war thunder forum germany suffers

they turn by applying breaks to one track to initiate the turn. The stock ammo for them is useless! Because of the above, one death leavers can be more common due to a lack of supporting vehicles to respawn with. By Sit in cover, spot an enemy in third person, pop out, shoot and repeat. If it would be all open flatlandlike it was like in the battle for Prokhorovka, how much fun would it be if your whole team always faced circumstances where your mobility perks were objectively neglected, especially the aspect where you have to always emerge in to the open for capturing points - the most usual way of winning a battle? All trademarks, logos and brand names are the property of their respective owners. This is a major drawback and makes this tank so special. Uptiers are a pervasive issue for every nation at one point or another, with the severity of this problem varying widely. In an uptier when being met by a T54. that's it. Canon CAS is quite strong if left unchecked. I like Abandoned Factory, I think Middle East is trash. You can do just as well with a vehicle that has different strengths if you use those strengths correctly. Lets assume competent players who don't gamble. He can easily continue flank and pen King Tigers from the side. Then yes, M18 would be toast. Ferdi is 7.0 and I did managed 17 kills a match. If you spot him first and don't manage to kill him with the first spot you are dead even if he can't pen you from the front. Just an observation maybe its just me. I wouldn't say its off topic at all, map friendly brawling options fallsintocategory's the suffering community thinks Germany needs and in the upper low MBT department East Germany is suffering as the tanks are missingaltogetherlike some other nationsvehiclesand that right there is the very definition of "Suffering". Interesting thing about predicting the predictable itshighly accurate. They usually tend to be just as useless as those M22s too. Just in case, just drive backwards or risk turning the hull sideways and drive foreward (). Terrible survivability (carousel and 3 crew). While it is true that many people, with all sorts of involvement in other trees, play Germany it is also true that many of the people who play the German tree only play the German tech tree. An Panther however loses his main advantage of better armor. More like genre savvy actuallyI know the score. He can cap first and when wait till in an ambush till you start to decap. All in all, these things boil down to the sort of trade offs that are to be expected. The personal well being of the person who capped it means little to the team if they have succeeded--that part of their reason for being is fulfilled by then. Now, lets address the imagined problems of Germany so that the real ones can be identified and addressed! Are there plans to move overpowered vehicles (like Xp-50 or Su-11) to a more reasonable br rating? That vehicle is more treating. He can easily continue flank and pen King Tigers from the side. The likes of P-47s and Fireflies can make multiple distinct strikes against armor before working to secure the skies of the battlefield. FRENCH AVIATION TREE IS A JOKE! Not just "comparison in a drag race", but alsooff-road mobility, power to weight ratio and turning. My guess, this is the reason some players dont like the Panther, because you can not get out of trouble fast. When you have 2 identical vehicles performing differently by a noticeable margin with the only variable being the people who play them, it really makes you wonder. Sometimes it works. And I've found that the damage output for apds is lacking I've put many rounds through tanks and if theirs more one rankits a problem as the one shot isn't likely. What about T95? King tiger turret is just a big flat sheet of 185mm armor. And the overwhelming sense of hopelessness when the enemy team finds outhowithappened, that moment alone is to die for. Only if you let him, if you did the smart thing you will set the rules of engagement and battleground long before they even considered such a thing. And as a you tube person showed in his video and based on the evidence presented its quite obviousEast Germany will carry Germanyand save top tier balance. No, the good players, because we need to play with this.. other 90% of the other players, that only got enough braincells to press W. Just carry, its what I do. It would actually give Germany some nice, War Thunder map friendly brawling options, like T-34's, IS-2's, T-54's, as well as some lower BR MBT's with decent armour, like T-55's, T-72's etc. The funny part is that you say thatbut you give absolutely no reasonfor why you saythat. An Panther however loses his main advantage of better armor. - If its not, he will hide and wait till you cap. 1 Description 2 General info 2.1 Survivability and armour 2.2 Mobility 2.3 Modifications and economy 3 Armaments 3.1 Main armament 3.1.1 Ammunition 3.1.2 Ammo racks 3.2 Machine guns 4 Usage in battles 4.1 Pros and cons 5 History 6 Media 7 See also 8 External links Description The M18's like any vehicle that doesn't get shot. Of course it does, but this is not the argument here. #warthunder #warthundermemes #warthunderfunny #warthunderclipsTwitch: Twitch.t. Because heat rounds don't care about armor. Clearly you haven't seen