state province algeria

), China 18%, France 14%, Italy 8%, Spain 8%, Germany 5%, Turkey 5% (2019), refined petroleum, wheat, packaged medical supplies, milk, vehicle parts (2019), $56.211 billion (31 December 2021 est. )119.354 (2019 est. )from coal and metallurgical coke: 352,000 metric tonnes of CO2 (2019 est. )investment in fixed capital: 38.1% (2017 est. The Ministry of Interior is responsible for organizing the election and voting processes. List of Algerian provinces by area This article has been translated from the )permanent crops: 0.4% (2018 est. The center Intelligence services arrested journalist Said Chitour in June 2017 and accused him of sharing intelligence with a foreign power. Citing the threat of terrorism, the government also prevented overland tourist travel between the southern cities of Tamanrasset, Djanet, and Illizi. With this summons, police may hold a suspect for no more than 48 hours. You can add more than one country or area. ), definition: age 15 and over can read and writetotal population: 81.4%male: 87.4%female: 75.3% (2018), total: 31.9%male: 27.8%female: 54% (2021 est. ), women married by age 15: 0%women married by age 18: 3.8% (2019 est. The government supported the countrys Network for the Defense of Childrens Rights (NADA). ), Phoenicians, Carthaginians, Romans, Vandals, Byzantines, over a dozen different Arab and Berber dynasties, Spaniards, and Ottoman Turks. The constitution provides for the protection of a persons honor and private life, including the privacy of home, communication, and correspondence. Algeria has struggled to develop non-hydrocarbon industries because of heavy regulation and an emphasis on state-driven growth. The government said that it closed 11 facilities and opened one new facility to improve prison conditions in the last year but argued that they have alleviated overcrowding by increasing the use of minimum-security centers that permit prisoners to work and by using electronic monitoring. While the government tolerated their operations in the past, the Ministry of Communication said in 2016 it would limit the number of private satellite channels to 13 and foreign-based unaccredited television outlets would be shut down. )services: 47.4% (2017 est. Defamation laws specify that former members of the military who make statements deemed to have damaged the image of the military or to have harmed the honor and respect due to state institutions may face prosecution. Members of the LGBTI community reported that forced marriage was a problem, particularly for lesbian women. The government allowed international observation of the elections but did not permit local civil society organizations to do the same. Algeria is the United States' 3rd-largest market in the Middle East/North African region. This movement accelerated during World War I, when Algerians filled in for French factory workers or served as soldiers. )exports: 673 million kWh (2019 est. Prison sentences for rape range from five to 10 years, and authorities generally enforced the law. For example, some migrant parents allowed their children to be used by organized begging networks, and some families encouraged children to work in the informal sector. )1% (2019 est. The government has mechanisms to investigate and punish abuses, but the government did not always provide public information on disciplinary or legal action against police, military, or other security force personnel. 1958-03-17: Sada department created by taking parts of Oran, Saoura, and Tiaret departments. When Algeria was under French administration, the official division names were in French. The law gives the authorities broad power to ban books that run counter to the constitution, the Muslim religion and other religions, national sovereignty and unity, the national identity and cultural values of society, national security and defense concerns, public order concerns, and the dignity of the human being and individual and collective rights. It further prohibits books that make apology for colonialism, terrorism, crime, and racism.. LGBTI activists reported that the vague wording of laws criminalizing homosexual acts and acts against nature permitted sweeping accusations that resulted in multiple arrests for consensual same-sex sexual relations, but no known prosecutions during the year. The law provides for the right to strike, and workers exercised this right, subject to conditions. UNHCR registered more than 10,000 Syrians, but fewer than 7,000 remained registered with UNHCR as of September. In 2016 the government established an anticybercrime agency charged with coordinating anticybercrime efforts and engaging in preventive surveillance of electronic communications in the interests of national security. into the entities shown in this table (dep = department, div = division, arr = arrondissement, sub = subdivision). The 130,000-member National Gendarmerie, which performs police functions outside of urban areas under the auspices of the Ministry of National Defense, and the approximately 218,000-member DGSN or national police, organized under the Ministry of Interior, share responsibility for maintaining law and order. Local and international NGOs asserted that police impunity was a problem. Status of Government Respect for Religious Once registered, organizations must inform the government of their activities, funding sources, and personnel, including notification of personnel changes. )from petroleum and other liquids: 57.867 million metric tonnes of CO2 (2019 est. Hydrocarbon exports enabled Algeria to maintain macroeconomic stability, amass large foreign currency reserves, and maintain low external debt while global oil prices were high. Security services prevented the meeting from taking place in the absence of an official authorization. The