chuck vogelpohl powerpohl

Louie has done more for powerlifting across the world, the United States, Columbus, Ohio and has yet to always been able to give 1000 times more to his lifters in the gym. 1.1K views, 39 likes, 2 loves, 3 comments, 3 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Omaha Barbell: Picked this exercise idea up from Chuck Vogelpohl while I was at the seminar with him and @eddycoan a. I cannot stop training. Wow! for a win in the heavyweight division at the WPO Finals Arnold Classic 2006. One last thing: How do you like raw compared to gear lifting? This is doing what you have to do. Szatmary has amassed a large following on his Youtube where he shares fitness tips, speaks with some expert lifters and does some intense workouts. During all of my warm-up sets on the squat, Chuck is running the Monolift and giving me advice. In referencing Louie Simmons, Tate says that he engrained in them that its their responsibility to make everyone else better. Since his new video is out and we knew thered be a lot of questions about his different training style we thought that this would give you an inside look at why he does what he does. Also, Chuck doesnt do a lot of interviews; in fact, I dont know if anyone has even asked him. out my PRODUCTS!!! First and foremost, this workout is no joke, use caution. He is a very humble and gracious person. For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. Regardless of what I would have said, it wouldnt have mattered. Dave is married to elitefts co-owner Traci Arnold-Tate, and they reside in London, Ohio, with their two sons. This post is not to brag about my bench but a testimonial to BIG and their methods. Did you not read what he did to Chuck? EFS: Whats the deal with you and rap music? Six days later, we were at the meet and things were running perfectly. Are you on a diet? But its totally different to LIVE it all right now. The Best Elliptical Workout for Weight Loss, Box squats plus exercises to improve them, How to handle high volume and high intensity of all three big lifts (squats, bench, deadlift), Incorporating the use of chains on the bar for Accommodating Resistance, Introduction of resistance bands into training, Find a partner with similar strength as you in the squat, Load up the bar to around 50% of your 1RM, Perform 2-5 reps, then let your partner match those. Chuck: I do think its getting somewhat out of hand, but if you want to compete at a high level, you have to wear whats out there. I personally wouldn't enjoy training if I had someone telling me what to do every step of the way. If you were Chuck would you stay? My body was starting to fall apart. And dont be offended if he doesnt sit down and bullshit with you for an hour. Hes also a huge crowd favorite, so as he approaches, the crowd stands to their feet. Big Iron, in just a week there and through Brad Hecks advice has led to PR for me even as a single ply guy, on a horrible day when I WAS FIGHT A A COLD AND THEY ARE THE CONSUMATE TEAM, nad all humble and there numbers speak for themselves their group dominate not Lou's guys!I think with there training methos and focus I MAY BENCH CLOSE TO 600 hundred at 220 in a single.Thanks for all there help, and best of Luck to Chuck! He passed on his third attempt saving himself for the other two lifts, but his focus was so intense it could light up a city. EFS: Im sure all the diet experts will want to know. We won the APF Nationals from 1993 through 1997. With one slight hip adjustment, he pulled his head up and began to sit back. That's my enjoyment. Chuck's last heavy set of the day, 1260 with Reverse Green Band. That was nothing to you, and I knew then that you had what it would take to be great. A coach can find weaknesses and strengthen them, a coach can tell you to hang it up for the day if you are weak that day. I had no warm-ups and bombed out. All Rights Reserved. Chuck V: Sometimes, but its what I know. Follow. Liftin' Heavy S**T & Chuck Vogelpohl, The Legend Practice; Best of luck to Chuck, Louie, and to all those still at Westside. I was still in high school, and Kenny Read helped handle me. team[/quote] Chuck screamed out for his opening attempt, and I mean SCREAMED. They see internet videos of him squatting or deadlifting and going nuts. CHUCK VOGELPOHL TRIBUTE. Out came Chuck as intense as I have ever seen him. and I put 55 lbs on my bench. Chuck V: Youve got to master technique. He has not officially commented on the reason for his move. Westside has alot of great lifters. Hes known as one of the most intense lifters to ever step on the platform, and while he may not be loud, his intensity is contagious. Lou also has a side of him that is a true asshole. Of course I would. EFS: What do you think of static iso-holds? Chuck V: When I started training at Westside, I think in 1986, I was just another lifter, another member of the team. Well post a longer profile on Jujimufu at a later date because theres plenty to cover. You also won your heavy weight division for your second belt. Chuck, you had a very high tolerance to high volume, and you maintained it for your entire lifting career. For the time you jumped over the 242 class. I'm not disagreeing about Rick's ability as