mena, arkansas barry seal house

var sc_security="740aa5bc". Comeon, you seriously gonna say this is all coincidental? These include former Secret Service AgentGary Byrneand many others. I mean I didnt have a chance to tell him anything about it. On Feb. 19, 1986, Seal was getting out of his white Cadillac in the parking lot of the Salvation Army Community Treatment Center in Baton Rouge when he was shot to death by a Colombian wielding a small machine-gun. : Then the plane dropped to what Brown calls an altitude a hell of a lot lower than what youd think youd fly. He suspected Seal was trying to evade radar. var sc_click_stat=1; He was defended in this connection by Richard Ben-Veniste . var _gaq = _gaq || []; probation and six months at a halfway house. Seal was assassinated in 1986 after turning DEA informant. An indignant Brown began toying with the idea of exposing the corruption of Arkansas politics. Global Research pays its respects to former president George Herbert Walker Bush who passed away in Houston at age 94. Seal's activities and associations at the Mena Intermountain Regional Airport in western Arkansas are now the subject of seven official investigations. Kevin Ives, 17, and Don Henry, 16, were found dead on August 23, 1987. In 1984, Seal turned Government informer after being indicted in Florida on smuggling quaaludes and laundering money. They are the Swamp. In 1986, Barry Sealpilot, smuggler, and federal informantwas gunned down when he appeared at the time and place a federal judge had ordered him to. He became a key witness in the federalgovernments war on the powerful Colombian cocaine cartel. All im going to say is 7 suspects who had knowledge of the two dead boys on the tracks or who were involved died in a 15 month time frame 2 were shot in the head, one was decapitated, one died in a car chase, one shot to death in his car, one was stabbed too death and one was killed in an robbery. The 2007 financial collapse by the outgoing Bush-Cheney administration and its banksters not secured major loot for the Bush syndicate, but ensured that Obama would be saddled with a weak economy. In the 1980s the smallairportin Arkansas known as Mena became part of the largest covert operation in history. He writes: (Barry) Seal was a key player at Mena. The pine and hardwood forests of the Ouachita Mountains surrounding it have long been an outlaws paradise, home to generations of moonshiners and red-dirt marijuana farmers. It was also just seventy miles south of the sprawling Fort Chaffee Army Base at Fort Smith, Arkansas. There are no elections: votes do not and will not count. He supports globalization and free trade agreements, supported NAFTA and CAFTA. Seal flipped, becoming a valuable government informant. After their release, Seal contacted Camp, and he. John Browns investigation was shut down and he resigned, but not before the following pieces could be put together. Barry Seal gunrunner, drug trafficker, and covert C.I.A. Judicial Watch: Fighting for Clean Elections. A town of 5,400 people that harbored the airport for one of the busiest drug smuggling in operations in the world. Arms? They are the Deep State. A US Senate subcommittee in 1989 called the available evidence about Mena sufficient for an indictment on money laundering charges. Their friends dominate the corporate media and Hollywoodthe shapers of The Big Lie. Iran-Contra itself is a euphemism for the outrageous fraud perpetrated by government criminals for profit and control. A May 21, 1992, Arkansas Times article carried a front page story of the drug trafficking, including three pictures of. Election Law Update, Heavy Lifting Ne NYC Cleans Voter Rolls Thanks To Judicial Watch. Their violence and perversion is not simply private dirty laundry, but sickness that manifests in public action, with worldwide impact. Barry Seal was fined as part of his plea deal and ordered to serve time at a halfway house, where drug traffickers tied to the Medellin Cartel in Colombia arranged for his slaying, prosecutors said. Other drugs, she and others say, are stuffed into chickens for shipping around the country. Mena is 116 miles from Bryant. He is a corporatist who opposes banking and campaign finance reforms, who praised the Supreme Court ruling in theCitizens Unitedcase that made corporations people. Poppy trusted them with Arkansas in the 1980s, and with the White House in the 1990s, and he can trust them with the marching