is saba university a good medical school

The states, however, have allowed themselves to be cowed into ignoring the issue. Caribbean Medical Schools have different controversies in the market. But, if you really want to become a physician, you have to think about your priorities in life and decide if you want to spend another year trying to get accepted in the US or rather start sooner than later in a Caribbean school. In my opinion I wouldnt recommend my school to any of my friends or family. Im jealous. puts the schools average around 2.7. The school where I attended my Medical Technology School training closed in 1999 and I could not get a transcript. PSA: you are MORE than capable of changing the world as an NP, PA, EMT, etc. As far as Caribbean medical schools. This little fact is kept well hidden from the starting class until youre actually there! I graduated for American University of the Caribbean. Stanford has a higher acceptance rate than the ten most competitive medical schools, which accepted an average of 2.5% of all applicants. Its worth a look. I believe we are inherently good and thats what went through most our minds and not, cant wait to be in their spot so I can haze people, and have a power trip. Some of us who may attend Caribbean Medical Schools are doing so in fact because we did not have the luxury of parents putting us through undergrad and had to work for our degrees, along with supporting families and meeting family obligations and therefore our GPAs and MCAT scores are less than perfect. I spent a lot of time crying!! Can retake the MCAT and reapply to med schools in the US, but that would push off my journey by two years. Also, they dont even get sick days. The SGA wanted to confirm that this wasnt going to happen. The amount of knowledge you are expected to consume and the rate and consistency is so insane. Thats unbelievable. The curriculum is designed to cap and limit the knowledge of the student to ensure they will score within the USMLE score range to match into family/internal medicine. My parents were barely able to pay my tuition in America because my country went into a recession and exchange rates skyrocketed. After starting rotations, half of the hospitals they were rotating with when I signed for an apartment said the school nulled their contract and we could no longer rotate with them (Norwegian Hospital, St. Marys and several others). If you honestly dont have the stats, dont look at the Caribbean as the backdoor to an MD because it really isnt. The real untold truth is that all for profit medical schools are in the wrong business. Yes! Right now I am leaning toward AUC because St. Maarten seems to be the best option for living (best access to groceries, night life, entertainment, etc.) AUA also did not have any family support structures in place. Informed consent. what school are you going to? If you do go down that route I can guarantee that you will work much harder than anyone stateside for a mediocre outcome. The program that I have a Masters in, is similar to your basic sciences. One of the important factors when considering a master's degree is the cost of study. SGU is a second-chance medical school and you have to understand that in the most literal sense. With most medical students in the United States not even bothering to show up for class, waiting for the lecture videos and then watching them at 2x speed, it seems like a no-brainer that online learning will eventually become a standard model for medical schools in the west, but it will be a while because there are many snobs and purists that feel everything should be learned butt-in-seat inside an old lecture hall, no exceptions. Forthcoming film will start the long overdue conversation about HOW we treat and train our healers: So long as profit is the main motive, it really doesnt matter where the medical school is located. I am forever unimpressed by the medical students that intern for these off-shore programs and would guess that the real appeal is that you dont have to have the intellectual and testing measures to guage competency. Additionally, do you truly believe that requiring students who failed or are/ were on academic probation to earn a C or better to remain in school too much to ask with regards to preparing to become a physician? Thinking of all those young people with 100-200K+ debt and no degree of any use is just tragic! This is my second year and so far my school has showed a lot of support for us. We got them to retreat from that One of the attractive things about Sabas admissions criteria is that there is no defined GPA requirement. Even if you are a good student, there is no guarantee that you will graduate or match. This was quite an interesting read. Do you really want to graduate from a medical school that accepts and passes everyone? What he did not like was the attrition rate at SABA. It WAS Bad, because Mexicans hate us Gringos. The Gobernacion gave us a bad time with our visas, if we registered our cars from America legally, it was Hell. My situation was unique in the sense that I was a nontraditional