic violence, to require reasonable, coordinated measures to prevent domestic violence from occurring, and to respond effectively to secure the safety of survivors of domestic violence; (b) Sexual assault is the most heinous crime against another person short of murder. (8) Appearances required under this section are mandatory and cannot be waived. A person who believes their safety is in danger can ask the court for an Order of Protection or an Injunction Against Harassment. A petition for an extreme risk protection order may be filed by (i) an intimate partner or a family or household member of the respondent; or (ii) a law enforcement agency. The court may correct errors either on the court's own initiative or upon notice to the court of an error. These time frames may be extended for good cause. Otherwise, it must be heard no later than the following judicial day. (17) "Full protection order" means a protection order that is issued by the court after notice to the respondent and where the parties had the opportunity for a full hearing by the court. (6)(a) "Course of conduct" means a pattern of conduct composed of a series of acts over a period of time, however short, evidencing a continuity of purpose. If a petitioner is seeking relief based on domestic violence, nonconsensual sexual conduct, nonconsensual sexual penetration, or stalking, the petitioner may, but is not required to, seek a domestic violence, sexual assault, or stalking protection order, rather than an antiharassment order. (13) Courts shall not require a petitioner to file duplicative forms. (9) A court may require the respondent to pay the petitioner for costs incurred in responding to a motion to modify or terminate a protection order, including reasonable attorneys' fees. (23) "Mechanical restraint" means any device attached or adjacent to a vulnerable adult's body that the vulnerable adult cannot easily remove that restricts freedom of movement or normal access to the vulnerable adult's body. (7) Appearances required under this section are mandatory and cannot be waived. (b) A person who stalks another is guilty of a class B felony if any of the following applies: (i) The stalker has previously been convicted in this state or any other state of any crime of (ii) Acts that prevent or obstruct a person from meeting with others, such as telling a prospective visitor or caller that the person is not present or does not wish contact, where the statement is contrary to the express wishes of the person. The petitioner may also file in: (1) The county where an act giving rise to the petition for a protection order occurred; (2) The county where a child to be protected by the order primarily resides; (3) The county where the petitioner resided prior to relocating if relocation was due to the respondent's conduct; or. (3) Upon the motion of a respondent, the court may not modify or terminate an existing protection order unless the respondent proves by a preponderance of the evidence that there has been a substantial change in circumstances such that the respondent will not resume, engage in, or attempt to engage in, the following acts against the petitioner or those persons protected by the protection order if the order is terminated or modified: (a) Acts of domestic violence, in cases involving domestic violence protection orders; (b) Physical or nonphysical contact, in cases involving sexual assault protection orders; (c) Acts of stalking, in cases involving stalking protection orders; or. The law enforcement officer shall provide the respondent with copies of all forms with the exception of the confidential information form completed by the protected party and the proof of service form; (6) Any law enforcement officer who serves a protection order on a respondent with the knowledge that the respondent requires special assistance due to a disability, brain injury, or impairment shall make a reasonable effort to accommodate the needs of the respondent to the extent practicable without compromise to the safety of the petitioner; (7) Proof of service must be submitted to the court on the proof of service form. (3) These civil protection orders are essential tools designed to address significant harms impacting individuals as well as communities. If the petitioner has not disclosed an address under this subsection, the petitioner shall designate an alternative address or email address at which the respondent may serve the petitioner. (7) "Court clerk" means court administrators in courts of limited jurisdiction and elected court clerks. The evidence shall be admissible at the hearing to the extent an order made by the court specifies the evidence that may be admitted. LoginAsk is here to help you access Utah Watercraft Registration quickly and handle each specific case you encounter. Materials available to persons appearing remotely should include warnings not to state their addresses or telephone numbers at the hearing, and that they should ensure that background surroundings do not reveal their location; (g) Courts should provide the parties, in orders setting the hearing, with a telephone number and an email address for the court, which the parties may use to inform the court if they have been unable to appear remotely for a hearing. Denial of a remedy to the petitioner may not be based, in whole or in part, on evidence that: (a) The respondent was voluntarily intoxicated; (b) The petitioner was voluntarily intoxicated; or. The state of Washington to . (6) If the court continues a hearing for any reason, the court shall reissue any temporary orders, including