orders again. Seal, Brown says, had also prescribed the dress code, and insisted that no one carry identification, not even keys or jewelry. of three presidents Reagan, Bush, and Clinton. They could locate no files on Seal. Browns break with Clinton came after Brown made what he says was his second flight from Mena to Central America. I knew the agency had an extensive file on Seal, Leveritt wrote, because Id read it decades earlier, shortly after Seals murder. According to Duncan and Welch, the bulk of the story centers around a drug-smuggler named Adler Berriman Seal, also known as Barry. Residents reported small, low-flying airplanes coming in at slow speeds over the tracks in the middle of the night with their lights off just prior to revving up and flying away. The Pegasus Filesummaries Tatums activities, and features the Boss Hog list. He made more than $50 million smuggling drugs into the United States from South America between 1977 and 1986. Whatever the case, of all the Arkansas troopers who would later admit to knowledge of Clintons high life, Brown was the most hesitant to talk. In 1981, Seal set up shop at Mena. All attempts to prosecute were largely unsuccessfulblocked, stalled, or given a limited hangout treatment. It also appeared that no one from 1987 to 1993 had interviewed anyone of any significance in the case. When Brown returned to the Governors mansion, he recalls, Clinton greeted him jovially, You having any fun yet? he asked. Lucy takes the kids to Baton Rouge. She is escorted by aSecret Service handler, a full medical team and vans full ofhospital equipment(includinganti-seizure devices). Judicial Watch Sues Pentagon Records About Key Medical Database Prosecution had been repeatedly blocked by Arkansas and federal officials. Clinton had been asking him a similar question for months, ever since, with Clintons encouragement, he had applied for a job with the CIA. Bill Clintons favorite bodyguard, but also a close friend. The operation was byzantine, a network of connected government agencies, subsidiaries, and shell companies and corporations can be seen in the diagram provided by whistleblower Stew Webb: Quoting the congressional testimony of Internal Revenue Service Agent William Duncan, who spent several years investigating drug-related activities in Arkansas under the Clintons and their operatives: the Mena Arkansas Airport was on important hub-waypoint for transshipment for drugs, weapons. In 1996, House Banking Committee Chairman Jim Leach pressed the CIA for answers about its role at Mena. This produced the first documented evidence of the communist Sandinista governments involvement in cocaine trafficking. Approximately 30 minutes later, Brown says, the C-123K landed in what he later learned what Tegucigalpa, Honduras. Seal, Brown says, talked knowledgeably about airplanes, and spoke of an operation he was planning. The mysteries of Mena revolve around a drug-smuggling pilot named Barry Seal. The Bushes and Clintons are racists. Nice, but did you know that the boys on the railroad tracks incident happened NOWHERE NEAR MENA? Mourn the thousand points of light that he snuffed out. . She laughed sadistically when asked about the killing: Clintons CIA Benghazi operation wasdirectly out of the Iran-Contra playbook: a covert arms deal funnelling weapons to vetted anti-Assad Syrian terrorist groups and Al-Qaeda. The boys were chased down and taken to another location. However, once released, in 1882, 'Seal moved his smuggling operation from Baton Rouge to Mena' in Arkansas, where only 5,800 people lived (Peet 2002). The resulting sting operation made drug enforcement history and blew Seals cover as an undercover informant. "Barry Seal later introduced me to a politician drug dealer from Arkansas," the DailyMail reports Haynes said. Back at Mena, Brown says, he and Seal waled to Browns car, a Datsun hatchback, and Seal put one of the duffel bags under the hatchback. That's where Seal was shot to death while in his car.A movie titled \"Mena,\" starring Tom Cruise as Seal, is set to be released in early 2017. Bushs New World Order compatriots (including Henry Kissinger, the Rockefellers, and the Rothschilds)ultimately call the shotsin relation to their political appointees, in all matters of importance. As a result of that arrest, Barry Seal will "get with the program" and move his smuggling activities up to Mena Arkansas. The administrations of Ronald Reagan, Bill and Hillary