student married with two kids. Schools like the International University of Health Sciences allow you to take the basic sciences online (2 years), then find a residency in the United States and their system has been very successful. Other than those schools, along with AUC, I would not waist my time. . There were no laundry services, no ovens, and a shared floor bathroom. I graduated from AUC back in 1998 and my experience was very different from the one described above. Heidelberg University and Charit in Berlin for example had 3.8% and 5.6% acceptance rates (per Wikipedia), and those clinical programs are ranked very highly (around no. I have been hearing that SABA has a small class because a lot of students dont want to go there? Would I do it again? Why? (1) Yes, Ive heard SGU did overfill one of their classes. From adequate student support systems, to ombudsmans to hear student pleas or act as support and defenders in events like the ones i dealt with. I had a better experience at Avalon University School of Medicine environment with smaller classes and clinical availabilities. Ive had to teach myself everything in order to do well. If you are socially awkward, then medicine is not right for you. I had a 3.55 GPA. It is not my intention to sound like a d*%k. Hi Dr. Wible, Everyone has different experiences about their transition at Caribbean medical schools. would stab you in the back with a unilateral attendance policy (too bad Born and raised in the UK, Will went into medicine late (31) after a career in journalism. days there! There are lots of scholarships and many offer grants as well, Im looking at a $10,000/yr grant for prior military service. I will be happy to share more information with you. I finished at MUA and did my rotations with plenty of Saba students. I feel that no one who is truly motivated and belongs in the field of medicine can fail if they have such an attitude. I am taking the time to write this because Caribbean schools are not what people think they are, or at least my school is not what everyone says about Caribbean schools. So I say that to say this: I dont think the issue is so much with Caribbean schools themselves for a student who is able to make it to licensing because that road is not easy and not just anyone can do it. Drop out rate is also terrible. 2. You have to be really open to surprises if you want to take a journey to a Caribbean school. I encourage you not to give up on your dreams but realize medical school is not your only option. I couldnt agree more.St.George University School of Medicine is fabulous .Their system follows more of how Med School runs in Europe like Germany ,Switzerland or Britain.They give more qualified students a chance to succeed ,that probably in the US would have never had a chance to get into Med School. ; Participants can check in at the Broadway entrance of Lerner Hall upon arrival. Biology: one-year general biology or zoology with a lab component. After about a month the class will be down to 900 or so. Hi, Simple as that. The school's website is available here. This student must have never taken the time to get to know a PA, NP, nurse, EMT, or any other healthcare provider for that matter, because these people are actually capable of making some changes in the world and almost all of us do. There are many other problems with Saba which are getting worse in recent years. Have you heard anything on the University of Science, Arts and Technology? I decided to apply to Caribbean Medical Schools. Please, as an international student, what advise can you give me on their scholarships and how I can support myself with the remaining balance through out my stay in the Caribbean medical schools as a poor student? However, because many of the offshore schools have a lower requirement for entry, many of you are afforded the opportunity to achieve your dream. Some are plain terrible. There are students in the US dropping out of medical school, same happens in the Caribbean. The physicians that make it through the system are excellent and have been through more abuse than US physicians but unfortunately, many of the ones who are roadblocked are also strong in their skills and knowledge base. I dont even know the writer but I know this situation all to well. Retake retake retake and reapply! ME?!? What medical school are you attending? I know what you went through. I am taking the time to write this because Caribbean schools are not what people think they are, or at least my school is not what everyone says about Caribbean schools. Remember this is your DREAM, never forget that. MAKE THEM! Caribbean school should be your last resort and when youve decided its your last resort, make sure you compare the top 3 and see which suits you best (St. George, Ross, AUC). Ohio used to, but theyve just ended the program. Do you mind telling me if your classes were huge like SGU or more manageable? That way you will not try to commit suicide. It is as follows: Transcript fee: $10. Many Ivy League and non-Ivy League medical schools are like that. I scored a 517 on the MCAT, I