regina caeli academy scandal

Proudly created with Hanging onto my faith by my fingernails. We encourage all prospective families to schedule a tour at their nearest Regina Caeli center. Kari Beckham was the issue and not the local families. Let this now carry us forward to sustain the mission of training the mind to form the soul.. Ive really been struggling, and the RCA revelations last week have troubled me deeply, as I recall the year wasted trying to please a narcissistic leader and her cultish minions, and how severely it impacted my family. Bring everything out into the light, what Kari Beckman has done wrong & who is accusing her of each thing Christ owns whats in the light!! Help me fund this site and get access to my and my husbands occasional podcast and other perks. v. RCA, USDC Eastern Mich 2016. The Board will initiate an independent forensic audit and promises to provide periodic updates to increase transparency. Pray for our Church. Protected: Podcast 3dunno: Even Wilder Turkey! When Regina Caeli members were first abruptly informed that their school was now an umbrella organization for a quasi-religious megadevelopment in Texas, some complained. Protected: Podcast 36: She googled THIS on a Friday night and what she saw made her lose her mind! Her answer was always this is how we do it in Atlanta. It is not clear how many people have actually invested in Veritatis Splendor. . Our classical curriculum insists that the purpose of education is to cultivate a mind pursuant of truth and includes robust coursework in reading, writing, Latin, mathematics, music, debate, and the visual arts. The purchase for the land on which Veritatis Splendor was to be built was made with a loan from James Faber, a Regina Caeli board member. Protected: Podcast #15: Completely Meat Chocolate Pie, Protected: Podcast #14: I wish I had a whip. Subscribe. Yes, the assigned seats and assigned conversations at lunch. The real scandal is the ongoing abuse that has been revealed now that the abusers reputation has been tarnished by adultery. Sercely quit Regina Caeli when the homeschool hybrid academy abruptly announced their affiliation with the utopian megadevelopment Veritatis Splendor. Wow. Seriously? Youve ignored my questions about the Kruse v. RCA 2016 USDC lawsuit. I can confirm this. And I am exhausted. Reading that 2016 case, I note that the organization has since made several operational changes, all for the better. . Yup. Simcha breeds division amongst Catholics and that is not of God. This is how the business works. Youve even found one person who is a former member who will make a public statement, finally. Glad someone spoke up the misogynist label definitely reflects a lot about the person using it. Im not concerned about Beckmans adultery per se (though of course it raises questions about her character generally), nor even about the allegations of misuse of RCA funds to pay for other things. Just to be certain that no one believes the danger to souls caused by this scandal is hypothetical, I can attest that this, combined with a number of other similar situations, has put another nail in my coffin of cynicism. Liked it? . Oh my gosh! My experience with the school is that it is full of good people and faithful families who are looking for a better way to educate their children. Regina Caeli Academy's classical curriculum prepares students for life and beyondthrough the formation of the will to desire what is good, true, and beautiful. Mind you, I dont have a single dog in this fight but this whole story, as described, had more red flags in the beginning than a communist parade. But there were a few things from this article that jumped out at me and Id love to hear your perspective. I pray she sincerely gets right with christ and her family. Protected: Podcast 23: Look at that s car go! My primary concern in all of this is for the souls of her children and those who attend the school. The IRS complaint against Regina Caeli Academy was mailed late last week. Shortly before she stepped down, the Board of Directors received an anonymous letter alleging Beckman had carried on an illicit sexual relationship with Graham. This has been our familys experience. Praying for all individuals in this situation. Abington, PA | Opened 2003. Thank you for your interest in Regina Caeli Academy! Three other board members are no longer listed on the site, and Nicole Juba has been named acting Executive Director. I am constantly learning more- I want to share that about two years ago, I heard a sermon that, Justice is not revenge; justice is the truth. God led me on this path of learning, and it has been the map to freedom from my prison. R. Ora pro nobis Deum, alleluia. As Mrs. Beckman has started her journey towards recovery, the RCA Board of Directors has become aware of a serious spiritual