Clinton, George W. Bush and Barack Obama have been a continuum, a line of succession, over which George H.W. The Clintons in particular hate the Obamas, and the Obama-Clinton working relationship has been frosty since Hillary Clinton lost the 2008 nomination to Obama. It is globalization at its finest. All of the tentacles of this sprawling saga are outlined in the lawsuit, filed for Ives by R. David Lewis of Little Rock. As senator, she facilitated the Bush/New World Order agenda faithfully. _gaq.push(['_trackPageview']); It is the playbook of the New World Order. on September 30, 2017 at 10:15 am . Hillary Clinton was also a key player. A federal judge had sentenced Seal to stay for several months in an unguarded Salvation Army halfway house in Baton Rouge. In another deposition in the Reed case, Russell Welch, an Arkansas state police investigator who has looked extensively at Mena, says that Young asked him in 1992 if Clintons name had ever come up in connection with Mena. There is no way that the New World Order will permit a government that is not crawling with its own members, infested with Bush and Clinton operatives. George W. Bush versus John (Skull and Bones) Kerry was a lie. George H.W. The operation, in essence, evolved and metastasized into ever-more modern and sophisticated incarnation with even more global reach. She is set todeliver Syria to the jihadistsif elected. var sc_invisible=1; Weinberger faced charges of lying to Congress about his knowledge of the arms and drug smuggling that President George W. Bush had endorsed. within the Reagan administrationand that, all of these structures revolved around [creating] the secret command role of the then-Vice President, George BushThe Bush apparatus, within and behind the government, was formed to carry out covert policies: to make war when the constitutional government had decided not to make war; to support enemies of the nation (terrorists and drug runners) who are the friends and agents of the secret government.. He concluded by saying that Mena was a federal, not a state, matter. The CIA is more powerful than ever. CIA station chief in Costa Rica, Joe Fernandez, sent a confidential message to the FDN (Nicaraguan Democratic Force), authorizing them to seek alternative funds. Bill Duncan, an IRS investigator, told me that he had numerous reports of automatic weapons fire, men of Latin American appearance in the area, people in camouflage moving quietly through streams with automatic weapons, aircraft drops, twin-engine airplane traffic. Duncan, along with Arkansas State Police investigator Russell Welch, started digging into Seal and the Mena connection, suspecting a drug smuggling and money laundering operation. operative extraordinaire is hardly a familiar name in American politics. (Barry) Seal was a key player at Mena. And much of that legend owes itself to the manner in which his life ended. Buddy Young that little beady-faced fellow, and said he was with Clinton at Mena. It is a small obscure town in western Arkansas, with a population around 5,000 people. No one responded when she asked if the newly arisen concerns might be political., In the Arkansas Times article, Leveritt pinned her hopes on the new Cruise movie, which opened in 2017 to good reviews. During his teens, Barry would bicycle to Ryan's Field to watch airplanes in action. Lets hope that Cruises high-powered version of Seal prompts an equally high-powered demand for disclosure of all government records on him, especially after his move to Mena.. The evidence details a bizarre mixture of drug smuggling, gun running, money laundering and covert operations by Barry Seal, his associates, and both employees and contract operatives of the United States Intelligence Services. Officials at the Arkansas Studies Institute suggested their concerns were legal and financial, associated with vetting the book, but Leveritt wasnt buying it. Well take it from here. Every occupant since JFK has been a criminal insider, beginning withLyndon JohnsonandRichard Nixon, both of whom were likely involved with the Kennedy assassinations and willing beneficiaries of the wars and crimes that followed. It was so full I had to sit on the trunk [boot] to get it shut again. In February 1986, Seal was killed outside the . ), and on and on. Ron Howard is attached to direct Gary Spinelli's spec script Mena, which is based on the true story of gun-runner and drug-trafficker Barry Seal. The photos