have a masters in Biotechnology from Johns Hopkins with a GPA of 3.68 The recommended courses from this Masters are: Biochemistry, Biostatistics, Genetics, and a research project. I actually enjoyed my med 1 courses and like youve mentioned, I met some amazing people. But at the end of the day it comes down to motivation. I will have to look into this before I make my final decision. I was in shock and started crying like I never had before. The rest probably have IQs lower than average (most doctors fall between 108 and 130 and money is getting them through these programs. SJSM is way cheaper than Ross, but Ross is amongst the top Carribean Med Schools. Why Saba? SGU is the 4th largest source of doctors so what you guys are saying is scaring me! The school and curriculum arent that difficult. These Caribbean programs are fast-paced so if you miss a class, you miss a lot and its hard to catch up. Although the Caribbean medical schools are not as good as the American ones, im thinking about studying medicine over there because I want to be a doctor so badly and ill Work really hard for it. Even at SGU, ROSS, and AUC there is no guarantee that you will graduate and even if you do manage to graduate, there is no guarantee you will end up matching into a program you like or even the specialty that you initially wanted. The school has enough places for all of its students for the January and August classes. As you might have guessed I am a student at AUA. European accreditation: Because Saba is a Dutch island, Saba is accredited by the Netherlandsmaking it the only medical school in the Caribbean held to high European standards. And not only Americans and Canadians fall victim, people of all other nationalities do so too. My son is in the same Caribbean Med school. Career Highlights. Perhaps that is true for some, but for many the fact that they realize that a school has just trashed their dreams or making it extremely difficult for them to attain it, is heartbreaking. By no means was going to this school a disastrous proposition for me. I believe US Medical education has been throttled by the US medical profession itself. Do what you have to do. couldnt take the Primero anyhow. This certificate is very useful in the field of medicine. The bulk of the people that didnt make the cut either partied too much on the island or didnt have the maturity to power through rote memorization. Current student at AUA. Advice: know how you learn best before you hit the islands or you will fail. Its true you are under an extreme amount of stress and out of your comfort zone, but there are ways to cope that do not involve drugs. What school did they graduate from? The will to succeed and genuine drive of these physicians eclipses most of my US trained peers. and take attendance for all the other times. From my experience and reading up on the application processes when I decided on Medical School programs in 2017, programs in those countries run much longer (usually 6-7 years), require research and a dissertation (Germany), and are incredibly hard to get into as they are taxpayer-subsidized and merit-based, thus highly competitive. The school lost its financial aid shortly after, so I would have been forced to leave anyway. They are supposed to act in the best interest of the student. Whether or not the system of selection is fair or not, those who will not let their dream dye, do consider attending a Caribbean med-school a serious option. In fact, the mental stress of not being able to pursue your dreams is far worse than the stress any medical student may face academically. You are obviously very smart if you are reading this post. Chukwumah I will like to get in touch with you. Since were older, thats why he is going th carib route. In 2017, there were over 45,000 applications for very few positions in Germany for example, with average Med School size around 300-350 and you needed a perfect GPA (Abitur / Matura / baccalaureat) plus entrance exams (TMS or HamNat for Germany) and be fluent in the native language of course. 5. Thank you for taking the time to write this. We have a lot of student organizations in case you want to show off your leadership skills. AUA, MUA, St George, SABA, are top notch schools and some of you guys are just flat out lying because you are upset. Those 2 years were very hard because they involved feeling homesick and dealing with constant studying for exams and difficult coursework. If thats the case, then the USMLEs are not hard enough and should be re-examined for their difficulty and effectiveness for being used as a gauge to grant would-be Doctors advancement toward becoming licensed to practice. NO Americans have gone to that school in many years (they still go to Guadalajara.) You dont need to be a genius to be a doctor. I appreciate your post. Saba University School of Medicine is one of the world's leading international medical schools, with a more than 20-year history of educating outstanding physicians. These are the students who started something and are going to finish, even if it means living in a box. If schools were laxed about their academic standards and passing benchmarks, borderline passing students will get to their final years and after having spent the equivalent of a fully detached house on tuition they would end up not matching. I counseled what I could before and after seeing this candidates papers; another unrelated position has been found and those years in the Carib are history. 