strengths and weaknesses of change4life

The campaign aims to create a culture change where stakeholders and consumers are equipped and have the confidence in engaging in conversations about sexual health and relationships. A prime example are other high carbohydrate foods which provide little in the way of nutrition such as white breads, white rice and the countless other high calorie and low nutritional value convenience foods, such as pizzas, crisps, sausage rolls, buns and cakes, which are prominently placed in supermarkets and high street outlets such as Greggs. Flexibility. Through a locally searchable database of services provided by partner organisations, people can find activities they can undertake locally. They can subtly understand if you are balanced. The changes will be in place in 2013 and in the following year all hospitals will be foundation trusts, which will mean that hey will be controlling their own budget and have control. strengths and weaknesses of change4life. In conjunction with communications partners and the Central Office of Information (COI), using its Artemis forecasting tool, the following targets were developed for the first year of the campaign: Mobilising the network started in 2008, before any direct communication to the public. Physical strength - you may have incredible flexibility, coordination, or endurance. Change4Life is the British Government's flagship brand focused on tackling childhood obesity. The campaign points out that a 2 litre bottle of fizzy pop typically contains around 52 lumps of sugar. 1.) Contributes to transparent, evidence-informed policy-making and consequently to good governance and . Smoking has been estimated to cause 114,000 deaths in a year in the UK, 30,000 of these due to cardiovascular disease. There is also a maximum of 2500 if the person who manages the premises or vehicles fails to prevent smoking. Some of the advantages of Facebook business pages include: Brand awareness: Facebook is one of the largest social media platforms in the world. This helps you make decisions that better reflect your true self and make you happy. Firstly, there is a common misconception that foods can be categorised into "bad" and "good" foods, with "bad" foods including crisps, cakes, chocolate etc., and "good" foods including vegetables, yoghurts, nuts etc. One of the key changes advised is to swap full sugar cola and other sweet drinks for diet versions. Poor communication. (M Prasad is Sr. Change4Life is one of the four strands of the Department of Health's public health marketing strategy, published in April 2011. This is more problematic with the poor as it is said that poverty is the main risk factor for illnesses. Creativity. The next phase would help people recognise that their own families may be at risk of developing obesity because of their current behaviours. Character-based strengths - some examples include enthusiasm, courage, discipline, and a positive attitude. User Profiles. Interactive communication is the key requisite of a campaign on social media. (Tasker, 2010), Although there have been criticisms of the campaign there have been achievements. Ability to recruit top talent. For the January 2016 Sugar Smart campaign, Public Health England designed an evaluation that tracked the impact of communications all the way through the AMEC valid metrics framework, proving its influence, not just on communications outputs and outtakes, but on robust outcomes, including . This led to the creation of a three-year marketing strategy to drive, coax, encourage and support people through each stage of the behaviour change journey. (Watts, 2009), There is not enough evidence to say that social marketing is effective than other methods of improving health, but it seems that the government which is pursuing Change4Life have abandoned pursuing the steps that need to be taken to tackle obesity and focusing on how best to advertise the campaign. Generally smaller and thus more responsive to the needs of local communities than the kinds of large scale development projects undertaken in the days of Modernisation Theory. Published: 11th Feb 2020. Info: 4302 words (17 pages) Nursing Essay Content on does not replace the relationship between you and doctors or other healthcare professionals nor the advice you receive from them. What is budget of Change4Life this financial year? whose attitudes and behaviours place their children most at risk of excess weight gain), Provide insight into why those individuals hold the attitudes and behave as they do, Create a communications campaign to change those attitudes, Provide products (such as handbooks, questionnaires, wall charts and web content) that people could use to help them change their behaviours, Signpost people to services (such as breastfeeding cafs, accompanied walks, free swimming and cookery classes), Bring together a coalition of local, non-governmental and commercial sector organisations to use their influence to change behaviour, The 1.4 million families who have children aged under 2, The 1.6 million families with children aged 2 to 10 whose children are most at risk of weight gain, Those ethnic minority communities (particularly Black African, Bangladeshi and Pakistani) where levels of childhood obesity are particularly high, Review of the existing evidence base in both academic and market research, Quantitative segmentation of 883 families of children aged 2 to 10 using the TNS Family Food Panel and bespoke surveys, Qualitative research by 2CV into current behaviours and attitudes and opportunities for intervention focusing on those families identified as a priority in the segmentation, Proposition research by 2CV to identify the most effective ways of tackling the issue of family diet and activity levels and promoting behaviour change, Qualitative research with six ethnic minority communities Pakistani, Bangladeshi, Black African, Gujarati Hindu, Punjabi Sikh and Black Caribbean communities, While people know obesity is an issue (93 per cent of UK parents agree that childhood obesity is an issue of national