a coach. Celebs on Social Media Pay Tribute to Singer Chuck Berry. You future is made up of all these present decisions. Chuck V: Just watch my fat. Literally, this was one of the most impressive and easiest lifts I have ever witnessed. I personally wouldn't enjoy training if I had someone telling me what to do every step of the way. Picked this exercise idea up from Chuck Vogelpohl while I was at the seminar with him and @eddycoan a few weeks back. EFS: What are your tips for mastering technique? I do not train at BIG but I have been there to receive help Rick does not hide anything from his lifters nor anyone else. I have never trained elswere nor will i ever, simple, B.I.G. I learn as much as I can. like i said- any level of lifters are welcome. Another YouTube clip shows Chuck squatting the all time world record of 1110 lbs in the 242 lb class. I was putting up $3,000 for a meet one month, so you came in at 265 pounds and killed a 1,150-pound squat for a new all-time world record. I knew by that time you had already broken your back twice, and had torn your right bicep entirely off, but nothing seemed to bother you. Das Interview mit dem eisenharten Chuck Vogelpohl - Over around a 15-year stretch and through some serious injuries, Chuck Vogelpohl set the standard for many powerlifters that came after him. It was always for money, and it was mostly a team thing. The name Jujimufu came from his AOL profile, and its been with him since. Chuck is known for his incredible squatting prowess, but as Louie says it is improving your weakest lift will make you a champion. They are not the same as most; you dont have a max effort day and dynamic effort day. Chuck: [At this point, Chuck breaks out some kind of Harley Davidson do-rag and starts laughing]. You have a problem. Chuck V.: Thanks. Blut & Kreide Vol. Rick understands it and his lifters succeed in proportion to the trust they place in him and subsequently in each other and ultimatley in themselves. So what do I mean by saying he had to do what he had to do? That is the absolute worst thing you could do to your back, no Dr on this planet would think this is ok. 2d. Chuck: Yes, I was tired of cutting weight and just put on 10 pounds. For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. chuckvogelpohl Follow Lexen Xtreme 2,920 likes chuckvogelpohl Powerpohl hip thrusters, the gym was pretty loud when I recorded but this exercise is meant to be done at the end of your workout to get blood into your glutes, hips and lower back. Fate would have it that Chuck Vogelpohl was competing at a bench press contest held in a local YMCA when he met Simmons. I reminded Louie that Chuck had been in two car accidents within two weeks, pulled his glute, and opened with a 40 lb PR that he just got SMASHED with. So there were a lot of factors that went into it. The flame hat you wore should be in its own Hall of Fame! Right before we left for vacation, a friend of mine and fellow teammate, Chuck Vogelpohl, had the misfortune of rolling his car into a ditch. Not that Louie isn't one of the greatest coaches of all time, but IN MY OPINION the BIG IRON way is the way to go right now!! HAAA!!! As I headed back to the judges chair, I heard Louie call Chuck for a repeat. Maybe he was getting stale and plateaued ? Mind you; this was the mid-1990s before they were using chains or bands at Westside, not to mention, Chuck had recently had neck surgery. he tells me that the only reason i have any records is because only women and infants weigh 181. First off, back in early 2002, Chuck Vogelpohl became the first man under 300 pounds to squat over a 1000 in competition so it was needless to say that more was expected out of him this time around. 'Inquiring minds want to know', From Outlaw Powerlifting EFS: In the video you touch on a beginner not using bands. Your email address will not be published. Chuck Vogelpohl with The PowerPohl at Lexen Xtreme, weight and chains on the harness work the lower back About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy . I would do 1,000 sit-ups and lat pulldowns. I know that this thread is about Chuck V, but I want to bring up something that seems to have been missed in this discussion. With respect to direct lat work, you will neither find it in the detailed 1982 article by Ron Fernando, disclosing, I was there, front row at the USF SunDome in Tampa covering the contest for The Tampa Tribune when Jeff, Dave was 7 years my elder and my teen years weightlifting idol. Chuck V: A lot of lat work, low back work on the 45 degree back raise, Reverse Hyperextensions, Back Attack, glute ham raises. Chuck: [Stares at me. Lexen has the two Chucks going head to head every workout.Vogelpohl and Fouhgt. I need to put that weight in my hands. We recorded it on an audio tape and since Chuck speaks softly (surprised? Confused, I flagged down Louie Simmons to ask him what the hell Chuck was doing. Take your time big dawg! Did he do it? There is a video on YouTube entitled Chuck Vogelpohl 633 bench at the 2006 Arnold Classic which shows what an incredible strength athlete Chuck is. EFS: You talk about technique in the video. Chuck V: This depends. They also don't put up recruitment letters and write articles to try and