orders to surrender and prohibit weapons, issued with or without notice. Any surrendered firearms must be handled and stored properly to prevent damage or degradation in appearance or function, and the condition of the surrendered firearms documented, including by digital photograph. Almost half of victims experience at least one unwanted contact per week. (2)(a) If a protection order restrains the respondent from contacting the respondent's minor children, the restraint must be for a fixed period not to exceed one year. The order is fully enforceable in any county in the state. The vulnerable adult shall not be held responsible for any violations of the order by the respondent. (1) The administrative office of the courts, through the gender and justice commission of the Washington state supreme court, and with the support of the Washington state women's commission, shall work with representatives of superior, district, and municipal court judicial officers, court clerks, and administrators, including those with experience in protection order proceedings, as well as advocates and practitioners with expertise in each type of protection order, and others with relevant expertise, to consider and develop recommendations regarding: (a) Uses of technology to reduce administrative burdens in protection order proceedings; (b) Improving access to unrepresented parties in protection order proceedings, including promoting access for pro bono attorneys for remote protection order proceedings, in consultation with the Washington state bar association; (c) Developing best practices for courts when there are civil protection order and criminal proceedings that concern the same alleged conduct; (d) Developing best practices in data collection and sharing, including demographic information, in order to promote research and study on protection orders and transparency of protection order data for the public, in partnership with the Washington state center for court research, the Washington state institute for public policy, the University of Washington, and the urban Indian health institute; (e) Developing best practices, including proposed training and necessary forms, in partnership with the Washington tribal state court consortium, to address how: (i) Washington state court judges of all levels can see the existence of, and parties to, tribal court, military, and other jurisdiction protection orders, in comity with similar state court orders; (ii) Tribal courts can enter their protection orders into the judicial information system used by courts to check for conflicting orders and history; and. (9) If the protection order includes the parties' children, a renewed protection order may be issued for more than one year, subject to subsequent orders entered in a proceeding under chapter, (10) The court may award court costs, service fees, and reasonable attorneys' fees to the petitioner as provided in RCW. (c) The petitioner engaged in limited consensual sexual touching. The instructions, brochures, forms, and handbook must be prepared in consultation with civil legal aid, culturally specific advocacy programs, and domestic violence and sexual assault advocacy programs. (1) The clerk of the court shall enter any extreme risk protection order, including temporary extreme risk protection orders, issued under this chapter into a statewide judicial information system on the same day such order is issued, if possible, but no later than the next judicial day. (c) Any course of conduct involving repeated or continuing contacts, attempts to contact, monitoring, tracking, surveillance, keeping under observation, disrupting activities in a harassing manner, or following of another person that: (i) Would cause a reasonable person to feel intimidated, frightened, under duress, significantly disrupted, or threatened and that actually causes such a feeling; (iii) The respondent knows, or reasonably should know, threatens, frightens, or intimidates the person, even if the respondent did not intend to intimidate, frighten, or threaten the person. See definitions for stalking ( RCW 9A.46.110) Who may obtain the order: A person may file a Stalking Protection Order if they are the victim of any stalking conduct (RCW 9A.46.110). The court has broad discretion to grant such relief as the court deems proper, including the forms of relief listed in RCW. A vulnerable adult may lack the ability to perform or obtain those services necessary to maintain his or her well-being because he or she lacks the capacity for consent, and may have health problems that place him or her in a dependent position. Minors are presumed to be unable to pay. (d) For a vulnerable adult protection order, that the petitioner has been abandoned, abused, financially exploited, or neglected, or is threatened with abandonment, abuse, financial exploitation, or neglect by the respondent. (a) For purposes of this section, "protection order advocate" means any employee or volunteer from a program that provides, as some part of its services, information, advocacy, counseling, or support to persons seeking protection orders. . The court shall grant any request for a remote appearance unless the court finds good cause to require in-person attendance or attendance through a specific means. (1) "Abandonment" means action or inaction by a person or entity with a duty of care for a vulnerable adult that leaves the vulnerable adult without the means or ability to obtain necessary food, clothing, shelter, or health care. Judicial information system consultation. Nothing in this chapter may affect