1) Faculty turnover is outrageously high, and the university will spend a year at a time short-staffed on a subject. As for the new students in semester 1 with the new curriculum, this is what they decided to do in order to keep raking in the money without having to show up for an attrition rate as last semester. Saba Medical School (Saba University School of Medicine) is located in The Bottom, Saba, in the Caribbean.This Caribbean medical school was founded in 1993 and has enrolled about 1500 MD students since that time. It is a somewhat watered down version of their first real semester. Im sure that this mental stress is perhaps the worst amongst all that we have discussed. Many that drop out or kicked out of med school go onto finish school at another lower tiered school. BUTthats just a cat and mouse game. Im still trying to understand the reasoning behind the current modal of physician training that we have. Since 1987, no more than six per cent of medical students in the U.S. each year have come from families with poverty-level incomes. This Caribbean medical school has provided my son both the hope and the knowledge to succeed. I applied to Ross, AUC, AUA and Saba. Dont be too hard on yourself because in the end life is what you make it. Perhaps more people than deserve one. It would literally be impossible for them University to match as many people as the do every year and have a 40% attrition rate. The school offers an introductory semester called Foundations or something like that. Used to study questions pretest, Lange books, and work backwards onto notes. Under the Volcano before you go. They ALSO DID THIS WITH MY OTHER FRIEND. Please Jane, Im happy I found a Nigerian here. I hope you dont treat your patients that way! It wasnt as intense as some of the Island schools. And although youll still need to match those admissions criteria (by no means easy), its probably a lot easier to do so than it would be matching any other medical school state-side. International students wishing to do so often look at 1-2 years of preparation in addition to the program one year of language training and language exams to pass the C1-level exam, and one year of preparation courses for physics/ chemistry/ biochemistry/ molecular biology etc. There are 10s of upper term students who have groups where they help teach lower term students the material. SGU has an attrition rate of less than 10% Again, the stats are available, just look at them on their website. But hey maybe after 4 years of graduation and being unemployed you will realize you should have quit and by then your parents will be begging you to move out of the garage. There are always answers to problems. A second chance is not often offered in life. Hello, I just wanted to give my input to give a different perspective. Agree. For a very long time, as its been almost 4 years since I left medicine, I was depressed and just in a bad place. You can go to the beach for an hour EVERY day! This is your dream, take it seriously. During my gap year my daugther was killed in an accident. Do your own research, if thousands have come through the school and became doctors, why cant you? A classroom can comfortably hold about 35-40 students, yet still, acceptance rate is at an all time high, and currently 65 students are being cramped into one of those classrooms. I know this because im not 20 obviously and I know how schools are accredited, so I also know when someone is stretching the truth a lot. 2. The strategy some of the schools will employ is to just admit anyone with a bioscience background. Hello, please does any know about SABA university and if it is a good school because am thinking of applying there. 4. Its equipped with a nice and big gym that is located in front of the schools beach. hi please, im from Nigeria and would like to get in touch with you about caribbean medical schools. I was very skeptical before I came here of course, but this school, IMO will allow you to have your sanity while going through these 2 tough years of basic sciences. With help from family, friends, and an organization called Medical Education Cooperation with Cubawhich helps American students in Cuba prepare for their homecoming with scholarships, tutoring for U.S. exams, and connections to American medical networksshe returned home each summer, gaining experience at hospitals in Minneapolis, Oakland, and Washington, D.C. Saba University School of Medicine has rolling admissions. Have faith & please join me. Dont be afraid to cold call and explain your interests. while i sympathtise with this persons experience, his experience is not mine or that of many other colleagues of mine that went to Caribbean medical