why is john 6:15 the death knell of premillennialism

They wonder, as they had murmured before (John 7:12-15); but Jesus shows that the desire to do God's will is the condition of spiritual understanding. Then (ver. But the Lord reproaches him, the master of Israel, with not knowing these things: that is, as a teacher, with Israel for his scholar, he ought to have known them objectively, at least, if not consciously. California - Do Not Sell My Personal Information. (SeePsalms 2:1-12; Psalms 2:1-12) But the Lord tells him of greater things he, should see, and says to him, Verily, verily, I say unto you, henceforth (not "hereafter," but henceforth) ye shall see the heaven opened, and the angels of God ascending and descending on the Son of man. "Come, see a man that told me all things that ever I did: is not this the Christ?" All disciplinary action, every probationary process, disappears. Thus in one way or the other all must honour the Son. None the less did the result of His death proclaim His Deity. Judgment is the alternative for man: for God it is the resource to make good the glory of the Son, and in that nature, in and for which man blind to his own highest dignity dares to despise Him. A greater work was in hand; and this, as the rest of the chapter shows us, not a Messiah lifted up, but the true bread given He who comes down out of heaven, and gives life to the world; a dying, not a reigning, Son of man. The judgment, all of it, whether for quick or dead, is consigned to Him, because He is Son of man. No doubt there are intervening applications; but such is the ultimate result of His work as the Lamb of God. (See Hebrews 12:2, Hebrews 13:11-13) Again, let me just remark in passing, that although, no doubt, we may in a general way speak of those who partake of the new nature as having that life, yet the Holy Ghost refrains from predicating of any saints the full character of eternal life as a present thing until we have the cross of Christ laid (at least doctrinally) as the ground of it. To this last the Lord attaches the deepest importance. Why this is so hard for Traditionalists to comprehend is baffling; all they need to do is to follow TRADITION. Thus we feed on Him and drink into Him, as man, unto life everlasting life in Him. Accordingly, if the law raised the question of righteousness in man, the cross of the Lord Jesus, typifying Him made sin, is the answer; and there has all been settled to the glory of God, the Lord Jesus having suffered all the inevitable consequences. We'll send you an email with steps on how to reset your password. For though the Son (that eternal life who was with the Father) was a man, in that very position had the Father given Him to have life in Himself, and to execute judgment also, because He is Son of man. Her testimony bore the impress of what had penetrated her soul, and would make way for all the rest in due time. Accordingly there is a four-fold testimony to Jesus: the testimony of John the Baptist; the Lord's own works; the voice of the Father from heaven; and finally, the written word which the Jews had in their own hands. Bear in mind that one of the points of instruction in this first part of our gospel is the action of the Son of God before His regular Galilean ministry. (Verses John 3:11-13) He (and He was not alone here) knew God, and the things of God, consciously in Himself, as surely as He knew all men, and what was in man objectively. The person of the Son was there the object of divine and overflowing joy even then, although, of course, in the full sense of the word, the Holy Ghost might not be given to be the power of it for some time later; but still the object of worship was there revealing the Father; butJohn 7:1-53; John 7:1-53 supposes Him to be gone up to heaven, before He from heaven communicates the Holy Ghost, who should be (not here, as Israel had a rock with water to drink of in the wilderness outside themselves, nor even as a fountain springing up within the believer, but) as rivers flowing out. No such sounds, no such realities were ever heard or known in Israel. He wanted nothing; He came to give yea, the very best, so to speak, that God has. Here was One on earth who knew all secrets. Here the unlimited scene is in view; not Israel, but the world. For the Father loveth the Son, and showeth him all things that himself doeth: and he will show him greater works than these, that ye may marvel. It is there that we found the Lord, in the other synoptic gospels, fulfilling His ordinary ministry. Rev 20:7, 14 states death is thrown into into the lake of fire after the thousand year period. with a big assist from Olivia Beavers, Sarah Ferris and Marianne LeVine. (Verses John 4:20-30), The disciples marvelled that He spoke with the woman. John 6:15 Context. This is the truth; but the Jews had the law, and hated the truth. Whosoever denieth the Son hath not the Father; he that acknowledgeth the Son hath the Father also. Why should He not show Himself to the world? John 7. "He that hath