matter that is the underlying basis for her current physical and emotional suffering. Now thats a lie. Imagine a world where stuff like this ever happens. Protected: Podcast 33: Hes a very nice guy. Thank you for the update, and thanks again for shedding light on the entire situation. Pray for us. The Highly Sensitive Persons Guide to Dealing with Toxic People by Shahida Arabi, MA The letter to the IRS enumerates four major complaints involving Regina Caeli Academy and Veritatis Splendor: -That Regina Caeli Academy employees were pulled from their RCA jobs to launch and raise funds for Veritatis Splendor; The AG is often the only effective overseer, because non-profits dont have shareholders and directors with a financial stake that usually guarantees close scrutiny of management. He is the devils mouthpiece. . Protected: Podcast 42: Jarods Prancing Musical Show! Should you not verify your facts before you publish them, especially in an emotional situation? Guess not. Im all about transparency and the truth but not running peoples name through the mud along with spitting on it! Those involved must do the right thing now before more damage is done. God will make it clear. As exhausting, frustrating, and dissatisfied as parents were, and despite how frustrated they became with the schools lack of transparency over how tuition and fundraising money was spent, several parents reported feeling like they had no choice but to continue with the school. There are bizarre stories of moral panic over innocent outings with even the whiff of immorality. All that being said, the concept of RCA was great and there were great families involved. Strickland has the Faith and is a holy man. Imagine if they was covering abortions instead of an affair. Also, did the school really crackdown on tank tops (in Texas!)? *** Yesterday, Veritatis Splendor sent a letter to its mailing list reassuring Viculus familes that there will be no interruption in its mission. It will be called, Hopefully-slightly-better-than-average-town. Its actually just the neighborhood I live in and Ill let you know when a house comes for sale. She may have felt glee for the pain she caused her husband or nothing at all from the affair; she only felt guilt for the harm in her reputation and the harm it has done to her position of power- thats the only pain a narcissist feels. The former tutor confirms that she knows just one family who invested $90,000 in Veritatis Splendor land, but said jokingly that the rest of her RCA friends had no interest in accepting Kari Beckman as the head of their homeowners association. unbelievable, said one Regina Caeli Academy parent and former tutor. Hey kids, mom broke one of the ten commandments so people are bringing us food.. Roswell, GA 30076 What Truth? Hear! They usually dont in secret government investigations. Note how the subjects of the article decided not to respond to questions. I have seen children write tearful letters after a half year to get it back for the holidays and be denied. She bullied my mom so intensely my mom had to quit mid year. Regina Caeli Academy was founded in 1994 by two Catholic homeschooling mothers in San Diego County who saw a need to form a community in that area and support like-minded families who also educated their children at home. Thanks for understanding. Sinners gotta eat. Also I will pray for what you are going through right now. We are a world of sinners, myself included. At the time, I left the interview feeling like a very inept mother, as she let me know she had 8 children and they didnt have TV. I had to ask for absolution at the end! Most people have been supportive, though. Your email address will not be published. Narcissists just cant bear the consequences of being held accountable. Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to email a link to a friend (Opens in new window), Click to share on Tumblr (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window). It is NOT that simple. It would have sounded way less weird though if this was a form of penance where the people involved in the affair were the ones offering of *their* service for others who were hungry, thirsty, etc. Id be very interested to hear. He told me that during confession and almost withheld absolution because of the divorce. Do you actually know the outcome of the lawsuit, or did you just assume it was settled out of court? I love our community. You have plenty of dirt; lets just have the verified dirt. Forms the will to desire what is good, true, and beautiful. The standards Kari Beckman imposed upon RCA in order to belong, the crazy and intrusive questions about marital sex lives??? Neither Graham nor the media representative for the Texas Right to Life returned phone calls seeking comment. Our Catholic faith is embedded in the culture and curriculum of RCA. The