schools. I reached the clinical level (did great in basic sciences)incurred over 200K in student loan debt. Youll always have to fight and be your own advocate but I cant complain because without them, I wouldnt be getting my degree next year! What does it mean for you to be a doctor and how far are you willing to travel to get there, and will you ever give up? I could be a nurse, PA, NP, EMT, or any other health care provider but I want to make some changes in this world and this puts you in the driver seat to do so. Being an IMG is tough and being a Caribbean medical student, even tougher. What separates a good Doctor from a bad Doctor is the same thing that separates good Nurses from bad Nurses: ambition beyond training and exams. I have been looking at their school as a Med school option. If you wanted to be a dermatologist and got a 230 on Step, it is the equivalent of saying good luck knowing you, you will not be able be a dermatologist.Maybe internal medicine is good for you! All in all, that is how it is. In fact they may be targeted first. RSVP Now. What year did you apply? these are for-profit,agggresively capitalistic, morally-bankrupt organisations. The landlords are Bad down there, and you have NO recourse in anything! 5. Check their website for additional details. Anyhow, I didnt mean for this to be long. While all the Campuses (Barbados, Jamaica and Trinidad) offer high quality Medical degrees, I highly recommend the beautiful Cave Hill Campus in Barbados. PLEASE ANYONE READING THIS POST SHARE IT. It is my mission. This school sounds like it is SGU in Grenada. Always lived at home, never had a job, mommy and daddy took care of everything, cant cook, bath when told only, etcand then you get a diamond every now and then. I am the type of person that has to do everything by myself and sometimes God blesses me with people to help. If we dont achieve 80% attendance, the school may or may not discount some percentage of your grade (1%-5%) but it is an exaggeration that a student automatically fails the semester for not achieving the 80% attendance. Lmao what in gods name makes you think anyone cares to cater their writing style so your eminence will be able to read it! I cant really tell you as even if I had obtained a residency my best hope would be to stay even. Ive read and heard that due to covid they were considering applications without the MCAT. Fuck the masters degree and do an assessment of your abilities and work your ass off to have the necessary abilities and basic knowledge to achieve whatever goal you want to pursue. Finished a bachelors degree as a transfer at an amazing State school and currently am wrapping up an MPH. You wrote very good . Do you look up test questions from books or flashcard sites like brocephalus? 240 comments,, Secrets to loving your life in healthcare, Frank H Netter MD School of Medicine 2019. Dont listen to all that, you can succeed in the Caribbean and as an older student. What did they promise on the way in? Why terrify these young people and pit them against one another in for-profit med schools. I left after the first semester because I could see the dangerous journey I was embarking on. Like do you feel you were placed in a hospital where there was a good amount of patho-physiological diversified cases. But it has also taught me much. To everyone else, my story is a bit complicated but there is truth in all the stories people shared, the negatives and positives. Anonymous Please I know you want to atleast sit back and let your MD work for you a little bit and reap rewards of your labor rightfully so.. Dont forget the reason that help you stick to it. Decelerate twice and you are dismissed. I guess that is the most important thing is accreditation not necessarily the US medical schools are producing great doctors. It is a job, making widgets while being monitored by an MBA counting beans. However, I want to post this for the open minded: This was probably due to my run-ins with the administration for being vocal about injustices we had faced. (six friends, probably a whole lot more, started antidepressants within the first year in Grenada) My hubby recently applied and got accepted to each of The Big Four Caribbean schools, plus AUA and MUA. The AUA coordinator is the WORST person ever. As she put it, she would graduate with the equivalent of car payments, while her peers in the United States would be saddled with the equivalent of mortgages. They are online and in term four. They have great resources and a few really great professors that truly do care about you and your education. If Psychological services are needed, they are also available for free. Yet, school position is, they have more than the minimum seat requirement for institution to qualify as one. They decided that since material in semester 2 was now going to be taught to semester 1 and material that was taught in semester 1 was now going to be taught in semester 2, well the students in semester 2 that failed semester 2 would now have to start from square one. I registered my car the legal way and had it confiscated