get already elite lifters to come train with them. Please contact Lexen Iron Workz on Facebook or Instagram. The WPO was no more, and you would fund the Power Station Pro-Am in Dayton, Ohio, with $23,000 in prize money. Another example; my very first meet was the 2001 IPA Nationals, the same meet that Chuck squatted his first 1000lbs. Surrender; BIG IRON??????? It's all there for you learn and understand. Chuck fully takes this teaching to heart, and in doing so has one of the best eyes for dissecting and improving another lifters technique. its prety much common practice in multi-ply lifting to have your coach call depth for you. It was good somehow, and you would later go on at your third attempt with 738 pounds. However, while this kind of intensity can drive a powerlifters competitive performance, at times it can also be, as Tate puts it, a curse. even though most people wont understand most of whom are our teammates. thanks Brad. i think rob k said it best. 3, Nchster Artikel: Nevertheless, from a coaching perspective, one persons opinion is never enough to take a lifters performance to the next level. The Edge - Push the envelop. Man I'm getting old.I first started talking to my wife at Chuck's 40th birthday party. With the explosion in the internet since the late 1990s, Powerlifting competitors and fans around the world have been able to see the best lifters compete and train. While there are a lot of stories about Chuck, Dave simply said, Chuck is all Westside. Rick's methods work, plain and simple and they carry over from the gym into everday life. Blut & Kreide Vol. Just trying to keep him down, because hed get so hyped up that hed [mess] his squat up, hed fall over in the bottom, and its just like dude, settle down. It shows in how he takes immense pride in caring for his training environment and for his fellow lifters. Chuck:Oh, yes. Six lifters that trained with Chuck at the Lexen Extreme Gym averaged a 1025 squat. The only difference is, he really prefers and enjoys to be completely involved in everyone's training. Plus, Louie is always challenging you and I cant back down from the old man. Alle Rechte vorbehalten. It was just my opinion, and with my LIMITED knoweldge, and VERY limited meet/training experience I believe that the BIG IRON way of training is the way to go. I love studying this sport. I could not believe this garage housed a national team. Even so, I have reached a level of competiveness that would be inconceivable else where. An elite lifter in multiple weight classes, Tate has published tons of fitness-related articles, written books, and coached athletes of all levels. EFS: Did you ever catch the guy that stole the sleeves of your shirt? https://gripgenie.comEdited by Brian Brian Youtube | Instagram | Follow Juji! Here's a brief look at some of the personalities involved in this insane squat challenge of over 40 sets! John Grimek Workout + Strength Training in Your 40s. 2023 Westside Barbell. And if they really wanted to be like Chuck, theyd have to be able to do all of that and have the lifting strength to back it up. This was 1986. But all the federations were the samejust jealous of each other. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. As they strive to make me better, I strive to make them better. Vorheriger Artikel: Once again, I called Louie over and asked him what the hell was going on. so come out and get verbally abused by rick. They also don't put up recruitment letters and write articles to try and get already elite lifters to come train with them. Joey Szatmary is another popular fitness personality thats competed in Olympic lifting, Crossfit, and Strongman competitions. Tommy Fannon's Outlaws board is discussing it here and here. As I sat judging the rest of the lifters, I kept an eye on the lifting order board to see what was going on. LMAO!!!!!! Westside is more than training and powerlifting. It had a powerlifting room by itself, and I started to train with lots of guys like Kenny Patterson (KP) and Joe McCoy, but would work my way into your group. I would gladly go to BIG and train and I would learn as much as I could. Given the amount of respect that people have for him as a lifter, many would be surprised to learn that Chuck has that much more respect for the sport itself. Louie:I recall you pressed a 155-pound dumbbell for five or six reps one-armed. EFS: How do you decide what hat to wear on squat day? Is it hard to stay focused on your form when you are like this? This was done on a Saturday. i hope one day i could get time away from my business to do so. 4. Overtime this didnt go very well. He tore his ACL and tore his groin at the Pro-Am so may have to pass on the August meet but will be back after that. This consisted of a 1,050 lbs squat, 635 lbs bench press, and 820 lbs deadlift. 3. Probably more than people are willing to invest. Lou is actually more tolerant of other training ideas and allows the lifter to initiate what he or she wants to do. I enjoy the knowledge end of it more than I do the physical training. 