importance) they do not realise that it is their issue (only 5 per cent of parents believe their child is overweight or obese), Parents routinely under-estimate the amount of food they and their children eat and over-estimate the amount of activity they undertake, A host of behaviours the research suggests are unhealthy (such as spending a lot of time participating in sedentary activities) have no perceived risk for parents, Healthy living is perceived as a middle-class aspiration, Parents prioritise their childrens immediate happiness over their long-term health, the link between poor diet and sedentary behaviour today and future health outcomes is not understood, Many parents have surrendered control over food choices to their children allowing children to decide what goes in the supermarket trolley, what they eat and when they eat it in order to avoid rows, Parents often prioritise filling children up over feeding them the right foods, Snacking has become a way of life in many households and is used in emotionally complex ways, for example as a reward for good behaviour and as appeasement, Many parents lack the knowledge, skills and confidence to cook from scratch and rely on convenience food, Coping strategies to deal with fussiness can create chaotic, unhealthy family mealtimes, Most parents believe their children are already active (confusing being boisterous with being active) and believe that schools are already doing enough to make sure children are active, Sedentary activity (for example watching television and playing computer games) is encouraged by parents because it frees up their own time and they may lack the inspiration or motivation to be more active, Parents often believe it is too unsafe for their children to play outside, Some mothers lack the confidence to take part in physical activity with their children, Parents habitually use cars for short journeys because they believe it is more convenient and they attach status to car usage, Be concerned that weight gain has health consequences, Recognise their families are at risk and take responsibility for reducing that risk, Ask Use a variety of mechanisms to ask as many families as possible about their own behaviours, Benchmark Use mass media to bring results to life and tell people how they and their neighbours stand in relation to the nation, Create practical goals Allow families to select a behaviour to change, based on their own needs and aspirations, Record Provide a mechanism for individuals to record their own behaviour, Report back Tell the nation how we are doing, Increasing consumption of fruit and vegetables (5 A Day), Having structured meals, especially breakfast (Meal Time), Reducing unhealthy snacking (Snack Check), Reducing fat consumption (Cut Back Fat), 60 minutes of moderate intensity activity (60 Active Minutes), Reducing sedentary behaviour (Up & About), To reach 99 per cent of families living in England (defined as an opportunity to see the campaign), For 82 per cent of all mothers with children under 11 to recall the advertising campaign (as measured by the tracking study), For 44 per cent of mothers with children under 11 to recognise the Change4Life logo (as measured by the tracking study), For 100,000 families to complete How are the kids? questionnaires, For 200,000 families to join Change4Life (defined as registering their details with the programme), For 33,333 families to still be involved with Change4Life after 6 months, To generate 1.5 million responses (calls, web visits or paper responses), Providing lower-cost fruit and vegetables (Tesco), Selling 70,000 family bikes at cost (Asda), Sponsoring the London Marathon as the Flora Change4Life London Marathon (Unilever), Funding free swimming for all customers (British Gas), Monitoring campaign exposure and visibility to the target audience, Tracking the development of a social movement, Three in 10 mothers who were aware of Change4Life claim to have made a change to their childrens behaviours as a direct result of the campaign. To improve integration of local marketing activity with the national effort, the Department of Health (DH) created a bid fund to allow SHAs to fund localised activity from the central budget of 1 million eight awards were made. The model assumes that most behaviors of social relevance (including health behaviors) are under volitional control, and that a person's intention to perform a behavior is both the . Instead, mothers within the six communities fell into four broad groups. A spokesman from the pro-smoking pressure group stated figures show that the smoking ban has been an unmitigated failure. (Martin, 2008), However a spokesman from the Department of Health replied to the criticisms by stating that the Smoke free laws were put forward to protect employees and public from secondhand smoke, and that the legislation was never intended to be a measure to reduce smoking. There is a fixed penalty of 200 if there is a failure to put up no-smoking signs. However, this is far short of the government aim to have it halved. These figures are worrying given that in 1993, when the first study was carried out, only 13% of men and 16% of women were classed as obese. Ability to deliver projects to budget and schedule. HealtHy weigHt, HealtHy lives: a toolkit for developing local strategies Written by Dr Kerry Swanton Consultant editor: Professor alan maryon-Davis FFPH FRCP FFSEM Edited by Wordworks Produced by the national Heart forum in association with the faculty of Public Health, the Department of Health, the Department for Children, Schools and families and . If you need assistance with writing your nursing essay, our professional nursing essay writing service is here to help! All national partners are also required to complete and submit activity application forms for approval by the DH. Outside the CRM programme, the team realised there was considerable appetite among the public for interactive products and tools that would stimulate behaviour change and help them track the changes they were making. Knowledgeable - Debaters rarely pass up a good opportunity to learn something new, especially abstract concepts. 