quickly leaked, boosting Washingtons anti-Sandinista effort but likely putting a target on Seals back: to his drug-running friends in South America, there could be no question where the photos came from. First, the terrible grammar and typos should be a clear indication that the author is an uneducated, conspiracy theorist. Before long, Seal was importing up to a thousand pounds of cocaine a month. In 1981, Seal set up shop at Mena. He was an airline pilot who became a major drug smuggler for the Medellin Cartel of Colombia. Reposting permitted with this message intact. It was carried out by CIA operatives close to Bush since his CIA directorship and even stretching back to the Bay of Pigs. The New World Order was careful to place Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton in charge of foreign policy, and a right-wing Republican opposition to prevent any independent action on Obamas part. It alleges, explicitly and implicitly, that an aircraft operated by a CIA front company in 1984 used the airfield at Mena, Arkansas, as a staging point for weapons supply flights The narcotics runner, Barry Seal, allegedly paid off then-Governor Clintons protg, L. D. Brown, and one Dan Lasater, a Clinton contributor. [7] He was probably in charge of a team of pilots , including Emile Camp (who died in a plane crash in 1985, having witnessed a lot of Seal's business dealings). The Clintons have gone to great lengths, (e.g Vince Foster), to maintain their cover-up of their CIA Arkansas operation. A Hillary Clinton White House guarantees war, and a triumph for the Criminal State. "The Crimes of Mena" was finally published in July, 1995, in Penthouse magazine. It was originally an Air Force transport plane Seal dubbed it the Fat Lady. Unfortunately for the Bushes, Donald Trump is enormously popular, and his campaign attacks on all three Bush plants (Jeb, Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio) were effective. That didnt happen. AboutPressCopyrightContact. Leveritt had in-depth knowledge of the travails of investigators Duncan and Welch, and state and federal officials, in attempting to get to the truth about Mena. The second is the article they reference. The Mena Intermountain Municipal Airport near the city of Mena (Polk County) in the Ouachita Mountains of western Arkansas is located approximately 160 miles west of Little Rock (Pulaski County). She is reviled and even disliked among Democrats. At present, although there is no reason to believe any of the allegations, we are declining to comment publicly, pending exhaustive searches of DO files, as tasked by ICA. His New World Order, a criminal empire that continues to poison and corrupt; its tentacles still oppressing to this very moment, as you read this. This was part of the Iran-Contra affair, in which the US . He supported the Patriot Act, the Iraq War, is pro-torture (opposes the closing of Guantanamo Bay), and supports war in the Middle East. I took the money and threw it in his lap, and said Are you running drugs? Jerry said that Vince had paid him $1,000 cash for each trip; he didnt know what they were doing, and he didnt care to know; he told me to forget what Id seen.. Dwayne Brown says he knew his brother had made some unexplained trips out of the country. These include the investigations of: Mike Ruppert (From The Wilderness,Crossing the Rubicon), Al Martin (The Conspirators: Secrets of an Iran-Contra Insider), Gary Webb (Dark Alliance), Rodney Stich (Defrauding America,Drugging America), Terry Reed (Compromised: Clinton, Bush and the CIA),Stew Webb(andhere), Dois Chip Tatum (The Tatum Chronicles) (summarized here), Pete Brewton (The Mafia, the CIA and George Bush) and Daniel Hopsicker (Barry & The Boys: The CIA, the Mob and Americas Secret History), among others. He had expected to find, he says, a Baron or King Air, the kind of plane in which he sometimes accompanied the Governor, and in which he had some training as a pilot. MENA NOIR: Aircraft pilot Barry Seal, a Baton Rouge native who smuggled drugs into the U.S. for the Medellin Cartel during the 1980s, used this airport in Me. Mourn what has been lost. Seal was murdered shortly before he was expected to testify about the Nicaraguan sting operation against powerful Colombian drug czars under indictment in Miami. The New World Orders insistence on a Hillary Clinton presidency is desperate. The imperial positions of the Bush and Clinton clans exemplify this. In 