received his testimony hath set to his seal that God is true. (VerseJohn 4:1; John 4:1) It was strange to her that a Jew should thus humble himself: what would it have been, had she seen in Him Jesus the Son of God? Further, it is connected intimately with the evidence of man's ruin by sin. So Jesus, perceiving that they were intending to come and take Him by force to make Him king, withdrew again to the mountain by Himself alone. And he saith, I am not. Verse 15. There was purpose in it. This last is the figure of a truth deeper than incarnation, and clearly means communion with His death. The character is wholly different from the position and glory of Messiah in Israel, according to promise and prophecy. C. Death knell for "Good Pope John" . Alas! The contrasts are as strong, at least, as the resemblance with the healing of the centurion's servant in Matthew 13:1-58 and Luke 7:1-50, which some ancients and moderns have confounded with this, as they did Mary's anointing of Jesus with the sinful woman's in Luke 7:1-50. Because John declares that the one who does not believe in God's testimony is calling God "a liar." This is crucial to see. Then, resuming the strain of verse John 1:14, we are told, in verseJohn 1:16; John 1:16, that "of his fulness have all we received." Coming after John as to date, He is necessarily preferred before him in dignity; for He was ( ) [not come into being ( )] before Him. Sons they might have been in bare title; but these had the right of children. Second, it interprets present world political trends as signs of the imminent return of Jesus Christ. But how precious the grace, in presence of their hatred and proud self-complacency! Clarke's Commentary. We have had his name introduced into each part of the preface of our evangelist. (VersesJohn 5:8-12; John 5:8-12), But were the Jews mistaken after all in thinking that the seal of the first covenant was virtually broken in that deliberate word and warranty of Jesus? He gave them title to take the place of children of God, even to those that believe on His name. (John 2:1-25) The change of water into wine manifested His glory as the beginning of signs; and He gave another in this early purging of the temple of Jerusalem. (ver. John 6:39 And this is the Father's will which hath sent me, that of all which he hath given me I should lose nothing, but should raise it up again at the last day. Here, "If any man thirst, let him come unto me and drink." to deliver the nation from the Roman yoke, and set up a temporal In short, the riches of God's grace are here according to the glory of the Son, and in the power of the Holy Ghost. At once their malice drops the beneficent power of God in the case, provoked at the fancied wrong done to the seventh day. God does not here condescend to call it His, though, of course, it was His and holy, just, and good, both in itself and in its use, if used lawfully. 12 When they were filled, he said unto his disciples, Gather up the fragments that remain, that nothing be lost. The rejection of Christ is the contempt of God Himself, in that of which He is most jealous, the honour of the Saviour, His Son. Thus former things pass away; the old man is judged, dead, and clean gone. How withering the words! "He came unto his own [things], and his own [people] received him not. His glorious person would have none now in relation to God but members of the family. This statement (verse John 1:15) is a parenthesis, though confirmatory of verse John 1:14, and connects John's testimony with this new section of Christ's manifestation in flesh; as we saw John introduced in the earlier verses, which treated abstractly of Christ's nature as the Word. It seemed natural: He had fed the poor with bread, and why should not He take His place on the throne? It is no question here of every man, but of such as believe. Heavenly things, therefore, could not but be natural to Him, if one may so say. it was no lack of testimony; their will was for present honour, and hostile to the glory of the only God. Here, accordingly, it is not so much the means by which life is communicated, as the revelation of the full blessing of grace and communion with the Father and His Son by the Holy Ghost, in whom we are blessed. Nor will the full force of this expression be witnessed till the glorious result of His blood shedding sweep away the last trace of sin in the new heavens and the new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness. Life out of death was wanted by man, such as he is; and this the Father is giving in the Son. And they asked him, What then? And he that reapeth receiveth wages, and gathereth fruit unto life eternal: that both he that soweth and he that reapeth may rejoice together. forsake the honours and riches of this world, for his sake; and Just as in John 4:1-54, so here it is a question of power in the Holy Ghost, and not simply of Christ's person. This brings all to a point; for the woman says, "I know that Messiah cometh, which is called Christ: when he is come, he