Gaijin's big maps from afar before. The Tiger II's gun is stabilized but it doesn't bounce. It's just so effective and has a good size-able ammunition pool. This line comes up in many venues and references many things--but what does it mean? Apds isn't guaranteed damage actually put rounds through things and have done no damage on many occasions. The T34 where as it has more penetration it has a longer reload and solid shot which recently seems to have suffered a reduced damage output off it round. It's not a perfect strategy as it weakens the cheeks, but I've had a lot of smart american players turn their turret at the last second for an easy bounce. As a person who has played multiple nations, I can again draw on my varied experience for insight on this matter. Those three qualities are what control the tank's ability. Anything that doesn't fit your narrative: step forward progressively. With this you will keep your RPM high and get moving fast. Meanwhile, what is expected of the high skill T__ player? All trademarks, logos and brand names are the property of their respective owners. Isn't it also truethat many of the people who play the american tree only play the US tree? But be aware of your week side armour. I'll have to talk about CAS soon I suppose. Despite the complaints about Germany's WRs, they're not bad really. There's also the issue of the T__ having 6 crew all very well spaced apart, so if by some miracle I get lucky enough to do damage the T__ will just reverse away at high speed and repair. 3. Just an endemic lack of knowledge of what assets are available to the Germans. If by any standards the Panther is far more stable due to its suspension, what does that make the Sherman series, especially in a CQC situation where the medium low speeds are to its' advantage? It's as hard to shoot a the turret of a tiger 2 as it is to shoot a T series turret. T__ turret has double layered spots where it goes as high as 300mm, angled cheeks, and is straight up thicker even at it's weakest points. The third point can be solved simply by accepting what everyone accepts when they go to the cap--the "welp, gotta head in there" feeling. When you do see them, they won't make up 100% of the team composition and they won't even make up 100% of the UK composition since there is a chance for there to be Charioteers and Cent Mk 1s to be thrown into the mix. It is really frustrating when we can't have any machine guns on top of the panzers period. Most fws and 109s dont turn poorly either and will out turn a p-47 rather easily as they are heavier. All trademarks, logos and brand names are the property of their respective owners. In an one on one battle with one cap point andrough, uneven terrain you will lose against the M18 in your panther 8 out of 10 times. I wrote Panther II and T-44-100, which are the medium tanks of BR 6.7-7.0, actual competitors to the Cent 3. The Panther A apcr can go through a turret of a T series at 400 meters if I'm correct. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators . (Oh how many times I have shot the IS6 turret from 400m and all I did was turn the gunner yellow) Plus they have things like T44 which are very bouncy to the 88. And that is harder than the relatively obvious strategies for Soviet and American vehicles, especially when the allies can grab the objectives AND the flanks and wait until they win by ticket bleed. On the contrary, Overall, complaints about German mobility neglect to account for the German vehicles other traits that often give them strengths other nations lack. It's scary and you die whichever you run into. Of course the thick armor and good gun can be an advantage. Eh, the significance of this is overstated. Armor profile is meh also and they are abit slower than the tiger 2s surprisingly. Come on, you know that your arguments is purely theoretical and doesn't work on most WT maps. 0 capable AA's, meanwhile germany is literally spoilt with choice. Only salt and betrayal.Thanks for watching!Subscribe for decent content next time (hopefully). I found German mobility fair as you already answered the Heavy amor and armament give them a huge advantage and if you play your cards right you can effectively cut off flanking routes to the enemy. The allegation is that because the Germans Tigers and Panthers cannot keep pace with the Americans M18s, the Russians T-34-85s and other like vehicles that the Germans simply cannot compete with these vehicles or the teams that use them. Example, an M18 is freaking fast compared to a Panther or any other German Tank of that tier. Other nations have a lot of fast backups with good guns, like the M18, T114, M50, ASU 85, Falcon etc. And the T series has a thick turret but the tiger 2 has a better hull. This is why nobody takes anyone who believes in tygor syndrom seriously. Well one or two not that much but a bit more and flying becomes more problematic. Plus there are only few maps thatfavor this strategy. Like I said earlier I think it's important to take a step back and realize what we are talking about here isn't just a drag race but definitely more complicated than so. German early jets are outperformed by pretty much by everything at their br. Nobody likes uptiers and Germans are no exception--but theyre not suffering any more than anyone else. 20112022 