28.8K subscribers. But things were getting weird, and we left for the IPA. Plus, what happened on max effort day I would end up going nuts both days; basically going heavy on both. Everything was set up, the lifters were happy, and the women and light weight lifters were getting ready to start. Most of the guys were out at a meet, so Dave, Chuck, and Louie decided to use the power rack. Follow these steps to try the Chuck Vogelpohl x Dave Tate squat challenge. I had a cage put in my back so that I could lift some good weights like 700-pounds raw squats and 750-pound raw sumo deadlifts with straps. At that time, I ruptured my left patella tendon and would be out for some time. Your thoughts on Rick are completely wrong Paul. Combined, they share 60+ years' worth of Westside experience (at Westside) dating back to when Westside existed out of Louie Simmons' garage to its current location on Industry Drive. At this point, I would step out to allow someone else to judge. Chuck Vogelpohl on Instagram: "Another variation for everyone to try Vogelpohl would continue setting new records and turning heads throughout his lifting career. Chuck, you got bigger and bigger, but kept cutting to 220 pounds. I remember you asked what I got out of using bands on the bar. [quote=Anonymous]How does a lifter move up the ladder at BIG from turd to B to A? You lifted in Cleveland and made your first Elite Total, and pulled a 700 deadlift. its more for fun. Simply put, he is a force of nature. 3) Perform your supplemental work in circuit fashion but still HEAVY. It could be too many phones in the gym. And this leads us to the final point. 474 Dislike Share Save. These things will kill your bar path when you get to heavier weights; this will screw your lift. Tony Acomb (sorry if spelled wrong) George Leonard a psychologist and martial artist has written extensively on the elements necessary for mastery of a discipline. This is not necessarily surprising to learn, given Chucks reputation for unparalleled ferocity and strength. Some lifters are too stupid to know when they cant lift a weight. Minutes later Chuck walked in carrying his gym bag and began getting ready to embark on his last bench press session before the meet. Furthermore, Tate notes that although the intensity that Chuck displayed at meets may have seemed extreme to most, that was nothing compared to what was going on inside his head. That team is hot right now, and Hussey has his boys ready to go for each meet they appear in. How in the world can you roll two cars within ten days especially when those ten days also happen to fall within the last two weeks before the nationals? The same stuff that most everyone still does. Chuck Vogelpohl is an American powerlifter that set numerous world records and was known for his unmatched tenacity. Elitefts - Chuck Vogelpohl's 50th birthday | Facebook He now owns and operates EliteFTS, a website dedicated to all things strengths. I recall showing up early, and you would always be waiting for me at the gym a half-hour or three-quarters of an hour before anyone else got there. Chuck went on to call for 970 lbs on his third attempt, which would make the highest squat for his weight class of all time. In this clip, Tate and Coan address the question of what it was like to train with Chuck. Can you imagine the looks on the faces of all the staff! The store will not work correctly in the case when cookies are disabled. The original plan was to do 8 sets of 2 reps. It was the top coefficient . big iron is not an invite only gym. EFS: The major reason why we wanted to do this interview was to clear things up on your new video, Vogelpohl XXX. Believe it or not omaha has tons of jobs for just about anything. Chuck Vogelpohl 1260 w/Rev Green. The judge kept tapping Lou so that Lou could call him up and Lou never did, thus Chuck getting injured. He explains everything and anything very thorough for everyone there to understand, from your weaknesses to how to utilize your strengths to what to work on. If you are at a higher level, you instinctively know where you are, what numbers you need to hit and how weight is supposed to feel. Chuck Vogelpohl is an American powerlifter that set numerous world records and was known for his unmatched tenacity. I said it showed me how to think while I was pulling. Oh well, I think we hijacked the heck out of this thread. Best of luck to Chuck, wherever he goes. I eat two or three protein drinks a day; Ultra Size and some whey protein. Dave also hails from Westside gym, he's a specimen that has been heavily involved in the powerlifting community for decades. And, Chuck, I know you know why Westside left the USPF. NOV 2002 Chuck was there for all of the Westside gyms, from Louie's Garage to the location the gym is in . My legs would never grow until I started using bands over the bar. In 1956 in Minneapolis my buddies and I, Reps and sets ranged from 510 to 10-15 sets of lower reps, to the aforementioned 50-rep sets on some exercises,. Chuck was taught by the legendary powerlifting coach Louie Simmons to have a critical eye in order to coach every one of this team mates. Chuck:Right. As youll see in the video, Dave Tate, another powerlifting great from Westside Barbell, details how this squat workout with Chuck Vogelpohl came into existence. Then, I tore my triceps off.

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chuck vogelpohl powerpohl