2003 - 2022 - the global diabetes community. A lot of campaigns are now in place to inform mainly teenagers the importance of safe sex. Be honest and choose a real weakness. However, it is what is needed as it could change behaviour. (Department of health, (b) 2010). What are the socio-demographics of the clients / users of change4life programme / apps? Overall the portfolio went over what the campaigns promote, what they have achieved, their criticisms and what they are aiming for in the future. NHS approved education and behaviour change app for people with type 2 diabetes, prediabetes, obesity. (Martin, 2008), The Health Survey for England, which was carried out by the NHS has raised fears that smokers are now simply smoking at home which is now putting children at risk. Health director James Gubb stated that the NHS is facing the most difficult financial times in its history and that it is not the time to change structures but its better to get behind the difficult decisions PCTs will have to make. (Politics, 2011), The British Medical Association (BMA) warned of a sexual health crisis in Britain and called on the government to reduce rates of STIs. Find . Whatever our achievement, it pivots around the team effort. The strengths and weaknesses of any leader can make a big difference in how a person leads and learning how to strengthen leadership weaknesses can make them more effective. Delivered online and by post, this programme would provide encouragement, information and support for families to get their children eating better and moving more. The changes will be getting rid of the targets that say that operations are performed within 18 weeks and also seeing your doctor within 48 hours. Over 2.5 million Snack Swappers were distributed to the public, supplies were exhausted and Snack Swappers gained their own online following through blogs, Facebook and Twitter posts. Some examples of strengths you might mention include: Enthusiasm Trustworthiness Creativity Discipline Patience Respectfulness Determination Dedication Honesty Versatility When you complete this list, choose three to five of those strengths that match what the employer is seeking in the job posting. The campaign talks about fat in the body rather that fat bodies and makes the link clear between fat and preventable illnesses. third, the change4life programme assumes that 'eating better' can reduce the risk for disease and death despite the fact that there is almost a complete absence of evidence from randomised. Contrary to initial expectation that local supporters would come primarily from the voluntary sector and community-minded individuals (many parents themselves), 70 per cent are LA public sector workers. (BBC, 2004), On the 1st July 2007, England introduced a new law to make all enclosed public places and workplaces smoke free. Within these three marketing objectives there are six strands of activities which are for prevention-knowledge and education and communication and negotiation skills. SWOT (Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, and Threat) analysis is a framework businesses use strategically to plan out the trajectory of their product, service, or commodity. Strengths are the tasks you do easily and well. List of Strengths. For the vast majority of people in the UK, particularly those that are overweight or otherwise at a heightened risk of type 2 diabetes, consuming sugary drinks is a waste of calories as these drinks are high calorie and carry no nutritional value in terms of vitamins and minerals. Not listening to employees. For example, if a job requires a lot of work on team projects, you might say one of your strengths is that you are a clear communicator who can work with diverse groups of people. Communication skills. So clearly there is a potential of success and recent signs have shown that the public are on board with such initiatives. The first campaign is change4life campaign it will go through what this campaign promotes, its aims and what it has achieved so far it will then go onto criticising the campaign and explain what has not worked. What do we know about the strengths and weakness of different policy mechanisms to in uence health behaviour in the population? Summary. This is surprising as whilst butter contains natural fats, many low fat spreads, such as margarine, are known to contain trans fats, which can be a danger to health if consumed regularly. Delegating. (Kanigher, 2010), The sexual health campaign is in place to inform people to have safe sex to prevent sexual transmitted diseases (STIs) and unwanted pregnancies. There is no guarantee that the rates of smoking will not raise again so it is essential that the downward pressure is maintained. One of the key changes advised is to swap full sugar cola and other sweet drinks for diet versions. How much has Change4Life cost since it began in 2009? The campaign would launch with advertising explaining the link between weight gain and illness and reduced life expectancy, positioning this as an issue that could affect the majority of families in the future. Do you have a 2:1 degree or higher in nursing or healthcare? We can not succeed alone. The local health authority had determined that to counter methods that tobacco companies have used to lure young people into thinking that smoking is cool, the most effective way to stop people from smoking is to fight fire with fire. The following are examples of strengths at work: Hard skills. The CRM programme should have been ready to go out to families as soon as they joined Change4Life, Develop more products for professionals, such as teachers and doctors, who have a professional interest in combating obesity. Drive website traffic: By posting links to your website, you can help increase online visits. 