the title to real estate: PROVIDED, That a judgment for costs or fees awarded under this chapter constitutes a lien on real estate to the extent provided in chapter. (2) Any orders entered by the court pursuant to a compliance hearing must be served on the respondent if the respondent failed to appear at the hearing at which the court entered the orders. When requested, there shall be a rebuttable presumption to include the petitioner's minor children as protected parties in the ex parte temporary domestic violence protection order until the full hearing to reduce the risk of harm to children during periods of heightened risk, unless there is good cause not to include the minor children. A petition for a domestic violence protection order must specify whether the petitioner and the respondent are intimate partners or family or household members. (c) Obtaining or using a vulnerable adult's property, income, resources, or trust funds without lawful authority, by a person or entity who knows or clearly should know that the vulnerable adult lacks the capacity to consent to the release or use of the vulnerable adult's property, income, resources, or trust funds. No formal motion is necessary. (c) For extreme risk protection orders, the court shall also provide a parent, guardian, or conservator of the respondent with written notice of the legal obligation to safely secure any firearm on the premises and the potential for criminal prosecution if a prohibited person were to obtain access to any firearm. The administrative office of the courts shall then arrange for translation of the instructions and informational brochures required by this section, which must contain a sample of the standard petition and protection order forms, into the languages spoken by at least the top five significant non-English-speaking populations, and shall distribute a master copy of the translated instructions and informational brochures to all court clerks and to the Washington supreme court's interpreter commission, minority and justice commission, and gender and justice commission. Certain findings and information in orders. (a) "Communicated" or "made known" includes the following means: In person, through publication, by mail, telephonically, through an electronic communication site or medium, by text, or through other social media. (7) A respondent may file a motion to modify or terminate an order no more than once in every 12-month period that the order is in effect, starting from the date of the order and continuing through any renewal period. (1) If the court grants a protection order for a fixed time period, the petitioner may file a motion to renew the order at any time within the 90 days before the order expires. If the respondent appeared at the hearing, the order must identify that the respondent has knowledge of the court's order. day of . [2019 c 245 9; 2013 c 84 15.] (b)(i) Service by electronic means, including service by email, text message, social media applications, or other technologies, must be prioritized for all orders at the time of the issuance of temporary protection orders, except in cases where personal service is required under (a) of this subsection. (1) Only the respondent is required to appear if the court is reviewing compliance with any conditions of the order. Possession may be either actual or constructive. (5) A petition for any type of protection order must not be dismissed or denied on the basis that the conduct alleged by the petitioner would meet the criteria for the issuance of another type of protection order. (3) The court shall ensure that in issuing protection orders, including, but not limited to, orders to reissue temporary protection orders and orders to renew protection orders, the court specifies whether the respondent is ordered to surrender, and prohibited from possessing, firearms and dangerous weapons. Grant of order, denial of order, and improper grounds. . The court's denial of a motion for an ex parte temporary protection order shall be filed with the court. CIVIL PROTECTION ORDERSVARIOUS PROVISIONS EFFECTIVE DATE: July 1, 2022Except for sections 9 through 14 and 47, which take effect March 31, 2022; and section 37, which takes effect July 1, 2023. The law enforcement agency, upon receipt of such notification, shall immediately revoke the license. Except as provided in (b) of this subsection, courts may not charge petitioners any fees or surcharges the payment of which is a condition precedent to the petitioner's ability to secure access to relief under this chapter. Temporarily removing firearms under these circumstances is an important tool to prevent suicide, homicide, and community violence. If the court corrects an error in an order, the court shall provide notice of the correction to the parties and the person who notified the court of the error, and shall provide a copy of the corrected order. (3) The gender and justice commission shall provide a brief report of its recommendations to the legislature for subsection (1)(e) through (g) of this section by December 1, 2021, and, for subsection (1)(a) through (d) of this section, provide recommendations to the courts by July 1, 2022. Are intimate partners or family or household members tools designed to address significant harms impacting individuals well... Increased risks partners or family or household members free of charge upon request, homicide, expiration! Initiative or upon notice to the court 's order electronically with a protection order the! 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rcw stalking protection order