will tell us all things." Nicodemus remonstrates but is spurned; all retire to their home Jesus, who had none, to the mount of Olives. and proclaim him the King Messiah; place him at the head of them, Man might pull Him down destroy Him, as far as man could, and surely to be the basis in God's hand of better blessing; but He was God, and in three days He would raise up this temple. Here we see Him accepting, not as fellow-servant, but as Lord, those souls who had been under the training of the predicted messenger of Jehovah that was to prepare His way before, His face. It was meet that so it should be; for, as a question of right, none could claim; and grace surpasses all expectation or thought of man, most of all of men accustomed to a round of religious ceremonial. If He judges, it is not without full warning. Indeed, He was the great Prophet, as He was the great King, and as He is now the great Priest on high. Just as distinct and beyond comparison is His testimony who, coming from heaven and above all, testifies what He saw and heard, however it might be rejected. "No man hath seen God at any time: the only-begotten Son," etc. Jesus Walks on the Sea. Jesus not only could go up, as He did later, but He had come down thence, and, even though man, He was the Son of man that is in heaven. And Jesus went up on the mountain, and there He sat with His disciples. 42). It is here we learn in what condition of His person God was to be revealed and the work done; not what He was in nature, but what He became. Here there could not be more, and He would not give less: even "grace upon grace." The Word, in order to accomplish these infinite things, "was made. But all that is historically related of the Lord Jesus inJohn 1:1-51; John 1:1-51; John 2:1-25; John 3:1-36; John 4:1-54. was before the imprisonment of the Baptist. What can be conceived more notably standing out in contrast with the governmental system God had set up, and man had known in times past? All rights reserved. to let them know, that those who sought only for a temporal It is not merely a Messiah, who comes and offers Himself, as we find in other gospels, with most painstaking diligence, and presented to their responsibility; but here from the outset the question is viewed as closed. On the third day is the marriage in Cana of Galilee, where was His mother, Jesus also, and His disciples. It is evident, that were He not God, it would be an interference with His glory, a place taken inconsistent with His sole authority, no less than it must be also, and for that reason, altogether ruinous to man. (Verses John 5:13-16), A graver issue, however, was to be tried; for Jesus answered them, My Father worketh hitherto, and I work. Presented by. They cite the rise of an unbiblical and dangerous allegorical hermeneutic (by such as Clement of Alexandria and Origen) which took a sad toll on sound biblical exegesis. Verily, verily, I say unto you, The hour is coming, and now is, when the dead shall hear the voice of the Son of God: and they that hear shall live. Resurrection will be the proof; the two-fold rising of the dead, not one, but two resurrections. Here (John 5:1-47) the first view given of Christ is His person in contrast with the law. Their purpose was to make Him king. This testimony differs from the rest in having a more permanent character. Jesus, therefore, answered, "Verily, verily, I say unto you, The Son can do nothing of himself, but what he seeth the Father do: for what things soever he doeth, these also doeth the Son likewise. seize him in order that they might make him King. [whose?] 64). Christ was the true sanctuary, not that on which man had laboured so long in Jerusalem. king; Except one were born of water and of the Spirit, he could not enter the kingdom of God. Later He was determined to be Son of God with power by resurrection of the dead. Spite of the most express signs, and the manifest finger of God that wrote the ten words on tables of stone, the law sinks into comparative insignificance. In a certain sense, the principle of John 4:1-54 was made true in the woman of Samaria, and in others who received Christ then. John, therefore, who had been the honoured witness before of God's call, "the voice," etc., does now by the outpouring of his heart's delight, as well as testimony, turn over, so to say, his disciples to Jesus. This only secures His honour in those that believe God's testimony to Him, the Son of God; and to these He gives life, everlasting life now, and exemption from judgment, in this acting in communion with the Father. John 3:1-36 follows this up. , And this very circumstance is perhaps the cause, that nowhere do we read that Jesus, whilst He teas sojourning on the earth, entered, even though that town was very close to Jerusalem. (Ver. The answer given by modern premillennial apologists usually suggests that premillennialism was overcome for illegitimate reasons. Alas! (Verses John 7:40-53). Hence the Son, being in this ineffable nearness of love, has declared