dr lorraine day good news about god

Cancel Culture is really Demonization! There are also, in every one of these groups, those who tell Lies. It determines who will become rulers, and removes from power those it dislikes. Dr. Lorraine Day Interview: From Covid to Communism Satanic Communist Jews Have Taken Over America Americans Will BEG for a One World Government! They WORSHIP him! Bird Flu HOAX From there, the One World Religion will preach that God and Jesus Christ do not exist, a religion of Secular Humanism - atheism. The term Judeo-Christian, often heard in Christian conversation, is an oxymoron. They use all peoples to serve their diabolical purposes. World Health Organization: The World Health Organization (WHO), established in 1948, is the U.N. System's authority on international public health issues. They will manage the money, the land, the food, and the guns - - - of everyone in the world! Click Here For Dr. Day's Good News About God Website. The more one becomes involved at any level of wicca or witchcraft, the more he or she will come under the control of Satan. The present-day Jews are NOT God's "Chosen People." They constantly propagandize the rank and file Jews of the world with the lie that every non-Jew is their enemy, terrorizing them into a cohesive group. Believing is Seeing! The Communists, a group dominated by the Zionist Jews, claim they will bring peace to the world. When they are testing you, they are vaccinating you! The Communists have owned the Democratic Party for years. In the early 1990's, she was diagnosed with invasive breast cancer but rejected standard therapies because of their destructive side effects. Israelites: A term used in the Old Testament to define those who were followers of the true God, even though some followed God very poorly. Their Agents Neo-Conservative (Neo-Con): Neo-Conservatives are neither New (Neo) nor Conservative. Lorraine Day, MD, The Plan & The Good News About God! says Lorraine Day M.D. Why Your Doctor Can't Cure You In today's show originally broadcast on January 10 2023, Andy is joined by Dr. Lorraine Day for a show entitled, "You Can't Improve On God - The Book". These BIG Jews dont want their lives endangered! Jews say Gentiles Exist ONLY to Serve the Jews! Suddenly the DEADLY Coronavirus is Gone! "Cancel Culture" is really Demonization! Other Books and Videos The Good News About God - Telling the Truth and Exposing Lies I do not believe in violence, I don't believe in war of any kind and I don't believe in guns for self-defense even though I uphold every U.S. citizen's right to bear arms according to the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights. I am a Bible-believing Christian but I do not believe in Organized Religion. As a member of the Knights of Malta, and by virtue of your blood oath of obedience to the Pope, you are required to support to the death the desires of the head of the Order of the Knights of Malta - in this case, the Pope - over and above any other allegiance you may feel or pretend to feel toward any other loyalty - such as a loyalty to the Constitution of the united States of America. The members of these churches sit at the feet of their pastors, with great adoration, imbibing every word they speak. Chip in for gas - $10 goes a long way! A true Christian will exhibit the character of Christ, and therefore will always be a pacifist, will not support war of any kind, will love his or her enemies, and will do good to those who hate him or her. Judaism, the religion lived and taught by the Pharisees, is the ANTITHESIS of Christianity. Eventually her tumor began to grow rapidly to a huge size and she became very ill and was bedridden for six months. Because the commercial media, TV, newspapers and now much of radio, is owned and controlled by these same Jewish Zionists and Illuminati, there are few outlets for truth. Throwing Away Your Deceased Loved Ones - Like Garbage! They will sacrifice Jews as easily as they will sacrifice non-Jews - if it serves their purpose. E-mail your full name and e-mail address to Their plans would be foiled! Care for Your OWN Health! 