priests associated with this project are NOT Oratorians. He knows they arent there, but you may not. I wouldnt blame them though if they skipped reading all this blather. To the point where you are posting comments on your own article, acting like you are someone else. People need to understand that they too, under the guise of charity, virtue signalling, gas lighting, et al. Its a shame, I really wanted a Catholic homeschooling group with solid, wonderful Catholics. At RCA different perspectives are always on the knifes edge of being considered heresy or sinful. By using Google Pay, you will provide your name, e-mail and address. Two days a week are spent at the resource center, and the remaining three days are taught in the home with plans that are already prepared for the home lessons. Protected: Podcast #16: Reporticus Shutupicus! They are so exclusive and will discard anyone who has a whiff of scandal in their lives. RCA has provided something beautiful for my family. The former employee said that she remembers how Beckman once saw a staff member post on social media about decorating her house for Christmas, and Beckman contacted her to chide her, saying that visible Christmas decorations during the Advent season could cause scandal. I cant wait to see what Chumpladys UBT says about this. Beckman and Graham are both married. ). It sounds like Sercerly was poorly catechized and has not learned anything about growing in virtue. Federal law prohibits the IRS office from commenting on private taxpayer matters, but if a criminal case results from an investigation, that information will become public record. We are open to all students regardless of race, color, sex, national origin, and ethnic origin. Their fundraiser, whose stated goal was $3.2 million, raised $100,128. Shea cant write a non-lie. She should no longer have access to her email account. Catholic faith is fully integrated in all subjects and each staff member takes Oath of Fidelity to Magisterium. Wendy, my heart goes out to you. It starts with totally appropriate conflict resolution based on [the book of] Matthew: Go to your brother, etc. So if I have an issue, I only have one person Im supposed to talk to, and their next person up is Kari, or one person down from up. Construction crews are working and I saw a load of building materials delivered about 5 hours ago. Rich Beckman, the husband of disgraced founder and former Executive Director of Regina Caeli and Veritatis Splendor Kari Beckman, has resigned, and Nicole Juba is now the Executive Director. After applying, the local administrator will contact you to schedule a family interview. You get paid minimum wage plus a fat tuition discount, and the only way you can make it work is to work there, so youre really afraid to rock the boat, because it will affect your children.. The vaxx is a blood poison. FALSE I work on site, There is not a single structure other than the transformation of the side of the original lodge into a chapel. (The Board is half the size it was in September 2020. My sense is this is reporting that is needed. I hope that their local communities can work with their dioceses and form their own group with the guidance of the Church. She wasnt happy that their history curriculum included glowing praise of Robert E. Lee, and she describes their dress code as misogynistic, focusing heavily on females covering their bodies, and ignoring the need for males to learn to control their eyes. If you have any questions during your discernment, please do not hesitate to reach out! Are these several members different people who you personally interviewed? Are any of your sources still attending RCA centers? Why is no one looking into her compadre Lisa Wheeler? You probably have great parents, tutors/instructors , and students in place. Putting this type of stuff is incredibly sloppy when you know (or should know) it is NOT true: The reason I will never support that cult is the permanence of the priests. And boy, dont ever disagree with her . But still, it isnt easy to defend an organization with an all too human head. All the time. Protected: Podcast 28: The beast with one back, Protected: Podcast 27: My interview with Destiny Herndon-De La Rosa of New Wave Feminists, Protected: Podcast 26: sorryFOR FUCKS SAKEsorry, Protected: Podcast 25: On the tip of my tongue. I hope I make a difference. When you have 3/4ths of the families at the time split off to complete their respective families education as a group after year 1 of attempting to get RCA started thats all I need to say Our Vision As a first principle, this is good. While members are reeling from the recent revelations, many hope the good fruits of the school can be rescued from Beckmans influence. You sound mighty defensive, like this has hit close to home. The changes theyve announced are making