not God only, but the Father. . But let them beware how they perverted it. Rest is not the question now at all; but the flow of the Spirit's power while Jesus is on high. 2. None else could do either work: for here we see His great work on earth, and His heavenly power. Thus, manifestly, the whole question is terminated at the very starting-point of our gospel; and this is characteristic of John all through: manifestly all is decided. (ver. (Verses John 7:19-23) What judgment could be less righteous? The Lord and the disciples are next seen in the country district, not far, it would seem, from John, who was baptizing as they were. Then a great multitude followed Him, because they saw His signs which He performed on those who were diseased. What a witness all this to His person! This movement was not an unnatural one. They should have understood more about Him those that were specially favoured. Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into judgment; but is passed from death unto life. of Scripture is, or may be, before man always. even took not his disciples with him, who were in the same way of In John He is One who could be described as Son of man who is in heaven; but He belonged to heaven, because He was divine. Here the Lord was really owned by the multitudes as the great Prophet that should come; and this in consequence of His works, especially that one which Scripture itself had connected with the Son of David. He will have all honour the Son, even as Himself. The Son gives life, as the Father does; and not merely to whom the Father will, but to whom He will. their words and gestures: that they would come and take him by force, and make him a This is indispensable; for God is a Spirit, and so it cannot but be. If He put forth His power, it was not only beyond man's measure, but unequivocally divine, however also the humblest and most dependent of men. John 6:1-15 describes Jesus' feeding thousands of peoplethe fourth of the gospel of John's seven ''signs'' of Christ's divinity. How can such have relationship with God? Nay, the Father has given all judgment to the Son. There is no other way in which the new nature is made good in a soul. that his kingdom was not of this world; to teach his followers to (Verses John 7:3-5) The Lord intimates the impossibility of anticipating the time of God; but then He does it as connected with His own personal glory. So we see in the attractive power, afterwards dealing with individual souls. (Ver. It is not simply the new birth such as a saint might, and always must, have had, in order to vital relations with God at any time. Not only is there no healing to be extracted from the law by a sinner, but the law makes more evident the disease, if it does not also aggravate the symptoms. In John 6:15 we read that "when Jesus perceived that they were about to come and take Him by force to make Him king, He departed again to a mountain by Himself alone." I have often considered this verse to be the death-knell of premillennialism. Not Jacob was there, but the Son of God in nothing but grace; and thus to the Samaritan woman, not to the teachers of Israel, are made those wonderful communications which unfold to us with incomparable depth and beauty the real source, power, and character of that worship which supersedes, not merely schismatic and rebellious Samaria, but Judaism at its best. The Word, God (and only begotten Son in the Father's bosom), He was eternally Son of God, too, as born into the world. (Verses John 5:1-7), On the other hand, the Lord speaks but the word: "Rise, take up thy couch and walk." As there is an absolute necessity on God's part that man should be thus born anew, so He lets him know there is an active grace of the Spirit, as the wind blows where it will, unknown and uncontrolled by man, for every one that is born of the Spirit, who is sovereign in operation. This is the marked effect on the third day (ver. Man is morally judged. For as the Father hath life in himself, so hath he given to the Son to have life in himself; and hath given him authority to execute judgment also, because he is the Son of man. John 1:20-25) John does not even speak of Him as one who, on His rejection as Messiah, would step into a larger glory. As mentioned in verse 10, the unbeliever is calling God a liar, in that he or she refuses to believe in God's testimony, namely, that which "God has given about His Son" (vs.10). He acts as such. It is not only the nature, but the model and fulness of the blessing in the Son, who declared the Father. Say not ye, There are yet four months, and then cometh harvest? "My Father worketh hitherto, and I work." Read full chapter John 6:15 in all English translations John 5 John 7 New International Version (NIV) Holy Bible, New International Version, NIV Copyright 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc. Used by permission. But "as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must ( ) the Son of man be lifted up: that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life." John 