4.4/5 on The practical steps that Change4Life advocates will help people to improve their diet and health, for example, by swapping sugary foods like soft drinks for healthier alternatives, cutting down. Accurate forecasting. In order to create a robust evidence base, 7 per cent of the total marketing budget is being spent on research, monitoring and evaluation of campaign activity, and national partners are required to demonstrate how they will evaluate their own activity and to share any results with Change4Life. Change4life puts the blame of obesity onto modern life, which affects everyone instead of blaming the parents. Inability to motivate teams. A lack of resources for sexual health services have been blamed for the rates of infection. Is a field with close links to policy-making and practice and thus a type of research with high societal relevance. The three campaigns that have been mentioned in the portfolio have given an overview of what the campaign does and the strengths and weaknesses. This will ensure that England has a healthier environment so that everyone can socialise, relax, travel and shop free from second hand smoke. As part of this new approach, the Great Swapathon campaign was launched in January 2011, which aims to urge families to swap at least one unhealthy habit for a healthier one. A criticism of the campaign is that the dairy swaps suggested encourage consumers to buy foods that are lower in fat and also more processed. Find support, ask questions and share your experiences. 2.) The programme is not an add-on it is an integral part of, Basing the programme on the latest evidence, including evidence generated through ongoing campaign research and monitoring, sharing that evidence base widely and seeking expert opinion to guide decisions where the evidence base was limited, Engaging specialist suppliers, all of whom, while outstanding in their own field, are also capable of working together in a spirit of cooperation, Open source marketing The creation of sub-brands and allowing partners to create their own sub-brands, content and programmes, encouraging them to feel that they are part of a bigger initiative, Building a coalition of partners, including commercial sector, NGOs and other government departments, Working to engage the local NHS and the schools. Obesity is a serious concern for the United Kingdom, with as much as two-thirds of men and almost as many women now being overweight, according to an NHS report. Change4Life is the Department of Health's national public health campaign, which began in January 2009. There will be a Health Watch network where feedback will be gathered from patients. 5 Benefits of Listing Your Personal Strengths and Weaknesses. The desired behaviours promoted are: For people to move from an intent to actual change, they need to be convinced that change is possible and normal. 3. It has gone through the strengths and the criticisms of the changes. Partnering with News of the World and Asda, Change4Life is giving away 5 million voucher booklets, worth over 50 each, with money off healthier foods, drinks and activities. These insights on diet and activity have underpinned national and local service design, in addition to the development of the social marketing programme. For intervention-there will be integrated education and service delivery. By Marketing Week 29 Apr 2009 8:29 am Public speaking. Want create site? (Tasker, 2010), Lansley stated that the new government will aim to use more social media to get the message of Change4Life across rather than the traditional advertising campaigns and will make it less of a government campaign but a social movement, by asking charities and local authorities and the commercial sectors to get involved. . Think of an example of how this weakness affected your performance in the past. Change4life is a society-wide movement that has the aims to prevent people from becoming overweight by encouraging them to eat better and move more. Answer example: I would definitely choose the ability to build a rapport and work as part of a team as one of my strengths. College is a place with diverse ideas, concepts, and facts. Do you collect any personal data of the users of the app? 6. The research programme consisted of five phases: Analysis of the quantitative data showed that participating families could be grouped into six clusters according to their attitudes and behaviours relating to diet and physical activity. It also enabled those organisations that provide services and commission marketing of their own to join up their activities with the national effort. Step 5: Now, move to the weaknesses part. Avoid coming off as arrogant or insecure in your answer - neither will leave a good impression. Having been heavily criticised by many in the health sector for not implementing a compulsory and simple uniform labelling system in the past, the government has finally won agreement from major supermarkets to introduce a traffic light system of labelling on a voluntary basis this year. Join 614,096 people who get the newsletter, How to bring down high blood sugar levels, Hyperosmolar hyperglycemic nonketotic syndrome. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this essay are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of The team believed the programme would need two stages: Before behaviour change could be achieved on any significant scale, people would need to: Consultation and dialogue would need to play a central role and include the following elements: The scoping work resulted in the development of a marketing strategy, which set out what the campaign would say and what tools, techniques and products would be provided at each stage. The programme began with over six months of engagement with partners and workforces, local service providers, potential local supporters and (non-governmental organisations (NGOs), so that when national marketing started, the public would encounter an informed and supportive local environment. 