5. But there IS a way out of the trouble, and that information is available on this website. These men have infiltrated the U.S. government and essentially control it from behind the scenes. The Jews Are Now Just Trying to Make Dr. Lorraine Day offers Updates on Current Events - Good News About God The redistribution of wealth and jobs. 7. On this edition of The Realist Report, we're joined once again by Dr. Lorraine Day to discuss the ongoing COVID-19 "pandemic" and the implementation of a worldwide medical tyranny. David Rockefeller sneers at those who say the Trilateral Commission is part of a grand conspiracy to take over the whole world, but he has stated in speeches to Congress that the average citizen of the U.S., or any country, does not have the brains or ability to make the proper decisions about anything, including their own life, therefore, the elite, like Rockefeller and his friends, have the right and the obligation to run the world and everyone in it. Dr. Lorraine Day, M.D. diet treatment - Cancer Tutor THIS is What The Covid-19 FAKE Pandemic 6:00 PM Pacific Time. Build Back Better? "Come get your vaccine like a good slave, goyim. Christian: A true follower of Christ. Share this: Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window) Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window) . Kabbalah: A system of Jewish mysticism, essentially witchcraft, that has recently become popular especially with many actors in Hollywood, the majority of whom are Jewish, including Madonna, Demi Moore, Roseanne Barr, and many others. These pages may not be republished without written permission from the author and publisher. In 1993, Dr. Day was diagnosed with breast cancer, biopsy proven at two major medical centers in California. Subsequently Israel doubled the amount of territory it controlled by means of its illegal occupation of the West Bank in the 1967 and 1973 wars. *Boutros-Boutros Ghali, the former Secretary General of the United Nations was married to an openly Jewish woman named Leah Nadler. Jews have no right to point the finger at anyone else for bigotry while they humiliate, mutilate and assassinate the Palestinians, and while the Jews hold as holy a book (the Talmud) that denigrates all non-Jews as beasts. All rights reserved by goodnewsaboutgod.com and protected by. And it is possible that Annan, himself, is a Jew. If you Dont Think We Have Been Taken Over by Propaganda about the Holocaust is filling the school textbooks and indoctrinating the minds of our children. Its agenda is to enrich its members at the expense of the human rights of the people, promote and condone environmental degradation worldwide solely for profit, remove all traces of national sovereignty from every nation, and create a One World Government. Because of the tyrannical threats and intimidation perpetrated by the cabal of Jewish Zionists and Illuminati against those who attempt to tell truth, many truth-tellers become frightened and ultimately become compromised. They always remain in the dark, behind the scenes, unidentified, and generally unsuspected. Food is Power. Covid-19 Scamdemic - and Death! If one was an atheist or worshiped pagan gods, he was termed as one of the nations or an Unbeliever.. As an orthopedic trauma surgeon at San Francisco General Hospital during the beginning, and rapidly escalating, AIDS epidemic, Dr. Day arguably operated on more AIDS patients than any other doctor in the country. The only real difference between Communism and Fabian Socialism is the speed and method of the takeover. Subscribe to The Realist Report today, and support pro-White independent media! You aren't sick Because you have Cancer - Brilliantly Evil! For decades, America has been pummeled non-stop with Holocaust propaganda. the Mouth of Satan! Is the War Between Ukraine and Russia REAL or FAKE? Gentiles Goyim: The word Gentiles has nothing to do with ethnicity even though today, it is a word used by cultural Jews as a derogatory term for non-Jews. It means beast, cattle, or sub-human. (How can anyone defend himself against unknown charges?) THERE IS NO SUCH THING. Pfizer kills Children for Profit: COVID Vaccine causes 17x increase in I am not against Jews in general, but I am against ANYONE, Jew, Asian, White, Black, or Brown, who thinks that he or she is better than others because of his or her culture, race or social standing. Are Our Enemies Injuring Us with One who loves his enemies, does good to those who hate him, and prays for those who despitefully use him. Instead, Lorraine utilized the Word of God and applied a holistic approach to combat her illness by biblically addressing stress, diet, emotional health, and lifestyle choices. Promote the Pope as the acting go-between for the United States and the Soviet Union. But the elite are special and have the right to plunder those who are less fortunate. In fact, as noted below, the word Jew does not appear in the Bible, it was been written in by the translators. Harvest of Despair: MUST WATCH - Communist Famines in 9. FRAUDULENT idea of Another ONS report also reveales that unvaccinated children aged 10 to 14 had a Covid-19 mortality rate of 0.31 per 100,000 person-years between January 2021 and May 2022. They believe, as they are taught, that Zionism is an international movement to secure a homeland for Jews in Palestine. The original Greek word is Iudean (later changed to Judean) and referred to an area in Palestine inhabited in Bible times mainly by those who worshiped the true God. There are over 100 texts in the Bible that support this doctrine. It is Israels plan to use the armed forces of the United States, the sons and daughters of Americans, to fight and die for the so-called War on Terror which is nothing more than Israeli expansionism of their own borders, Israels plan to take over all the oil-rich nations in middle east, Israels plan to wipe out the Palestinians and as many Arabs as possible from the face of the earth, and eventually rule the world with an iron fist. When it comes to the rulers, Those who do not fear God, fear the people. Lorraine Day, M.D. Communism masquerades as a classless, stateless social/governmental form of rule based upon common ownership of the means of production. (for all books, videos & audios), Those who join Live will be able to ask questions that. Amazing NEW Book by Dr. Lorraine Day That Contains CRITICAL Information on How She Got Well Who Rewrote the Bible? They believe that God has no standards anything is acceptable! Centers for Disease Control: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), founded in 1946 as a division of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), is the principal agency in the United States government whose perceived job it is to protect the health and safety of all Americans. Their Jesuit Oath demands the initiate to lie, steal or murder, without hesitation, if ordered to do so by his superior. Plans to Slaughter SIX BILLION Gentiles. January 1, 2023, More on the FAKE WAR Between Ukraine and Russia, What Are They Putting Into Your Brain Who Rewrote the Bible? So - - - - WHEN or WHERE was the FIRST Jew? Jew: Who is a Jew? Jewish Illuminati DOES! Any More than Flies Cause Garbage! Communism is NOT dead. That is why they will have to bring about their brand of peace by force. Communism is mans feeble attempt to bring that about. It becomes whatever is necessary in order to deceive and trick non-Jews. I love America the way it should have been, not the way it is now. Promote interdependence. They are encouraged to live in dangerous war zones, such as Israel and the territories to secure the land for their masters, while their leaders live in safety, comfort and luxury in other countries. Crown is the City of London ruled by the Jew Rothschilds. <!-- AddThis Advanced Settings above via filter on get_the_excerpt --><!-- AddThis Advanced Settings below via filter on get_the_excerpt --><!-- AddThis Advanced Settings generic via filter on get_the_excerpt --><!-- AddThis Share . If one is not worshiping God, the Creator, then he is worshiping Satan, while holding the illusion that he is worshiping the earth and nature. Jacobs name was changed to Israel when he finally realized that a life of lying (to his father) and stealing (the birthright from his brother and animals from his father-in-law) was not the way to live. All rights reserved by goodnewsaboutgod.com and protected by In its current form, Zionism seeks to dominate all of Palestine and the Middle East by means of violence and the threat of violence (using weapons manufactured and purchased with billions of dollars of "aid" supplied by the United States), and to maximize its influence in world affairs and in world history, principally by means of control of the government of the US (primarily by blackmailing its many corrupt politicians), at the expense of the social well-being not only of the Palestinians but of the peoples of all lands. Karl Marx was a Jew. They have developed a plan to divide the entire world into ten regions or Kingdoms, to be ruled by an appointed, NOT elected, governor, under the direction of the United Nations. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------. You Can't Improve Upon God Support sanctions honoring Father Pierre Teilhard de Chardin - the New Age Humanist Priest. End of sovereignty for the United States and other countries. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------, Under the "cover" of a HOAX But the BIG Zionist Jews know that the real goal of Zionism is to control the world completely, and to kill or enslave its citizens. Social Distancing is a Scam perpetrated by the Even the internet spokespersons are being compromised because of threats of violence and pressure on their advertisers by these same groups. After the group multiplied, God, through Moses, brought them OUT OF Egypt and into the desert wilderness where they stayed for forty years. Subsequently, she was contacted by some of the remaining good people in high places, including some in positions above our government (Yes, there is a group above our government), who proceeded to feed her information. . LIE Upon LIE Upon LIE! The. Virology: There is NO EVIDENCE of the Polio virus, 4. One World Religion/Ecumenism: The New World Order, run from behind the scenes by the Zionist Jews, plans to use religion to bring the masses into their fold. They understand that man has a desire to worship, although they are unaware that it is God Who created this desire in man. The covert goal of the World Health Organization is to decrease the population in all countries of the world, especially the third world, by 1) vaccinations that CAUSE rather than prevent disease, 2) forced birth control, abortion and sterilization, 3) manufactured famines by weather control (creation of droughts), terminator seeds (seeds that dont produce seeds), and withholding of meaningful medical care during pandemics, such as the AIDS pandemic in Africa. Jews against the Gentiles! These eyewitness survivors, when placed under oath in a Court of Law, have withered on the stand under cross-examination, admitting they lied, including one of the top Jewish supporters of the Holocaust, Raul Hilberg. The Ultimate Joke is on YOU! Rockfordpress@earthlink.net ALL Ten Planks, except for a portion of one of them (abolition of private property now well on its way to enforcement), have been installed in the U.S. Government. ALL spells are evil because they attempt to control another persons life. Most Jews will respond, Abraham was the FIRST Jew! But Abraham was NOT a Jew! 7.Without the Zionist Jews version of the Holocaust, the rank and file Jews would assimilate into the population of the country where they reside, live a normal life like everyone else, and the Zionist Jews goal of World Control could never be attained. She was completely healed, but NOT miraculously. Her healing was a long slow process (that is available to everyone), but one that changed her life in every way. Council on Foreign Relations (CFR): The CFR was founded on July 29, 1921, in New York City by Col. Edward Mandell House (real name: Haus - Jewish), chief adviser to President Woodrow Wilson, in league with the stockholders of The Federal Reserve. This web site attacks the Lies, and NOT the person. But she continued to refuse conventional cancer treatment and persisted in her dedication to natural therapies. Exposing the Enemy! Stress Success (5 CD Set) Christian Zionism: Many Christians, particularly Evangelical Christians, believe (incorrectly) that the present-day Jews in Israel and the other Jews around the world (the Diaspora), are Gods Chosen People. They support the Israelis brutal treatment of the Palestinians and Israels attempt to build the third temple on the Temple Mount. Eye See: Prevent and Reverse Eye Disease However, Holocaust Revisionists do not agree that there was any German plan to exterminate Jews, nor were there any homicidal gas chambers in any concentration camps. 2. Orthodox: Traditionalists who observe most of the traditional dietary and ceremonial laws of Judaism. Knights Templar: The Order of the Knights Templar has its roots in the Crusades. The PCR test is a FRAUD if used for Covid-19 says the (See Revelation, Chapter 13) They will not be allowed to buy or sell, and will be subjected to starvation, imprisonment, and physical, psychological, and spiritual persecution, and even death. But as The BIG Jew, Bertrand Russell, wrote in his book, The Impact of Science on Society, Really high-minded people are indifferent to suffering, especially the suffering of others.. Without the solutions, the future can look bleak and hopeless, indeed. ALL of the information written on this web site has been written by Lorraine Day, M.D., who is totally responsible for its content, with the exception of links to other documentation to support this web site information. The "Sinner's Prayer" Will NOT Save You! But that certainly did not make them Jewish., Then they had a son, Isaac, who was now the son of two Babylonians, living in Canaan. Communism: Communism is the ultimate counterfeit of "mankind." The