attendees moved their meetings elsewhere and were followed by police who ordered them to disperse. The law stipulates that detainees should immediately be able to contact a family member and receive a visit, or to contact an attorney. Le Telagh arrondissement While the constitution provides for the separation of powers between the executive and judicial branches of government, the executive branchs broad statutory authorities limited judicial independence. He appealed to the Constitutional Council without result. Notably, terrorists killed seven soldiers in an ambush on July 30 in Skikda. )nuclear: 0% of total installed capacity (2020 est. The new In 2016 the government created a High Independent Election Monitoring Body, charged with monitoring elections and investigating allegations of irregularities. By law, children born to a Muslim father are Muslim, regardless of the mothers religion. Many place names were changed. 70-3-30A D'Piazza Mall, Jalan Mahsuri, 11950 Bayan Baru, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia Government officials monitored political meetings. Prescribed penalties under this statute range from three to 20 years imprisonment, which were sufficiently stringent and commensurate with those prescribed for other serious crimes, such as rape. ), 2.902 million ALGIERS (capital), 936,000 Oran (2022), at birth: 1.05 male(s)/female0-14 years: 1.05 male(s)/female15-24 years: 1.05 male(s)/female25-54 years: 1.03 male(s)/female55-64 years: 1 male(s)/female65 years and over: 0.75 male(s)/femaletotal population: 1.03 male(s)/female (2022 est. Arabic: al-Jumhuriya al-Jazairiya ad-Dimuqratiya ash-Shabiya (formal), Dutch: Algerije, Democratische Volksrepubliek Algerije (formal), English: Democratic and Popular Republic of Algeria (formal), Norwegian: Den demokratiske folkerepublikk Algerie (formal) (Bokml), Den demokratiske folkerepublikken Algerie (formal) (Nynorsk), Algerie, Russian: , (formal), Turkish: Cezayir Demokratik Halk Cumhuriyeti (formal), Bchar: after Wadi Bashshar, possibly from Arabic, Bjaa: ethnic name, possibly from Arabic, Constantine: rebuilt in 311 by Roman emperor Constantine the Great, El Oued: = the Wadi (intermittent stream), Stif: ancient Sitifi, possibly from Berber. The law criminalizes statements denigrating Islam or insulting the Prophet Muhammed or messengers of God. In 2016 police in Setif arrested Slimane Bouhafs, a Christian convert, for posting statements on his Facebook page questioning the morals of the Prophet Muhammed. )other: 81.8% (2018 est. Amnesty International maintained an office and actively reported on human rights issues, but it did not receive official authorization to operate from the Ministry of Interior. Censorship or Content Restrictions: Some major news outlets faced direct and indirect retaliation for criticism of the government. The law permits polygamy only upon the agreement of the previous and future wife, and the determination of a judge as to the husbands financial ability to support an additional wife. According to the Ministry of Interior, in September there were 70 registered political parties. Other migrants, asylum seekers, and Malians and Syrians who had a special status with the government, relied largely on remittances from family, the support of local family and acquaintances, and assistance from the Algerian Red Crescent and international aid organizations. 134, the departments united the civil and military territories, strengthening the The capital city of a baladiyah, The Sahrawi refugees had not sought local integration or naturalization during their 40-year stay in the refugee camps near Tindouf, and the Polisario Front continued to call for a referendum on independence in Western Sahara. )beer: 0.31 liters of pure alcohol (2019 est. New FIPS Authorities generally transferred pretrial detainees, after presenting them before the prosecutor, to prisons rather than holding them in separate detention facilities. ), improved: urban: 98.3% of populationrural: 91.3% of populationtotal: 96.5% of populationunimproved: urban: 1.7% of populationrural: 8.7% of populationtotal: 3.5% of population (2020 est. Abdelkader Kouafi, the National Autonomous Union of Sonelgaz Gas and Electricity Workers secretary-general, and Slimane Benzine, president of the National Federation of Internal Security Workers, were sentenced to imprisonment and fines for objecting to poor conditions of work and to the sexual harassment of women workers. The law also bans political party ties to nonpolitical associations and regulates party financing and reporting requirements. Later marriages and a preference for smaller families are attributed to increases in women's education and participation in the labor market; higher unemployment; and a shortage of housing forcing multiple generations to live together. Most detainees had prompt access to a lawyer of their choice as accorded by law, and the government provided legal counsel to indigent detainees. made the national language. The government requires employers to declare their employees to the Ministry of Labor and to pay social security benefits. The government used specific facilities for prisoners age 27 and younger. According to statistics from womens advocacy groups published in the local press, between 100 and 200 women died each year from domestic violence. U.S. exports to Algeria totaled $1.2 billion in 2005, an increase of more than 50% since 2003. Chitour has been detained in El Harrach prison since then without trial and faces life imprisonment if convicted. Intelligence activities fall under three intelligence directorates reporting to a presidential national security counselor and performing functions related specifically to internal, external, and technical security. The law prohibits torture and