200,000 at-risk families who joined Change4Life were entered into a CRM programme, which comprised 4 separate packs of information and resources, designed around the calendar of family life and delivered to their homes. When leaders . Medicine and drugs. An enormous amount of work was done by local authorities (LAs), primary care trusts (PCTs), strategic health authorities (SHAs), regional government offices and commercial and NGO partners to prepare for the public launch. It has also provided a rallying call for those already working in the area, The How are the kids? mechanism was the entry point into Change4Life for 63 per cent of those who joined. E.g. The changes in the NHS are complex and are mainly to do with management although Andrew Lansley the health secretary has ensured that patients are at the heart of the changes. The key advantages of the model are that it is simple to understand, is backed by extensive research, and can be applied in many situations. (Clews, 2009), Now it is being said that the new coalition government is taking away the funding from Change4life which was put forward by the Labour government. The Liberal Democrat Health spokesman Norman Lamb stated stark figures which demonstrate the governments strategy on smoking has not been successful. Vaccination is an effective way to become immunised against diseases, however vaccination can be unpleasant and does not offer complete immunity. Will people change their behaviour after living in unhealthy lifestyles for so many years? When you spend time reflecting on your strengths and weaknesses, you get to know your true self better. Rather than a trend (which somehow suggests it might be short lived) I see this as more of a cultural evolution or on-going long-term change., By Mahir Prasad setting targets for delivery partners, especially NGBs, addresses weaknesses of the current approach and in particular incentivises overall increases in participation 16. Knowing yourself and your personal weaknesses and strengths, not only helps you understand what to do to improve yourself but also helps in decision-making. (Department of Health (a), 2010), The steps that Change4life support will help people to improve health and their diet for example by swapping sugary food for healthier alternatives, cutting down on portion sizes and putting a limit on snacks. The focus of the social marketing programme is on: The Healthy Weight, Healthy Lives research programme was developed to provide insights into the attitudes and behaviours of families with children under the age of 11 in relation to diet and physical activity. The word obesity was avoided, since evidence suggests that focusing on positive messages about healthy lifestyles, rather than directly on weight or obesity, is more likely to create effective behaviour change. To conclude the NHS document has gone through what the changes are going to take place in the NHS and what this will cause. (Minkler, 2009), Another criticism is that the personal health responsibility agenda is that the government will move the blame from themselves to the individual. It has also stated that the GPs will now have control over the NHS budget and the changes will take place 2013. While much of the research has been conducted with males only, resistance training has also It will also help you to show the recruiter how well you've researched for the particular job role and company. Instead there will be a NHS independent board who will oversee the GPs. (Everett, 2009), There are three marketing objectives that the campaign has the first is prevention-building attitudes, knowledge and skills that make safe sex more likely. Copyright 2003 - 2023 - is a trading name of Business Bliss Consultants FZE, a company registered in United Arab Emirates. The Stages of Change Model is a well-established psychological model that outlines 6 stages of personal change: Pre-contemplation Contemplation Preparation Action Maintenance Termination Change4Life 7.9. currently described as the marketing component of the Government's response to the rise in obesity. since 2003, Your purchase is secure and we're rated (Bawden, 2010), Victoria Sheard, who is deputy head of police at Terrence Higgins trust, stated that there is a need for young people to be given more information to protect themselves. 3.) In years two and three, the campaign has expanded to address other at-risk groups. Their problem-solving strengths allow them to think of new ideas and approaches to traditional problems. and toolkits for partners to use. 4. Change4Life is Englands first ever national social marketing campaign to reduce obesity. . No plagiarism, guaranteed! Another manager weakness is not listening to employees. The second campaign is anti-smoking campaign it will again go the aims, what it has achieved and the criticisms of the campaign. Strengths and weaknesses play a major part in determining who we are as employees and as leaders. The under-18 conception rate has been at the lowest for over twenty years, on the other hand experts have said that the target to halve the teenage pregnancy rate will be missed. The budget will lead to all the GP surgeries to become part of private companies. Strengths and Weaknesses of Functionalist And Conflict Theories. Each campaign has in its own way given information on the health risks and what can prevent them. Box 9 The bene ts of partnership working: the Change4Life campaign. The advantages of NGO Aid over Official Development Aid. Hiring. The Hypo Program is the world's first and only structured education program. (BBC, 2011), With the changes the ministers, including the secretary of state, will no longer be able to intervene when a hospital is threatened to close. What you cover in your answer can give them insights into your particular skillsets and areas of improvement. These figures are worrying given that in 1993, when the first study was carried out, only 13% of men and 16% of women were classed as obese. They have been criticised for having partnerships with companies such as Nestle, PepsiCo and Mars. This will cause been achievements go the aims, what it has also stated that the GPs will now control... Failure to put up no-smoking signs work: Hard skills drive website traffic: posting. Is anti-smoking campaign it will again go the aims, what it has also that... 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strengths and weaknesses of change4life