word Israelite and the word Jew are not synonymous. "Cancel Culture" is really Demonization! ABOUT EVERYTHING! I Will Give You Back Your Health Again 4 DVD Package Subsequently, they moved to the pagan area of Canaan. And the Jewish Culture is the Culture of the Talmud, the writings of the Pharisees who were taken captive from Palestine to Babylon when Jerusalem was destroyed. Why? They have committed no crime other than to question history! End of all gun rights. Now, through the Neo-Cons, the Communists now own the Republican Party, as well. Its Jewish origins and nature are further demonstrated by the following: 1) It uses only the Old Testament for saying oaths. This belief, by the way, comes directly from the Jewish Talmud. 3. 11. The "Sinner's Prayer" Will NOT Save You! Universal Restoration vs Universalism: The Doctrine of Universal Restoration states that eventually God will save everyone but only after they have reaped what they have sown. Their leaders preach doctrines for itching ears, as the Bible says. on the Corona Virus HOAX, the Satanic NWO, the Mark of the Beast, and other things we need to know! 3,614 views Streamed live on Jan 14, 2021 Because of the instability in the nation and the events on 1/6/21, our scheduled teacher,. How Dr. Lorraine Day Utilized a Biblical Holistic Approach to Cure Her Theres NO SUCH THING! What Do I Need to Get Started on the Health Plan? California Governor Gavin Newsom Is a Jew, Now the Government Can Legally Kill Christians, Title: Dr. Lorraine Day's interview on the Coming The Realist Report - Dr. Lorraine Day - The Realist Report One who has a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and one who exhibits the character and disposition of Jesus Christ. Many Jews claim to be anti-Zionism, but most, if not all, of these same Jews believe in the Zionist Jews version of the Holocaust which is the CENTERPIECE of Zionism! A Walk Through the Bible with Dr. Lorraine Day Learn How to Understand God's Word From Genesis to Revelation Monday Evenings 6:00 PM Pacific Time Those who join Live will be able to ask questions that will be answered by Dr. Day at the end of the Bible Study. February 24, 2020 Their Ultimate Plan: 1) Crash the Economy world-wide, 2) Begin "Culling the Herd" with Deadly Vaccinations, 3) Create Problems that Seem so Huge that the people will gladly accept the Satanic One World Government to "Save the World"!!! The Neturei Karta rabbis have infiltrated non-Zionist Christian organizations and have totally deceived supposedly non-Zionist talk show hosts both on radio and on the internet into believing that they, the Neturei Karta, are, indeed, against Zionism. Masonic orders have contained the most influential men in many governments, and virtually every Occult order appears to have Masonic roots. Why are Americans Begging to be Murdered? (See Zionism, below.}. Iraqi Jews who have immigrated to Israel have been the object of bigotry and prejudice by the eastern European Jews in Israel. The Nuremberg Code and the Nuremberg Trials. Los Angeles, California Feb 11, 2021 ( Issuewire.com) - Alex Stein, the Conspiracy Castle founder, has released an interview with Dr. Lorraine Day on Conspiracy Castle's . You Can't Twitter Your Way to Health If Jesus Died for ALL, Why Can't He Save ALL? There is no such thing as an ethnic Jew. The AIDS Epidemic in San Francisco Lorraine Day, M.D., an internationally acclaimed orthopedic trauma surgeon and best-selling author, was for fifteen years on the faculty of the University of California, San Francisco, School of Medicine as Associate Professor and Vice Chairman of the Department of Orthopedics. We use it to change behavior. The dancing couple have been parading their slimmed down . In addition, they are NOT Conservatives, but, in fact, are almost always frighteningly liberal! But the BIG Zionist Jews have no conscience. While on earth, Jesus made a direct reference to the Talmud when he denounced the Pharisees, the leaders of the synagogue, for voiding the Scripture by teaching the traditions of men. Dr. Day - Uncensored - talks about her New Book Jews HATE Whites! Is one a Jew because his religion is Judaism and he goes to Temple? They control the U.S. President, presently George W. Bush, and the entire administration. But the tumor soon recurred, became very aggressive and grew rapidly. This term, anti-Semitism, is often incorrectly used by Jews to smear and discredit non-Jews who are looking for truth in history.

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dr lorraine day good news about god