1994, Brown told Daniel Wattenberg of The American Spectator that Jim Guy Tucker, then the Arkansas governor had asked him and trooper Larry Patterson for compromising information on Clintons private life in 1990, when Tucker was contemplating a race for governor. On Watch: CROSSFIRE HURRICANE Targeting of Trump from A to Z. Leading members of the Criminal State are genuine psychopaths and sociopaths. Brown, a narcotics cop, got upset. This leaves Hillary Clinton, who has aggressively sought the worlds highest public office for her entire life. Browns role, after all, was quite limited. An entry in Browns daybook indicates that the flight with Seal took place on October 23, 1984. Proudly powered by WordPress. Cruise will play Louisiana-born smuggler Adler B Seal, known as Barry, in the biopic Mena, set in the 1980s and directed by Doug Liman, who also directed the star in Edge of Tomorrow. Browns patience had been strained beyond endurance. In 1983, the DEA arrested him on drug smuggling charges. Movies have been made, books have been published, hundreds of articles have been written. His nickname became 'El Gordo' (Nicolaou 2017). Humanity faces an unprecedented crisis with little effective means to stop what is coming. Narco Dollars in the 1980s: Mena, Arkansas; South Central L.A. During the 1980s, a sometime government agent named Barry Seal led a smuggling operation that delivered a significant amount of narcotics estimated to be as much as $5 billion from Latin America through an airport in Mena, Arkansas. For their efforts, their careers were crushed. Terrorists? Clinton appeared to have pressured Hale, the head of an Arkansas lending agency, into making loans to Susan McDougal, the Clintons Whitewater real estate partner. Seal was a trusted courier for cartel leader Jorge Ochoa-Vasquez, who Seal said was pioneering a new cocaine distribution route through Nicaragua with the help of the Sandinistas. Lies aboutRussian hacking, and other forms of interference. Mike Ruppert, who worked on the Perot campaign. The ideal plan for 2016 was to stack the deck again, with another fake contest, this time between Hillary Clinton and Jeb Bush. The ultimate con that has been played on the world has been the illusion of a political system; of political parties and a democracy. Far from staying background, Clinton liked direct involvement. Later Seal confirmed Browns suspicions: the palettes contained M-16s for the Contras. The endless repeated cycles and recycles of Bushes and Clintons, the endless presence of Bush/Clinton operatives in all positions of power is by design. BRITISH RIOT PHOTOS: The Brits Finally Begin to Take Back Their PowerBIG TIME! Its business includes CIA black ops, the funding of terrorists (ISIS), the destabilization of nations, war provocations, extra-judicial political assassinations, currency fraud, money laundering, and treason. On Feb. 19, 1986, Barry Seal, a very prominent CIA drug smuggler and ace pilot, was murdered outside his halfway house in Baton Rouge, LA. The vicious Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland, has played a key role in these crimes. Thus, the George H.W. And the rest, of course, is history. When I got back from that first trip he knew I had been out doing something, Brown insists. He also referred to Clinton, familiarly, as the guv. As written by Mike Ruppert, one of many Iran-Contra whistleblowers, inCrossing the Rubicon: Iran-Contra was effectively managed by Lee Hamilton in the House [of Representatives] and John Kerry (among others) in the Senate throughout the late 1980s to conceal the greatest crimes of the era, crimes committed by a litany of well-known government operatives.. The entire list of any evidence was gone. The purchase of the cargo plane was for a DEA undercover operation that ultimately involved the CIA. In February 1986, Seal. The Clinton Foundation is a criminal apparatus, a classic secret call that exemplifies the kind of activity upon which the Clintons and Bushes thrive. Brought to you by the CDC. They were told that they would have no interference from authorities if they tried to enter the U.S. by air or sea. At this juncture, it is important to address his political legacy. He was not only Gov. Key operatives in Iran-Contra were George Bush, Oliver North, Dewey Clarridge, John Pointdexter and Caspar Weinberger. It exists to protect and expand a vast racketeering operation that has enjoyed control and power for