some parents consider coming back to Regina Caeli. Probably tax free too. We went to RCA when it first started in Texas. OTOH, the main argument in favor of pulling out NOW is the risk of the abusive atmosphere of corporate filtering down to the teachers, who will take it out on my kids. Oratorians must have permission from the local bishop to found an Oratory (which is not a parish church), such as the one proposed for Veritatis Splendor; but the community of priests is relatively autonomous. The lawsuit was settled out of court. The concept between RCA is a good one (Catholic homeschool hybrid). Episode #60: Who or what is a Malcolm Gladwell? Even with CPS involved, and obvious abuse, there were still catholic friends telling me it was my job to reconcile! Read the article and the comments here. that would also mean he would have to open up an investigation into himself and his affairs and getting favors for women he was sleeping with. Blessed to have the support of RCA to continue to educate our kids in an excellent Catholic Tradition. Texas Right to Life is the organization that launched, the tipline website that lets people report abortions in hopes of collecting a $10,000 bounty under the controversial new Texas Heartbeat Act (SB8), and Jim Graham has been instrumental in the Texas pro-life movements hard shift toward the right. There are some arguments against pulling them out right now. One of the special gifts and particular insidiousness of the organization is perpetual growth, whereby (not dissimilar to an MLM) new people are brought in, sold on the vision and who are innocent to the perils. At Regina Caeli Academy we believe parents and those who hold their place are bound by the obligation and enjoy the God given right of educating their children. Sign up for our newsletter to stay up to date on the latest RCA news, upcoming events, and more! Which is the opposite of Truth. (Btw, Im not sure I can imagine a more narcissistic online moniker than the self-reverential Truth). Following the great intellectual tradition of the classical liberal arts, Regina Caeli curriculum utilizes a classical methodology that rests on the concept of the Trivium, Latin for the three ways of learning: grammar, logic and rhetoric which correspond to a students naturally maturing mind. Protected: Episode 64: Sing with me, pooperellas! Ms. Juba is now the Executive Director. Ive seen the difference that my childrens tutors have made in their lives and Im forever grateful. Regina . For He whom thou didst merit to bear, alleluia, The suit also alleged that RCA ran afoul of Michigan charitable fundraising laws. This project was her ideasame as the giant catholic conference they all hosted to raise funds. (Just to be clear, Im Team Lasagnas for All Gods Children). From what I can see the other children attending there are happy also. We live in a culture of narcissists- they are everywhere, and you cant let them know you know, because they will fly into rage. Praying for everyone involved. If you have any questions during your discernment, please do not hesitate to reach out! The adultery, while salacious, isnt the real scandal here. Thanks, Kari and Rich and the whole board! The letter-writer alleged, Mrs. Do you have the word of the plaintiffs and anything to verify that word? Accordingly, the Board has asked her to take additional time away for both physical and spiritual healing and counseling, the letter said. Regina Caeli Academy is an accredited PK-12 Classical homeschool hybrid academy for Catholic families, located in cities across the US. Or has the 5G got control of your brain? Ive been homeschooling for ten years since my oldest was preschool age. Protected: Podcast 38: In which we hit rock bottom. Thank you for sharing!! Protected: Podcast #16: Reporticus Shutupicus! However disheartening this is, thank you for exposing this to the light. I was not involved in RCA in 2016 but joined after and I know there were many changes made regarding compensation which I can only presume now was a result of that lawsuitwhether it went to trial or settled outright, it definitely brought changes to the payment/tuition structure. Thanks Mrs. Wolfgang! They knew what the subject matter was, but declined to take the trouble to speak to the authors. This is so sad. They despise the cross. Website Designed by Magis Guild. Beckmans husband remains listed as a board member. They were truly toxic. In one of the depositions, a lawyer for the plaintiffs asks the deposed if they asked families in interviews what kind of contraception they used, which the deposed denied. So much trust from your devotees on your journalism.. Saying it was settled out of court conveys the impression that the plaintiffs case has merit and defendants admit it, essentially. Protected: Episode 63: There can be only one hole in the head. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. The reason I will never support that cult is the permanence of the priests. I hope the families being manipulated here can now find a healthier social and religious community. If they do what they say theyll do, Ill be a happy camper, said Debbie Sercely, a Texas mother of three and former RCA tutor. Im praying for the children and families hit by the full impact of this true scandal, including the Beckmans young and grown children. Don't report it yourself. She is profiting monetarily off of the spiritual desert we see in postmodern times. Do true journalism and present all the facts not your emotions. Some RCA families have become adept in creating secret groups to communicate with each under the radar. The Catholic Church is infiltrated with hypocrites (aka Pope Francis and many liberal bishops). Reading through the 2016 lawsuit pleadings, I can tell the company has since made several operational changes for the better. Protected: Podcast 40: Naked purple capybaras of the world, unite! Field trips and classes offered. Parents can knock that total down by several thousand dollars by working for minimum wage for what can end up being as much as sixty hours a week, not counting the volunteer and fundraising work the family is expected to provide. My upper school daughter hated that. People run out of money to keep up the pleadings and pay the lawyers, plaintiffs realize they just dont have a case no matter how right they are, all kind of reasons for cases to be dropped. I live about a mile from the property. She said that the format of RCA works very well with her young family, with classroom days providing the structure and stability they need, while still allowing for flexibility and down-time. Please note that The Congregation of the Oratory is a Society of Apostolic Life of Pontifical Right. Also, I think all parts of the Christian church need to examine why were so often the locus of affinity fraud like this. V. Resurrexit, sicut dixit, alleluia. That tells you a lot. They are self-seeking, and feign intimacy. In Sheeps Clothing by Dr. George Simon, Jr. But I can only imagine how hard it is to live this firsthand. 323: We are an Epiphany people are we are going to bed, No knives out after the death of Benedict, Whats for supper? I am always responsible for his behavior. As of Nov. 16, all comments will automatically go into moderation and must be approved manually. This is not a sign of a thriving organization.). Book a must read very helpful and empowering !! RCA was/is a beautiful community of many conservative Catholics who share a faith and want to educate our children in a program that offers the structure and social support that is sometimes lacking when educating in the home exclusively. If theyre so perfect and thats the standard, why do we need Jesus anyway? You are very Courageous to share you story and Have excellent instincts- You speaking out will help soo many others I think you will find that you are not alone with your experiences with Mrs Beckman and Culty culture that RCA became Having known many of the people involved here for many years, yes, they would absolutely do a meal train for a woman leaving a domestic violence situation. Vol. Enter the Zip/Postal code for your credit card billing address Vision of Catholic Home Education and Formation, The Benefits of a Homeschool Hybrid Model, REGINA CAELI is a non-profit 501(c) (3) religious organization. Since cafeteria catholics believe in this modern way of victimizing yourself. I have many other responsibilities besides monitoring this comment box, and may not be able to approve your comment immediately. Help me fund this site and get access to my and my husbands occasional podcast and other perks. As IF a priest who abused could not be removed from ministry by the local bishop immediately, are you kidding me? Misogynistic dress code and focusing heavily on females covering their bodies, and ignoring the need for males to learn to control their eyes? Please note that if you post comments using under a name maliciously intended to deceive, you will be permanently banned. Episode #60: Who or what is a Malcolm Gladwell? It charged that, while she headed Regina Caeli, Executive Director Kari Beckman used Regina Caeli as her personal bank account, used RCA funds for Veritatis Splendor expenses without the knowledge or consent of donors, required RCA employees to work for Veritatis Splendor, and made personal use of a luxury home and vehicle paid for by Regina Caeli funds while promoting Veritatis Splendor. Started in Texas! ) moderation and must be approved manually to approve your comment immediately involved, students. 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Welcome Letter To Cheer Parents, Articles R

regina caeli academy scandal