6:15 in all English translations. He said, I am the voice of one crying in the wilderness, Make straight the way of the Lord, as said the prophet Esaias. The effect is thus final, even as His person, witness, and glory are divine. Thus the Holy Ghost, given by the Son in humiliation (according to God, not acting on law, but according to the gift of grace in the gospel), was fully set forth; but the woman, though interested, and asking, only apprehended a boon for this life to save herself trouble here below. Christ here, it will be noticed, is not so much the quickening agent as Son of God (John 5:1-47), but the object of faith as Son of man first incarnate, to be eaten; then dying and giving His flesh to be eaten, and His blood to be drank. The word "premillennial" itself is derived of two components-"pre" signifies before, and "millennium" denotes a period of one thousand years. "But He said to them, I have meat to eat that ye know not of." There is but one unfailing test the Son of God God's testimony to Him. Hence, then, we have the Lord Jesus alluding to this fresh necessity, if man was to be blessed according to God. Such was Jesus in person, contrasted with all who belong to the earth. (Ver. John 1:29; John 1:29John 1:34; John 1:34) of John Baptist's testimony here named; the first day (ver. Such shall live. John 1:29-34) How rich it is, and how marvellously in keeping with our gospel! He speaks of Himself as the Son of man in death; for there could be no eating of His flesh, no drinking of His blood, as a living man. This language is said of both, but most strongly of the latter. He that believes on the Son has everlasting life; and he that disobeys the Son, in the sense of not being subject to His person, "shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him" Such is the issue of the Son of God present in this world an everlasting one for every man, flowing from the glory of His person, the character of His testimony, and the Father's counsels respecting Him. "He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water." (VersesJohn 3:20-21; John 3:20-21). John 1:19-37; John 1:19-37) It is here presented historically. John 7:38; John 7:38) And then we have the comment of the Holy Ghost: "(But this spake he of the Spirit, which they that believe on him should receive: for the Holy ghost was not yet given; because that Jesus was not yet glorified)" There is, first, the thirsty soul coming to Jesus and drinking; then there is the power of the Spirit flowing forth from the inner man of the believer in refreshment to others. In vain did any come to the Baptist to report the widening circle around Christ. Thus we all not only receive of His fulness, (and what fulness illimitable was there not in Him!) But even this sufficed not: the Son of man must be lifted up. Read full chapter. The man could not tell the Jews the name of his benefactor. He could be declared only by One who was a divine person in the intimacy of the Godhead, yea, was the only-begotten Son in the bosom of the Father. The law works no deliverance; it puts a man in chains, prison, darkness, and under condemnation; it renders him a patient, or a criminal incompetent to avail himself of the displays of God's goodness. His death on the cross included much more, clearly answering to the first; His baptizing with the Holy Ghost followed His going to heaven. In truth, Christian baptism did not yet exist, but only such as the disciples used, like John the Baptist; it was not instituted of Christ till after His resurrection, as it sets forth His death. This question is raised, or rather settled, by the Lord in Jerusalem, at the passover feast, where many believed on His name, beholding the signs He wrought. On this basisJohn 7:1-53; John 7:1-53 proceeds. "Jesus answered and said unto her, If thou knewest the gift of God, and who it is that saith to thee, Give me to drink; thou wouldest have asked of him, and he would have given thee living water." The Light, on coming into the world, lightens every man with the fulness of evidence which was in Him, and at once discovers the true state as truly as it will be revealed in the last day when He judges all, as we find it intimated in the gospel afterwards. Surely He was there, a weary man outside Judaism; but God, the God of all grace, who humbled Himself to ask a drink of water of her, that He might give the richest and most enduring gift, even water which, once drank, leaves no thirst for ever and ever yea, is in him who drinks a fountain of water springing up unto everlasting life. Of Christ is His person in contrast with the law 7:19-23 ) what could. All retire to their home Jesus, who had none, to the glory of Messiah in Israel all. Son hath not the Father 'll send you an email with steps on how to reset your.... Tell the Jews the name of His belly shall flow rivers of living water. His signs which performed... 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why is john 6:15 the death knell of premillennialism