at one point-MUCH more aggravation than those that registered as tourists, scraped off the stickers in Brownsville and got new ones. I went through a horrible divorce and lost my family. And not just for those with a less competitive MCAT or GPA! None of the facilities are amazing, but you actually can live with a hot plate and microwave without starving. string you along, be the Grinch that stole Chanukah make you stay for The stress of studying away from home might be unfair if you compare to other schools; but it depends how you compare or should you even be comparing. you can ride a jet ski (can anyone frown on a jet ski?!) But, in 2016, only two hundred and thirteen students received an N.H.S.C. 35-45 globally per USNews, 2018). In short, study hard, dont be awkward, and suck it up on the island. It is walking distance to the main grocery store and it is literally on the beach. I have friends who are in medical school there right now but the professors note is from 2005. Now go and become a Doctor !!!!! Deceptive. Its a VERY corrupt, hypocritical society. If anyone has specific questions regarding lectures, housing, professors, etc., Id be more than happy to answer them! I was once a newcomer myself and someone may have thought I was incapable, but they were wrong, I was highly capable, just not confident yet. The school's . But the biggest take home message I received from this was that this is how were training our physicians in a time where we need heath care practitioners of all types more than ever. I thought THAT was Bad! As a proud father of a US Caribbean medical school student, I can say that at least this one Caribbean medical school has provided the opportunity for my son to become an excellent doctor equal to anyone including myself (I am a graduate of a US medical school and a board certified specialist). It is an uphill road to become a surgeon via offshore med school though can be done with determination. So if you got kicked out there, there is still a chance of finishing somewhere. But these schools lack so much. Hopefully they wont hinder you or affect you beyond what you can handle. Usually I never comment on blogs but your article is so convincing that I cant stop myself from saying something and giving my best review about it. Please your guidance will be very much appreciated. It is kind of a vicious circle. You can not reason anatomy, pharmacology, or histology. I prefer to go to the beach, go hiking, or to a resort after an exam, than going to a bar in NYC during the wintertime. I cherish that lesson learned and hold it near and dear to my heart. Youre getting a second chance to be a doctor. I did well on my step 1 and step 2 CK exams..and now am just waiting for my step 2 CS scores. Dr. Pamela Wible, US med school admissions just comes down to simple economics; you have more students than you have seats. The school also offers workshops on different areas as test taking skills, how to deal with anxiety and depression, and how to study for a specific subject. Most did so illegally, as tourists, the NY office of our school actually encouraged the latter. If youre considering a Caribbean school, you dont have a GPA that will get you into a proper American school. my name is jehan and i need your advice when their experience i got worry special i am with my kids i mean what do you about the area is safety to raise kids The bad thing is that you must pay for the masters degree and do the work required for a masters degree while youre doing medical school. I apologize for the rent, I tried to make it somewhat objective and not opinionated but Im just a human with anger and disappoint. She likely will stay in Atlanta with her dad, but I am trying to consider her in all this (safety, school availability, etc) in case she does want to come with me. We will be in the drivers seat. event in San Jose, while researching alternatives to medical school. You dont even have the basic medical knowledge, neither you will be a good doctor you will just be another burden on the health care system. Florida has a couple. Take ownership. My experience so far is a great one. Which is disappointing to hear. It appears to be that the institution was having issues with processing the federal loans due to the high attrition rate. How is a student from South Africa going to challenge a wrongful dismissal? Hi,Jane, Im from Nigeria and also a prospective medical student in one of the medical schools in the Caribbean. An MD in 4 years is very short time. Its going to be extra hard away from your home, culture and where you have your expectations of the way things should run. Than capable of changing the world as an older student i attended my Technology... Have to understand that in the US medical schools rate and consistency is so insane met! Us med school 1999 and i could not get a transcript hi,,. Im from Nigeria and would like to get in touch with you about medical. Into this before i make my final decision doesnt matter where the school. 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is saba university a good medical school