Gaijin Games Kft. If your going to pull the hvars are the best thing out their it shows how little you know. The problem is that the faster tank has the advantage of initiative. Rare, but happens from time to time Few wants to go for the objectives (which is more understandable when you consider the caps' terrible earnings) but fewer want to accept the consequences of not going for them. If you have a side shot why not just shoot the side of it it only has 77mm of armor why the side of the turret. How do you bounce on a flat piece of armour? By A COMMENTARY ON THE BOOK OF LEVITICUS - Bonar. You make it sound like the T series doesn't have to aim for weak points also. In real life, German cats had a more advanced system/concept known as regenerative steering, this is vastly more energy efficient and especially useful for these heavy late wartanks, and other tanks after the war. I have to say that this thread's OP is pretty much THE biggest disconnect from reality that I've read in LONG time. I haven't shared your issues i go through a T series and it dies normally and I'm more prone to freak out if a IS-6 rolls over a hill than a T series. There is no tech tree 6.7 medium tank now, what are you supposed to play if not a Tiger II? The Soviet nation has very little at 6.X--almost as few vehicles as the Americans do at 4.X. T92, T114 are the most common culprits but yes there are more. The Panther by contrasthave close to no reverse. For special purposes I still have my Ju-288 with its two SC1600 bombs. The game is based around combined arms battles on air, land, and sea with vehicles from the Great War to today. As far as I know, nothing about that have been mentioned since it was "being worked on" back in 2017. 1. ronica blake. I've recently been having a bad time grinding in German jet battles, and I feel like my grind is somewhat pointless. Just look at the Tiger 1H how many Heavy Tanks at 5.3 can roll up to 45 almost 50Km/h. Despite the hype, Allied fighter-bombers are not hypermaneuverable UFOs when they're laden with their payloads--they're easy meat for things like the Bf 109s and La-5s. Once he has spotted you, you are basically dead. That advice is not about any narrative, its about the best way around that shortcoming. And that brings me to the issues with the economy, the game's economy is soulcrushing, now I do understand that you need people to spend money (and for what it's worth I have), but there is little to no enjoyment for the average player in the game. Most German fighters can either take a 500kg bomb or a 250kg bomb. Back to the topic/question, could someone explain to me why AB's german players are willing to leave matches that haven't even gotten to the real brawling yet. Well you know what they say, the turtle always wins. By observation, I guess, a lot of players dont do this. As if the game and the race to the capture point ends the moment they get to it and then it just sits there waiting for the Panther to roll in. I don't have too much preference on maps as a matter of range. The Germany newbies will complain that their chosen tank sucks and the Germany veterans are in their meta premiums taking out entire enemy teams. More to the point, your initial comment is THE biggest disconnect from reality that I've read in LONG time. So saying it does bad thing in a downtier goes whichever way you draw it. That being said I wanted to ask them to get answers, because for me it is important. Neither Soviets, Brits nor Ger vehicles have them, beside some prems or some advanced sub-types. If you compare the Panther and M18, the M18 is quicker but is not armored nor as well armed. Simply replacing them with a JPz 4-5, Ru 251, or M41 could raise their combat effectiveness 5 fold, but I still see the same ol team comps of 90% tiger 2s. Isn't it also true that many of the people who play the soviet tree only play the soviet tree? And i find that the 88 one shots the T series rather easily now through the turret. Would have been fair If Gajin would have handled this as they did for other nations ("not neccessary"). He will retreat and find a way around you. thx to the map design, germany tigers same as soviet mbts like t72/t64 donot fit the meta thats all. FRENCH ATGMS ARE NON-EXISTENT. Germany does have heavies before the Tiger, namely KV-1B, KV-II 754 and Churchill at 4.0 and KV-1C at 4.7, but they are premiums andeven if you can get them with warbonds, not everyone bothers with them. Are king tigers unplayable? It also means I don't need to drive around to flank you when I can justwait for a minute or twoand then proceed to shoot youonce I have visual. Not being able to be constructive in any way seems key to yourself. You can skip APCR because it won't do much. panzer ii german light tank sdkfz 121 world war photos. Can go through a turret of a tiger 2 as it is to shoot a T series rather easily they... What control the tank 's ability the Great War to today I can again draw my. Is a major drawback and makes this tank so special the medium tanks br... Beside some prems or some advanced sub-types likes of P-47s and Fireflies can make multiple distinct strikes against armor working. Most German fighters can either take a 500kg bomb or a 250kg bomb will. 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war thunder forum germany suffers