prescribes prison sentences of between 10 and 20 years for government agents found guilty of torture. ), total petroleum production: 1,414,800 bbl/day (2021 est. Over the past three years, the government has enacted incremental increases in some taxes, resulting in modest increases in prices for gasoline, cigarettes, alcohol, and certain imported goods, but it has refrained from reducing subsidies, particularly for education, healthcare, and housing programs. In July, Algerian League for the Defense of Human Rights (LADDH) and 15 representatives from other NGOs gathered at a hotel in Oran to discuss migration. Attempts by new unions to form federations or confederations suffered similar challenges. The Ministry of National Solidarity, Family, and the Status of Women provided some financial support to health-care-oriented NGOs, but for many NGOs, such financial support represented a small fraction of their budgets. )transmission/distribution losses: 9.897 billion kWh (2019 est. The law prohibits all forms of forced or compulsory labor. The law does not adequately cover migrant workers employed primarily in construction and as domestic workers. Human rights issues included unlawful interference with privacy; laws prohibiting certain forms of expression, which were often vague, as well as criminal defamation laws; limits on freedom of the press; restrictions on the freedom of assembly and association including of religious groups; official corruption, including perceptions of lack of judicial independence and impartiality; criminalization of consensual same sex sexual conduct and security force sexual abuse of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and intersex (LGBTI) persons; and trafficking in persons. Do not travel to: Areas near the eastern and southern borders due to terrorism and kidnapping. Opposition candidate Benflis rejected the results and claimed that fraud marred the elections. Declining oil prices have also reduced the governments ability to use state-driven growth to distribute rents and fund generous public subsidies, and the government has been under pressure to reduce spending. 1960-12-03: Six new arrondissements created in Oasis department; two new arrondissements created in Saoura department. Employment: The government does not formally allow refugee employment; however, many worked in the informal market and were at risk of labor exploitation due to their lack of legal status in the country. The ministry also issues and renews accreditation of foreign correspondents reporting in the country. Local authorities refused the follow on request for another event. A coalition of Islamic and secular opposition parties boycotted the election, describing it as a masquerade and asserting that President Bouteflika was unfit to run due to his health. The testimony of men and women has equal weight under the law. See more Algiers Algiers ( al-Jazer, , Alger) is the capital and largest city of Algeria. The law does not permit those under age 18 to travel abroad without a guardians permission. For example, the General Union of Algerian Workers (UGTA), which represented a majority of public-sector workers, is an affiliate of the International Trade Union Confederation. Rape and Domestic Violence: The law criminalizes rape but does not specifically address spousal rape. islands in the harbor (now connected to the mainland by jetties). The government did not grant UNHCR access to these reception centers but reported that by 2016 most Syrians no longer used the centers. Under the law, the government may conduct electronic surveillance to prevent terrorist or subversive acts and infractions against state security, pursuant to written authorization from a competent judicial authority. departments of France. Under French which in turn were subdivided into communes. )$10,800 (2020 est. Exercise increased caution in Algeria due to terrorism and kidnapping. Advocacy groups reported that children with disabilities rarely attended school past the secondary level. Although specific data was unavailable, children reportedly worked mostly in the informal sales market, often in family businesses. )proven reserves: 59 million metric tons (2019 est. )consumption: 46,945,035,000 cubic meters (2019 est. organized as annexes. The judiciary was not impartial and was perceived by some observers to be subject to influence and corruption. School administrators must allow migrant and refugee children to enroll in primary school through high school and require only that they present their passport and documentation showing their level of schooling from their home country. This table shows the resulting subdivision of Algeria. translate the Arabic "baladiyah," but they're essentially the same thing.). According to the decree, importers must submit to the ministry the title, authors name, editors name, edition, year, International Standard Book Number, and number of copies to be imported. A person released from custody following a dismissal or acquittal may apply to a civil commission to seek compensation from the government for particular and particularly severe harm caused by pretrial detention. This information can be put together to approximate the territorial extent of subdivisions. In September the Ministry of Communication stated there were 268 accredited written publications. The law also provides for the creation of independent unions, although the unions membership must account for at least 20 percent of an enterprises workforce. Capacity ( 2020 est capacity ( 2020 est connected to the Ministry of Interior in... 3.8 % ( 2019 est lesbian women market, often in family businesses September!, arr = arrondissement, sub = subdivision ) an increase of more than %. 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state province algeria