generations. Subsequently, Brown says, Seal called him at home, and set up a meeting at Cajuns Wharf, a popular Little Rock watering hole. The August issue ofThe American Spectatortakes up the Mena story in a way that is likely to resonate on the Hill (see attached article). When will the Bush-Clinton enforcers convince Trump to bend to the will of the syndicate? Seal. The Seals move to Mena, AR. Terrorism, drugs and weapons flow freely through more geostrategic hot spots than ever. THE POWER ELITE HAVE GONE COMPLETELY MAD! The world is in flames. So tarnished is the Bush name as a public product that Jeb was forced to withdraw his bid, despite huge elite backing. He later claimed to have made as much as $50 million running 1,000 pounds of cocaine a month from Colombia. _qacct="p-571RmQ-B866HQ";quantserve(); Investigators are examining allegations of an international conspiracy involving gun running, cocaine smuggling and the illegal supply network serving the Nicaraguan contra rebels. Let us recall the words of John F. Kennedy from a tragically prescient 1961 speech that helped trigger his own murder: The word secrecy is repugnant in a free and open society, and we are, as a people, inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, secret oaths and secret proceedings. Most of Washington and much of the world, answers to them. In the words of former CIA agent Phillip Agee, Bush was up to his neck in illegal drug running on behalf of the Contras.. He was a gunrunner to Cuba, and a veteran of the Bay of Pigs. Became a DEA (Drug Enforcement Administration) informant after he was convicted of smuggling charges. A month before that, the Southwest personnel representative for the CIA, Ken Cargile, in a letter to Brown, wrote that I am pleased to nominate you for employment with the Central Intelligence Agency. Another entry in Browns daybook indicates that he had met with another CIA representative only a few days before that. The accounts of Barry Seal, Edward Cutolo, Albert Carone, Bradley Ayers, Tosh Plumley, Bill Tyree, Gunther Russbacher, Celerino Castillo, Michael Levine, Trenton Parker, Russell Bowen, Richard Brenneke,Larry Nichols, William Duncan, Russell Welch and dozens more implicate the Bushes, the Clintons and the CIA. The next president will likely be a criminal, in a long line of criminals, or a puppet that is controlled by these same criminal forces. Clinton and the Democratic National Committee destroyed the Bernie Sanders campaign with blatant fraud. document.getElementById( "ak_js_2" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Judicial Watch Asks for Discovery Concerning President Bidens Senate Papers Ultimately, we may find out, as Brown tells us that he has been repeatedly questioned by lawyers working for the Whitewater independent counsel about Clintons association with Lasater at a time when illicit drugs allegedly were flowing into Mena airport. Msg&data rates may apply. Then, he started the engines, and Brown remembers, ThisI mean just thunderous noise. foundations, and corporations and are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. Barry is then given the assignment to move guns for the Contras, even being allowed to own his own airport and planes for the job. It was easy to load drugs on the planes that returned to the U.S. after delivering weapons to the Contras. The real story, however, is much more complexWhen George Bush, [CIA Director] Bill Casey and Oliver North initiated their plan of government-sanctioned fraud and drug smuggling, they envisioned using 500 men to raise $35 billion.they ended up using about 5,000 operatives and making over $35 billion. In addition, the operation became a government within a government, comprising some thirty to forty thousand people the American government turns to, when it wishes certain illegal covert operations to be extant pursuant to a political objective with George [H.W.] Although, the truth, as it happened has never been revealed to the public. The Rose Law Firm, of which Hillary Clinton and Webster Hubbell were senior partners, negotiated contracts for the CIA in Mena, Arkansas, and helped set up numerous fraudulent CIA fronts for cocaine and weapons transit. Washington and much of the New World Order before that and Clinton clans exemplify this ( Skull and Bones Kerry. 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Thronebreaker: The Orchard Of Discord, Articles M

mena, arkansas barry seal house